
24-year-old girl in Xuzhou, Jiangsu sea Xingsha (network name) of a foreign company in Beijing, as a rookie investors, since she bought the oil into the stock market after the quilt, defeated, she will be made Wednesday a song "chives girl "in the news and a blog and microblogging release, quickly attracted onlookers, nearly 30,000 hits, but after last night posted to cool the six sites, the amount of playing quickly reached 250,000, was also crazy reproduced to 549. Interview with reporters yesterday to the rapid explosion of red "leek girl."

Newspaper reporter Xu wind

Junior when my dad to borrow money to buy oil, costing a million

"My father works in the oil, still old advised me to take this thing stop stock up"

Sea Xingsha Xuzhou, Jiangsu, and staff reporter yesterday through the microblogging contact information to herself. She told reporters that he is a junior in 2007 when the stock market accounts, just on the eve of the Olympics, the stock market is excellent. Sea Xingsha remember, his first pen start-up capital is two thousand dollars, to buy the first stock is King Road Group. At that time every day to read the tape, just stock timid, and sometimes even a few dollars up to quickly throw a few dollars.

Sea Xingsha's mother had also stock the first time made a seven thousand, and later repeated to repeated speculation lose. So she has not let the sea Xingsha market, you can not hear the sea Xingsha remember the day she and her mother called to say ×× wine has risen to ninety dollars, and my mother over the phone Penhold thigh: "At that time I bought it a few dollars! up so much I knew how it had been saving up! "

Sea Xingsha said he is fearless, know nothing, I heard the oil to be listed, and quickly borrowed twenty thousand dollars to the father and confidently say that Buffett bought, the oil will certainly rise. Dad is just oil workers on the oil very good impression, so unprecedented happy to give money. That skipping sea Xingsha keep in the bedroom computer before, in more than 46 when buying, within two hours after purchase, also rose to 48, when the music ah. But the next day, the oil will continue to go down this guy. Operation several times back and forth, at 42 dollars, she reluctantly gave decisive throw, costing about ten thousand. "I remember also added an 'oil dollars to buy 46' QQ group, a group where abuse ah, we are all the same boat." The father is currently in Lanzhou oil project work, still obsessed by the sea Xingsha borrowed go buy oil paid with money, old take this matter to persuade her to stop stock up.

Sun stock online experience, was friends make fun of the "leek girl"

"Yang million is to be famous: Small retail with leek-like,louboutin pas cher, coming crop stubble was cut away."

Although the tragic sea Xingsha flesh on oil, many relatives may also envy: "A lot of people in the oil now adhere to, such as my uncle, three aunt, every family gatherings always bring this thing to say, but also boast I run early I can only smile. "

Sea Xingsha envy myself an elementary school student,http://cnzin.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2460541&extra=, sick leave school at home and concentrate on play the stock market 10 years later from a rookie to the 20,000 dollars Scoop 2 million, became the "cattle scattered." Sea Xingsha also want to learn about the stock of knowledge systems, also read some online classes, "tens of thousands of tuition should be really expensive speechless. To give up."

Later, by the sea Xingsha who "cattle scattered" introduce students in the online application and hearing the blog, microblogging, pay a group of friends,christian louboutin homme, nothing above and discussing them, let the sea Xingsha very happy that a lot of stocks are patiently veteran explain to their stock of knowledge. Sea Xingsha said he was impatient person, so have been short-term speculation, earn less pay, currently general,http://asaginet.online.ac, also lost about two million, and often lose money in online printing their own experience, she is also friends who tease as "leek girl." "Yang million is to be famous, the stock market like a small retail with leeks,http://www.msknet.com/bbs/mbbs.cgi, coming crop stubble was cut away,spaccio woolrich, defeated, keep on fighting."

Speaking of "leek girl", as well as sea Xingsha little depressed, because there are a lot of friends advised her after reading her blog, "cherish life, away from the stock"; it was also a standard of beauty that she shares fry anything, find someone to marry Well, also says: women especially young women should not be in stocks, because: narrow-minded, poor endurance, emotional, nervous all day once stocks, affecting physical health, can transcend more than flawed man, woman rare; even beyond, nor a good thing, so cold-blooded determination of a woman, love life certainly not happy, contrary to nature, it is abnormal.

Sea Xingsha said, although he again failed stocks, but do not think girls can not stocks,http://www13.plala.or.jp/white_roots/gwbbs/gwbbs.cgi, contrary girls need finance, "by a man living in a woman's most pathetic! This is my father grew up on my regular education. Women should have their own life and economic base. "sea Xingsha said he had just two years, soon 25 years old,hollister pas cher, said 25-year-old woman lives in Canton, after this age, they no longer know sorrow, carefree little girl a. Now a lot of books to teach finance, insurance, buy lottery tickets (which should not finance), collection, fried art, play the stock market, there are stocks gain fast they can own hands. So she continued to select financial stocks this way.

Had an idea to create their own "leek girl", hundreds of thousands of onlookers

"I just entertain it, did not expect to burst red"

Because being teased as "leek girl" sea Xingsha idea, simply put your favorite rustling of a song, "Love To expansive" re-fill the lyrics, converted into a "leek girl", but also specifically to a friend's shed in the record became MV, came back onto the Internet, I did not expect a sudden fire. Reporters yesterday Internet crowd a bit this video, "The stock market is a bit dark, luck is a bit miserable ...... I can not talk about quilt, poor Peidiao dowry ...... not good banker, put false information as truth, how can I do, Could never do leek girl? "rhyming lyrics, apt metaphor plus Mimi Shanghai Xingsha own photos, quickly attracted tens of thousands of people watching, nearly thirty thousand hits, but last night to cool after the release of the six sites, the amount of playing quickly reached 250,000, was also crazy reproduced to 549.

For MV explosion of red, sea Xingsha Lianhu did not expect that, "just entertain it," but if they have inspired later, she still wanted to continue writing, "I hope next time when the green chives do not, and should find a red things,http://www.kazenoko-club.com/bbs/kazenoko-bbs.cgi, trying to make money it ...... "If stocks to make money, how should I spend it? "Of course, I make some more investment, the other part, to Indulge yourself, your parents, make them happy, and I want to buy a piano, want to buy a car ......"

"Leek girl" sun stock tips

Sea Xingsha a foreign work in Beijing, in the Internet lottery industry. Although the "record" is not very good, but "leek girl" also has its own stock ideas.

An appreciation of the renminbi,http://thiefmissions.com/search.cgi, the stock market will rise up.

2, you can choose some segments of leading shares.

3,http://www.foss.lk/comment/profile.php?uid=99,90% of the investors are losing money, because 90% of people simply do not understand the stock market.

4, we recommend you wait for the stock market, when everyone is called loss, buy a low-cost,http://www.freegraphicland.com/cgi-bin/rankem.cgi, small stock liquidity, buying ten thousand, and so when you get married, it is estimated to buy a car.

5, stocks why so tired, and so out of the clear upward trend in the market, to find a rose the most fierce of the plate, choose one of the most fierce rally in stocks, the rest is sleeping, waiting to receive money.

6, before the holiday is best not to buy, to prevent major changes.

7, but the trend is clearly rising middle "hit pit", are generally Zuozhuang own.

User Comments spicy leek girl

Green,louboutin homme pas cher! Bright green and tender enough!

Netizens for the "leek girl" is more cordial, financial commentator Mobei wind also wrote a "leek girl" blog, "the girl in front of the crown word be fresh chives, but it gives a sense of bright green and tender, But this girl's name leek stock market if it is coming out that would be somewhat poor, alas! Long crop of cut crop, this girl considered indomitable, cut crop of long crop. "There are friends reviews say, stocks That quilt is compulsory, it is important to learn from, the experience transformed into experience.

"Leek girl" lyrics

The stock market is a bit dark, luck is a bit miserable, stock accounts seemed a bit green, the operation seems simple, but into a trap, so I can not escape. I'm a little nervous, called leek girl, maybe money is just wishful thinking on the contrary, I, I can not talk about quilt, poor Peidiao dowry. I am a leek girl, stock road is long, do not fool me fool me to the everlasting, the dealer is not good, to put false information as truth, how can I do, do not ever do leek girl? People say the mouth of the investment, in fact, like a casino, I do not have no hope of being harvested? I'm a little nervous, called leek girl, maybe money is just wishful thinking on the contrary, I ......

(Note: According to the song "Love to be expansive," adapted)