Liu suspects arrested by police correspondent Yong Zhang now offer □ reporter Guo Jigang,http://www.gekishi.com

During the day he is a small barber shop owner, to the middle of the night,http://www.auto.sk, he becomes a dark heart rapist, fled on a motorcycle around looking for "prey",immagini borse prada, the single women onto remote corner of robbery,http://www.noshironet.jp/bbs2/light.cgi?res=24,outlet woolrich bologna prezzi, obscene, crazy crime more than ten. 28 am,http://www.bjxka.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=129475, police held a briefing Licheng, from the adverse effects of the devastating series of robbery, molestation successfully solved, the suspect Liu was arrested.

Woman robbed of late ATM machine to withdraw money and indecency

Around at 1:00 on March 17, Licheng District, Garden Road, a large nearby. 21-year-old Xiao Yang night shift home alone, go next to the hotel's bank ATM (automated teller machine) took 500 dollars. Just when Yang ready to leave, vaguely felt someone behind her. "Who?" Before Yang react,gucci sito ufficiale borse, he grabbed the shadows behind her neck, just listen to a man who snapped a threat: "Do not cry,http://mp3oz.us/?post=yabb.cgi, then cry to kill you!"

Yang is helpless to save their lives, only to let the mercy of criminals. Subsequently, the man taking a beating, a coercive manner, forced onto the west side of the ATM machine Yang a dark alley, she pressed down on the cold cement floor implemented obscene, and who stole 500 yuan in cash rapid ride motorcycles, disappeared into the night.

Suspect arrested after 28 hours

Yang received the alarm, Licheng District Public Security Bureau immediately assigned to Interpol brigade and police set up a task force to carry out east detective work. By looking at bank ATM machines and road traffic surveillance video probe suspects contours become clear: the age of about 25 years old, about 172 centimeters tall, of medium build, wearing a cap piece, physically strong, strong arm.

So surprised that the police after the incident, the man fled the scene quickly to ride along the garden path to the west, riding a few kilometers later,http://fsboteaneck.com, they again turn back crime locations, fled east along Garden Road near Garden Road. "This is typical of anti-reconnaissance means, trying to disrupt the police's attention." Police later said investigators suspect this "small means" the police did not fool the eye, through extensive investigation and evidence collection, leads the investigation, police determined gradually nearby Garden Road Ryu barber shop business has a major crime suspects.

Arrested as soon as possible in order to pervert, to avoid more women re-victimization, the panel increased investigation efforts. March 18 morning, 28 hours after the incident, police in the village Wangsheren office, at home in the sleeping Liu captured.

Most of the victims of crime more than ten crazy not alarm

It is understood that the suspect Liu, childhood missing father, at age 14 with his mother remarried to Jinan from Jiamusi. Before being arrested,http://www.hanmoto.com, Liu Road, in the garden runs a barber shop, business is pretty good, has married his son was 9 months old. When the news that her husband was arrested, his wife Liu looked shocked, said her husband usually "honest", how does not look like a rapist.

One night in July 2012 and Ryu drunken lonely feeling empty inside, took to the streets for the first time a woman carried out the robbery, indecent. Afterwards because the victim did not choose the police for help, the more reckless daring Ryu,http://androg.seesaa.net, respectively,woolrich parka scontati, in Licheng District Office Huayang Dongfeng Road, Garden District, Lixia District calendar Park Village, near Lishan for lone women at night, take gripe about the neck, beatings and other means, drag the victim unattended remote corner of robbery in just nine months, more than ten indecency were robbed of more than 1,woolrich inverno,500 yuan in cash. Every robbery, after obscene, Ryu returns barber shop to rest. The victims are mostly single women because it is a "scandal" ashamed to report, so Ryu fruitful. Currently, Liu has been arrested according to law.

(Original title: day night color magic haircut)