
"Law and News" reporter intern Xingdong Wei Zhai small work

The family is the cell of society, is the harbor of people's lives, is the birthplace of happiness. However, later Recently,, Hainan domestic violence often occurs and eventually evolved into a criminal offense, one after another, a piece of bloody domestic violence cases has become the greatest threat to family harmony and social harmony.

June 28, 2013 morning, Sanya City, Hainan Province, a woman with a kitchen knife in the street was brutally cut off the head, died immediately after the corpse separation. According to the investigation, 36-year-year-old suspect Dongmou is none other than the deceased Sumou husband. According Dongmou family said the deceased Sumou Dongmou couple often quarreled slapstick.

August 4,woolrich outlet, Chengmai County Town Miss Choi Fook because household chores, being beaten by her husband suffered multiple bruises, not to commit suicide called the police called her husband of domestic violence was 10 years.

The evening of September 2, Haikou City,, a man killed his wife at home with a slap in the face, Jingfangxingju .........

Since Sanya this "beheading case" began, according to local media reports, Hainan more vicious series of incidents of domestic violence. Such a "tragic incident" occur frequently, but also triggered the whole community reflection and discussion on domestic violence caused by family tragedy. We ask: why not? How to prevent the prevention and remediation?

Domestic violence frequently made stuffed horrible disaster

A husband killed his wife tantrums hands

According to local media reports, at 11:00 on September 3rd, 2013 and more, Haikou,, Wang Xue village west of the town of village women love perianth found dead in their own bed, their relatives over to testify would love to spend the king was killed by her husband Wu Mouming.

"In the morning, I saw in the city with her husband Wu Mouming. He said, 'I put your sister play heavy,abercrombie pas cher, may die at home, you quickly take a look,woolrich donna,'" Wang Aihua Wang Chuan-Jin brother felt very uncomfortable to think of these things right correspondents said.

Thus, Wang Chuan-jin work quickly put his hand to his sister's home run, but also to the other brothers and sisters call. Day 12:30 Xu, Wang Chuan-Jin Xue village rushed to her sister's house, I saw my sister's old folks sitting on the first floor, did not say hello to him. He ran up the second floor of her sister's room and found her sister lying in bed, the body has been stiff cold, neck, arms were bruised.

"In the past I have often heard my sister say, every time her husband was drunk and lost the bet to be played after her sister's death, I suspect, is because her husband due to domestic violence, then call 110 immediately reported to the police." Wang Chuan King said.

Wang Wu Chongze love to spend a couple of in-laws, said Wu Mouming is his eldest son, and his wife Wang love peanuts have an 8-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old son, in the morning they are west of the markets, Wumou Ming and Wang Aihua children cry came forward and said to him: "Mom is dead, do not move." Wu Chongze hurry home and found the king of love flowers have died, he immediately notified the youngest son of the couple people back. For the evening of September 2 at home what happened, the old couple said, "We do not know anything."

"September 2 evening 11 o'clock, I heard Gesao in the fight, when I did not care," Wu Mouming brother said on the 3rd at 12 am notified rush home to find his brother Wu Mouming In cooking, cooking, looked very calm way, he asked what happened in the end, my brother said, "Your sister has been hard."

At 15:00 on September 3, the police will bring Wu Mouming West police station for investigation. Wu Mouming argued, September 2 at 9 am, he was a busy day I feel more tired, and the king of love flower bed. Wang suddenly love flowers by hand on him tickling jokes, because very tired after a day of live, which makes him upset already, he repeatedly snapped, his wife does not listen, so he "arbitrarily slapped her in the face." After the two quarrel, the king would love to spend out of pique soliciting tricycle driver, until 3 am and returned home. After returning home,hollister france, said Wang loves to spend her a headache, which he did not care, the couple split up in bed asleep. On the 3rd morning he got up and went out of the Dry.

Wu Mouming a not rich, but had built a big house, the villagers say, love to spend it all, and the king of this industrious wife are inseparable. However, according to Wu Mouming's daughter, said: "Dad bet lost, drunk, hit back to mom."

Reporters visited learned at a breakfast shop work, "lazy, gambling,louboutin, wine" is the villagers of his evaluation. After Wu Wang Love Hanayome to rely on the support of her family bought a tricycle soliciting, often into the wee hours of dry 2,3 o'clock home. The gambling money regularly to his wife, refused or lose money, and after drunk, would love to spend a fight for the king, the king of love to spend this purpose has repeatedly cried to her family.

Haikou this from sentimental "tragic incident" occurred naturally reminiscent of two months ago in Sanya "beheading case."

B and her husband beat his wife with a knife to cut away the head

At 10:13 on June 28,hogan, 2013 Xu, Sanya Municipal Public Security Bureau police orders Department Command Center received a public warning: Sanya Wang cents in the supermarket ad bar at the left lane one was hacked.

It is understood that the site is located in Sanya City Bus Terminal on the left side of the alley beside the busy supermarket cents, the deceased neck was cut off, were killed, the suspect had fled the scene. Police quickly cordoned off the area, Interpol,hogan outlet,, the special police, traffic police, the district police station multi-force interaction, searched the surrounding scene. According to the masses to provide clues, the police in Sanya City Bus Terminal after the suspects were arrested within a sa snack bar toilet.

Police identified 36-year-year-old suspect Dongmou is none other than the deceased Sumou husband. According Dongmou family said the deceased Sumou Dongmou couple often quarreled slapstick. It is unbearable husband's beatings, the Soviet Union a year ago to bring the two deceased were born three children, and home away from home money. Dongmou so vindictive, always looking for opportunities to retaliate Sumou. June 28, 10 am, Dongmou see Sumou Wang cents in the supermarket billboards left lane, then carry out a kitchen knife to hacked.

Prosecution believes the incident because the case during the day time and place for a relatively dense crowd downtown suspect modus operandi bad social impact is great, belong to the malignant cases. Day of the incident, the public security organs after prosecutors received a notification,sac chanel, the first time sent to the scene early in the investigation. July 5, Dongmou suspected of intentional homicide by the public security organs to Sanya City People's Procuratorate for examination and arrested. July 13, the suspect was Dongmou prosecutors approved the arrest.

Domestic violence eventually evolved into a criminal offense, after all,, a few extreme cases. More acts of domestic violence, not so bloody, but in other ways, long-term abuse torture party, resulting in that it can not live a normal life, and ultimately therefore embarked on the road to ruin is no shortage.

C wife was beaten by her husband of domestic violence 10 years

August 6, 2013, who lives in Chengmai County town of 33-year-old Miss Choi Fook in Hainan's "anti-violence? Pujiu? Township line" Prussian Hike events reflected that it has long been married for 14 years to her husband abused beaten had thought of suicide many times.

"My husband and I got married ten years have two sons, 14-year-old has been the husband beat her first child in the first two months of the time, in the next decade will be a monthly husband hit me several times, but the concern to aging parents and growing children, helpless choice suffer in silence. She would not stand a few days back home to hide, "the Miss Choi also obvious bruising arm injuries.

Miss Choi said her husband Li Kailun each would beat her in a bad mood,,hogan, every pinched her neck so she could not breathe, and sometimes picked up her stuff to play around more times is she After tore clothes, punched and kicked her.

"A few years ago she really can not stand her husband's abuse, had thought of suicide, but also had the tablets with the mouth, after a sudden momentary gratification thought I died, his elderly father and brother and sister just supposed to get married? Own two a child was so small, in the future without a mother country? "The thought, she threw the pills, decided to continue to live. "Brought the matter, Miss Choi unstoppable tears streaming down.

Miss Choi said that the morning of August 4, she came back after grocery shopping, I do not know why her husband put the dish into the trash,louboutin, she asked the reason, her husband began to beat her with an iron bar in the arms and legs, her mother during a stop over, husband also hit the mother's wrist, the child started crying, she really can not stand this police.

However, after the red light district Chengmai County Public Security Bureau police station received only a verbal warning for its trouble. She rose to her fear was hit again, and then be afraid to go home.

"I hope the police will be able to punish the abuse of public security organs husband, since nothing can move." She rose to her puzzled and said, do you want out of life, etc., can lead to police attention to it?

"Wife Beater is right and proper."

"Domestic violence is an important manifestation of unequal gender relations in the family." Marriage Law of China Law Society Research Association, Professor Hainan University Law School,hollister pas cher, said after her domestic violence research and found that the vast majority of families violence is male violence against women. Due to many reasons, Hainan domestic violence cases, women in absolute disadvantage.

"Hainan is an island, past sea fishing is the main industry of men, entrenched patriarchal attitudes." on "Law and News" reporter said that some traditional practices reinforced by the notion that since the founding of New China, men and women deeply rooted in the basic state policy of equality and into people's conscious behavior,, entrenched patriarchy has been a great change, but the impact of legacy still exists, patriarchal culture, patriarchal ideology not completely eliminated from the social life, the traditional cultural heritage still should influence society's attitude towards domestic violence. Therefore, there is such a custom in Hainan, at home in front of the men generally drink "Dad tea", while women Diaodan, sellers, farming, riding a motorcycle, ran for rent, what the living are dry.

"In Sanya, Qionghai, Oriental, Le East and other places, many families do not even know what domestic violence." Yeying Ping said that some people even think that wife-beating is right and proper, husband wife abuse is not a serious offense again. This deeply entrenched, control and cover up evil people on domestic violence awareness. Among them,, "domestic violence linen", "sticks out under the dutiful son", "husband and wife quarrel end of the bed and the" traditional misconception invisible fueling the continuation of "domestic violence culture".

"Law and News" reporter in an interview that this patriarchal ideology is particularly prevalent in rural areas of Hainan. Affected "patriarchal" traditional values, some male machismo and rather serious, with the majority of battered women no source of income, it is difficult reliance, too dependent on men, thus fueling the desire of all men home rule, it will become a little unhappy wife husband outlet Xie Yu object.

According to the Hainan Provincial Women's Federation, nearly three letters to statistics, women due to marriage and family disputes complaints accounted for more than 50% the amount of letters. Where violence by her husband injured in marriage and family problems accounted for more than reflect the 30%, showing a rising trend.

Reporters learned from the Hainan Provincial Women's Federation,abercrombie outlet, family violence complaints in recent years, awareness of the law is not strong, male chauvinism, extramarital affairs, social indifference, alcoholism, gambling, family disputes, irascible, etc., is still a major cause of domestic violence occur.

According to the Hainan Provincial Women's Federation, a survey shows that in the family, the perpetrator is 30% of primary school education, junior high school education accounted for 31%. In perpetrator occupation, 60% of the people are farmers or laid-off unemployed, generally weak legal consciousness.

Yeying Ping said that in the affair, and other third party interference caused by marital crisis, the man let the woman violence as yield, way to solve the problem. Furthermore, social ignore the dangers of domestic violence, family riot absence of legislation, and the bear to stop and punish domestic violence crimes departments often "family dispute" by "kiting", to a certain extent contributed to the creation and spread of this phenomenon.

(Original title: From "Sanya beheaded" to "sea slapping death" tragic case of domestic violence are frequent Hainan)