
June 23, 8-year-old Xiaobin (a pseudonym) took the civil complaint, he only knew a few names above, the indictment did not get to know what is meant by it brought to the dock. Map / reporter Jiang Limei
Sued by his mother, 8-year-olds can not read the indictment
Get a stake mother remarried three years ago to his son, now sue to recover; his father was an oral agreement,hogan outlet online,http://r-cube.ritsumei.ac.jp, said equity is presented as an alimony
Newspaper reporter intern to Derek Wan Lijun Changsha reported & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; holds this paper, 8-year-old Xiaobin (a pseudonym) read with curiosity, but word on a page, in addition to recognize several names In addition, he did not understand the meaning of these words. Children can not understand that this is the mother delivered the indictment to the court.
June 8, Daddy Long subpoenaed Mr. Xiaobin Yuelu District Court, the accused is that he was only 8 years old son Xiaobin, but the plaintiff is the child's biological mother She has.
It turned out that three years ago, has been with Mr. Long divorced She has, will be presented under the name of Pegasus shares to his son Xiaobin village. In June this year, it sued to Yuelu District Court for the revocation of the gift behavior recover equity gains. This makes it difficult to accept Mr. Long.
Mother sued & nbsp; & nbsp; encounter financial difficulties,,air jordan soldes,http://bbs.zangdipg.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=104204, to reclaim equity
Mr. Long is the village of Ma Yuelu District villagers. Mr. Long in 2002 and She has married two years later, his son Xiaobin was born. After marriage, the two had a heated argument, in December 2006, the Yuelu district court divorce mediation. Xiaobin custody by Mr. Long, married and moved to Taiwan.
In recent years,http://bbs.you47.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=779,air max 90, it has lived in Taiwan, and they have a son, and occasionally returned to Changsha. In June this year, it has a paper petition, the 8-year-old son Xiaobin court. She has said in the complaint,http://demo.web300.cn/free8/Review.asp?NewsID=627, he then better economic conditions, and hoping to exercise visitation rights Xiaobin normal, then in 2010 in his hometown, She has decided to grant the shares in their own name Xiaobin.
February 2, 2010, She wrote two instruments, a "gift book," said Pegasus village cooperative association of stock warrants will be held to give her Xiaobin, all shares matters are referred Xiaobin process, I shall but ask her. Another "power of attorney" said Ma village seven groups own all the money and contacts Xiaobin entrusted to handle, almost but ask.
She has said in the complaint, since the shares gave Xiaobin, Xiaobin difficult to see them again, you can not enjoy visitation rights. Moreover, She has the name of warrants in Pegasus village nearly two years of earnings, is not entirely legal representatives of Mr. Xiaobin dragon sign. She has said he did not work, the current major economic difficulties, life is difficult to maintain.
Thus,http://www.xl1200x.net, the son Xiaobin She has taken to court, called for the repeal of the acts presented by the plaintiffs have an interest in the equity.
Father response & nbsp; & nbsp; children not to get to know the meaning of indictment
For this lawsuit, Mr. Long unacceptable. Mr. Long said, before the divorce, he had a verbal agreement with Ms. Farrow, She do not pay child support, alimony shares as a gift to his son.
In 2010, Mr. Long heard that the village has a dividend, She household in the village, but people in the field, the money was withheld. Later, She has a fax to a "marriage certificate", Xiaobin began to enjoy dividends.
Mr. Long said that in 2007 and 2008, this part of the shares generate dividend for 1300 yuan; beginning in 2009,http://happy-marron.com/cgi/diary/nicky/nicky.cgi, dividends have risen four-year period was divided into 23,300 yuan. Currently, Pegasus village is to liquidate assets, Xiaobin recipient of the shares may generate revenue of more than 80,000 yuan.
Mr. Long said,http://www.botejia.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=6738, Xiaobin dividend is in addition to a cousin in the village to work on behalf of the collar, the other by Mr. Long and Mr. Long mother I receive. As for the shares not renamed, Mr. Long said it was the village provides equity can gift or inheritance, but not renamed.
"This lawsuit is too great harm to the child, the child of divorce has been hurt once. He only knew a few names on the complaint, indictment did not get to know what it meant, it brought to the dock." Dragon Mr. said he hoped to personally negotiate with Ms. Luo, but can not contact her.
June 23 morning, the reporter tried to contact She has been back to Changsha. She said she had just returned, got a lot of things to deal with, and other processed further contact with reporters. Lawyers say the case is expected in early July hearing.
[Lawyers point of view]
Property to the minor children contain moral obligation
Hunan million and joint law firm lawyers believe Li Jian, according to "Contract Law" Article 186 stipulates that the donor before the transfer of the donated property rights can revoke the gift. Grant contract has welfare, moral obligatory nature of disaster relief, poverty and other social or the donation contract is notarized, the preceding paragraph shall not apply. Party to the case before the long journey of the donated property minor children, including a moral obligation and legal responsibility, it is very difficult now want to revoke the gift. Li Jian, also emphasized, in this case the defendant in fact enjoy the right to ask for alimony counterclaim, it is recommended that the plaintiff based on the rule of law and emotional factors to try and resolve that dispute the defendant guardian.
Behind the case is a controversial legal issues
The defendant attorney Zhao said, according to "Contract Law", in both cases the donation contract is irrevocable, one is notarized, one is a relief, social welfare donation contract, the nature of moral obligation of poverty alleviation. Case of the donation contract was signed in the context of divorce, to some extent, it belongs to the gift contract bears some obligation.
Zhao believes that behind the case is a matter of legal issues, which is a gift contract dispute,air jordan pas cher, "Contract Law" the relevant provisions on the donation contract,scarpe nike, but the "Contract Law" on the principle of equity only some provisions of Article and the provisions of the "Agreement concerning the status of marriage, adoption, guardianship, etc., applicable provisions of other laws." "Company Law" the relevant provisions for equity, but equity stake in the company is not the recipient of the defendant, but the collective property of the village, "the law is not directly applicable in this case, to see how the court decision."
 (Edit: SN053)