
Ponytail girl found, unfortunately has a boyfriend

Strike up a conversation with a newspaper, she ran away 16 pm: The work "defensive point", waited in vain for a 17 in the morning: at work again and so on,peuterey bari, actually result girl said: Dong: The results just fine

Reporter Guo Jia tracking "ponytail girl, you can understand my heart."

Early in the morning on the 16th:

Holding a newspaper approached her scare

7:10 Dong went to the Metro Line 2 Jiyuqiao Station.

From the end of May this year after moving Dong, he rarely encountered ponytail girl.

But seeing the Morning "to help men find metro edge," the reports, that "Ai Zhama tail, wearing sneakers,http://www.prco.jp/~shake/apeboard/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=10/y/, fair-skinned" and from the girl jumped out of his mind. He gave Morning call.

The day before yesterday, he chose before the old line,woolrich outlet bologna indirizzo, Metro Line 2,http://threebodies.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=19099, see if I can meet girls.

7:20 ponytail girl appeared,woolrich bambino.

After arriving at 8:00 Metro Line 1 rings Avenue, watching the girl out of the car, Dong followed.

"I patted her shoulder, she was wearing headphones, I stepped forward, pointing to the newspaper, I'm not bad,http://wz999ftp.h1.10vps.com/manager/?action-viewcomment-type-gsjj-itemid-29, nor is engaged in selling ...... just want to know her just ...... But no matter what I say, she did not stop, go straight ahead, do not bother me. "Dong recalled.

With a little bit lost,saldi peuterey, Dong consoled himself: she may regard me as a bad man.

Dong later concluded that or they are too presumptuous, the girl suddenly pulled psychological preparedness highest.

16 pm:

When work "defensive point," waited in vain for a

On the morning of missteps, Dong seemed discouraged. Reporters are encouraged to continue to fight Dong, he agreed to try it again, accompanied by reporters girl.

Dong clear ponytail girl usually at work around 5:30 to 6:00 in the Metro Line 1 on the road car Soochow.

5:30 reporters and Dong waited at Soochow Avenue station ponytail girl.

5:30 ~ 6:15 ponytail girl did not always appear.

So we made an appointment, go to the next morning, Metro Line 2 Jiyuqiao Station and so on.

On the 17th in the morning:

At work to wait, actually results

7:10 reporters and Dong went to the Metro Line 2 Jiyuqiao Station, near the stairs in a superior platform, because "she was generally down from the stairs."

Fourth 7:36 train passed, the girl still did not appear.

Just wait for reporters to discuss the trip and when Dong, Dong suddenly discovered that ponytail girl.

"Look, is she!" He whispered refers to reporters. To keep the girls embarrassed, first came up with the girl reporter to explain the situation, and when the girl agreed to meet after Dong, Dong again.

But then too many people,http://kaito1412.com/kid/bbs/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=viewres&target=801162/,peuterey online shop, we close the door all the way to the Xunlimen.

7:44 take Metro Line 1 at the time,http://www.auto-tsukamoto.com/hpgen/epad/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=106&res=1&page=10, reporters have a chance to say a word with the girls.

At first, the girl is very alert, when a reporter showed her the morning after reports that she did not believe he is the morning looking for the girl. She pointed to the newspaper says, "if not the details, I really think you'll find the wrong person."

Girl character straightforward, promised pleasure of seeing Dong: "Maybe we can be friends, I not only older than him, and her boyfriend,peuterey outlet milano, but it should not be a problem to make friends."

8:20 In the reporter arrangement, Dong advance to the Fifth Ring Road,woolrich negozi, waiting for the girl. After the two meet,giubbotto moncler prezzo, Dong also seem stiff and nervous,scarpe hogan uomo 2013, repeatedly apologized more than a bother. Daoting generous girl: "We can make friends ah."

The girl said:

I really did not think this thing would happen to me. On the front and I approached the man, I have a strong psychological readiness.

Dong Note me for so long, but also everywhere worried bother me, I feel this good man in mind. We just friends should okay ah.

Dong: The results just fine

If you do not have this morning "to help men find metro edge" activities, I would not estimate how the courage to talk to her to speak. With your help, and I know she is also regarded. At least on the subway to meet the future, you can chat Yeah, talk Yeah, do ordinary friend is also very good ah. This result,http://mbng.hantasy.com, I feel just fine, really thank you.

"Metro Man" Dong Looking had met a girl in the subway yesterday found,woolrich vendita online.

That he has been quietly concerned about the 10-month ponytail girl yesterday, and finally on the Dong smiled and said, okay,moncler outlet italia, we can be friends ah.

On the 15th, morning launched the "help Metro M Looking Goddess", this year 25-year-old Dong is one of the metro male callers. He often meets a girl ponytail when the subway,http://hyougosoap.s102.xrea.com/cgi/j/j.cgi?mode=res&no=3549, and never said a word came. On the 16th, Dong took publish their own stories, "Wuhan Morning" had met the girl decided to go to Metro Line 2 Jiyuqiao Station luck,http://www.sibsolidarnost.ru/index.php?option=com_xijc&view=captcha,peuterey giubbotto uomo, did not expect to go through the twists and turns -