
Candidate picture,http://itunes-how.seesaa.net.
"2010 is about to end quietly, and this year on the network left us too many memories! Perhaps there was a picture make you laugh,http://www.sugowaza.jp/reports/get/1/9150, maybe there was a picture so that you brow furrowed, perhaps once there is a picture allows you to quickly forwarding, maybe you never had a picture stored in the hard disk ...... who had eye image, like a cloud,nike air max pas cher, and now there are a few you can remember? "Recently, a Web site launched a" 2010 Network Ten clouds picture "of the contest, called netizens from depicting has swept the world in the image of the network, to select the most ridiculous, the most memorable for heart water.
Reporters yesterday login activity seen on the page,http://beldingskills.com, the organizers chose 48 pictures to choose from, as there are tens of thousands of users attention or to vote. Photo candidates in almost every users familiar sharp brother, sister and supermarkets month mahjong Superman and so on. In the words of friends, "Looking at these pictures, as if the colorful bursts of 2010 tenrai network life and over again from scratch, too much to force."
Need fellow article describing the message received during the Expo, so that "small" in the second half of 2010 this figure has become a wonderful work on the network. About this person's guess,louboutin chaussures, disputes, and various legends always heard, there have been posted even suspected Satsuki I broke the news pictures. The "cloud pictures" Award, behind in the first of what is said of a piece is "Satsuki coming out" of fierce woman a street diagram - figure both distraught heroine looks, or bold bold dress, or to bear, as the body,http://news.mapcamera.com, with the "small" is very similar. No wonder until today, the majority of users still care deeply unforgettable.
Second is a number of HR sheets are recognized in the history of the most ridiculous resume. It was a remake of FIG resume in the "rewards and punishments at school" column, the students actually filled out "during the school get Master 'Another bottle' award many times", had attracted net surfers uploaded All users ridiculous, was said to be a spoof, it was suspected to be the Master of the marketing plan, more public and therefore launched a discussion on the topic of job employment of university students.
Followed by a tombstone photo, the tomb signature "Lu force", the inscription "Now I finally have my own house." This picture seems to withstand scrutiny from the truth,http://www.ftcartoon.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=63028, but the network will concern just unveiled, the focus of netizens hot huge irony is that the picture itself on the topic of social Rate and demolition current.
Outside the top three,http://www.moriichi-net.co.jp, the upward trend of violent cattle Xi'an toll road - it was once true story hit the newspapers. Say it is an approximately 40-year-old women in the streets of Xi'an hailed fees scene. When passing reporters capture,nike air force, take a towel the woman's head, upper body was wearing a white corset, met the owners do not give money or even climb the roof, dancing spittle flying, extreme courage and behavior .
The visibility in the online world is no less than "small" sharp brother, who also have no doubt that the top five. Selected what he goes oblique Diao cigarettes, a mix and match dress handsome iconic photograph, had been friends goods as "melancholy eyes, sigh Hu ballast child, almost a miracle of God with, there is the messy hair ,nike chaussures,http://ohh.sisos.co.jp/cgi-bin/openhh/search.cgi, we are deeply fascinated me "...... to beggars identity known Brother Sharp has now faded out of public view, and lived a normal life. Netizens bless him, while still in their own way to express nostalgia for the legend of the famous photo of his election to the Annual clouds the picture, perhaps out of this meaning of it.
Reporters saw, in addition to these five pictures ahead on the list, the other candidates are also pictures netizens multiple clicks. Wherein the group known as "cottage commodity large collection of" real-life class record, Bo Kang Shuai instant noodles, dairy and other Iraqi columns people can not admire those who make the talented; novelty category, such as "high-speed motorcycle on Dili ",http://reposit.lib.kumamoto-u.ac.jp,nike air max pas cher, the picture of a man riding a motorcycle, pedal at another driving a motorcycle also being on the highway driving decisions based on the picture of great impact; marvelous class as someone begging woman confession, the words" husband upstairs vase hit two years ago has been in a coma, the existing pregnant in the body, "and so on, can not help but laugh under perusal; it is worth mentioning that there are some students writing papers, only his words" required after the following replies visible " teacher endorsement of a big "zero", but do not know if scoring can be considered "reply", the teacher is seen to do so was "landlord" Hiding the contents of it? Zhang Lei