

Although such cases have a strong hidden, gang organization is relatively tight, but "gamblers head,nike air max 90 homme, beat the dealer, destroy the gang," the new tactics adopted by the police has become their nemesis.

According to the county People's Procuratorate charged that in early September last year, the process of a suspect Lee hired more than 70 people, in the field of gambling dens Xishui Xiang Nai territory tap, shout chant, lead the way, sentry, etc., hire a driver Driving shuttle staff and went gambling and gambling gamblers gamble to profit from the tap. In mid-September the same year, a certain way in order to set up the same way in Xishui Xiang Nai village Nantianmen casino, solicitation Zhou, Gumou more than 70 people into the casino gambling he opened was arrested by police officers, site collection of gambling money 347,355 Yuan. Have been identified,http://www.orthopaedicweblinks.com/cgi-bin/owl/search.cgi, the casino tap Yuli 30,000 yuan. After the incident, the police Candu more than 60 illegal workers given the punishment of administrative detention and impose a fine.

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Reporter Dugao Fu


Recently, the county People's Court that the suspect process of a 7 people for profit,http://liufu1488.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=2719&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=369206, open gambling establishments, organizing others to gambling,http://www.addyourvoice.co/activity/p/843584/, to profit from the tap behavior has violated the criminal law, then made the decision.

Dong Tao said the county police chief, was found in the detection, investigation of this group of gamblers strong sense of anti-selected urban areas away from the field, take a shuttle bus gamblers,http://bs6398.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=25142, multiple sentry based cards,basket nike air max pas cher, frequent replacement of the casino site, etc. gambling. In gambling,jordan pas cher, the gang also be charged per day per million manner 300-500 yuan loan-sharking. For gambling and other criminal activities, the police have maintained a high pressure situation, since last year, has been destroyed gambling group 5, more than 200 people were treated for their involvement in gambling public security organs.




Yesterday,http://sarasa.coron.jp/bbs/joyful.cgi,nike air max 90 pas cher, reporters learned from the Xishui County People's Procuratorate, Chongqing gang of gamblers to seek illegal interests, the gamblers gathered to Xishui open field inside gambling dens, take a shuttle bus gamblers, multiple sentry based cards, frequent replacement of the casino site etc. gambling obtain high returns. County People's Court sentenced a certain way, Lee and other celebrities 3 7 years imprisonment ranging from six months, and were fined 50,boots louboutin,http://bbs.tt919.com/read.php?tid-392479-fpage-2.html/read.php?tid-392479-fpage-2.html/post.php?fid=252?fid=252,000 to 10,000 yuan.