
New Year's Day and other holidays coming, the parents had better optimistic about the family of "bear a child." Recently, an orthopedic hospital in Nanjing received within a continuous two-week break from the children's fingers away from the patient, including a 9-year-old child of the most bizarre, is wire wrapped fingers,http://www.sportmedicine.ru, careless Jiaoduan own a small cut finger. Due to hospital in time,air max outlet online italia, the child's fingers were followed by basic survival, but the doctor said, do not rule out the affected function. Modern Express Reporter correspondent Liu Jun Wang Aiming

Children fingers Jiaoduan wire

Last week, Bengbu Zhuangzhuang 9 year old boy, playing at home, he used a thin wire around the upper end of the middle finger on the right hand, looks like a "ring." After a while, he and his little friends slapstick,louis vuitton milano, a run, it may be something grabbed a thin wire, already wrapped tight wire, like a sharp blade immediately, abruptly cut the middle finger to the tip of a small twist broken.

Zhuang Zhuang's father after seeing, and quickly take their children to the local hospital. A look at the local hospital,http://www.musicman-net.com, immediately let go of Nanjing. Fortunately, convenient transportation,http://www.blackborder.com/cgi-bin/common/index.cgi, Bengbu ride from his home 40 minutes later, Zhuangzhuang was removed to a certain orthopedic hospital in Nanjing.

Bin Lang admissions doctor said finger amputation is not unusual, but if it is Jiaoduan it very troublesome,http://ir.tdc.ac.jp, transplant success rate is very low. Children sent when the first section has been completely broken middle finger. "The success rate is less than half, because Jiaoduan,louboutin homme pas cher, wire spiral nerve, blood vessels all the destruction, when want to connect, simply can not find the 'joint' was the first impression is to die." Lang Chen Bin said.

Take back the vascular surgical success

After an emergency consultation, Lang doctors believe that the child is still small, middle finger is the longest, if less one, then the function is not affected,nike tn femme pas cher, said after the hand is very ugly. If you simply can not take means to live, you can try other ways. Doctors believe that the final choice of surgical options that can take root vessels from the back of the hand, as long as this root vascular grafts to the hands, finger ensure blood supply, it is still a great grasp. After listening to the families of the doctor's recommendations, also agreed to try.

After five hours of surgery, vascular successfully transplanted, Zhuang Zhuang middle section I came back. "Difficulty is still very large,http://www.ad.cyberhome.ne.jp/~k-morita/clip/papalani.cgi,hogan interactive, all operations are under the microscope, nearly 10 stitches sewn." Lang Chen Bin said, but the children are still very brave,http://tiffanynecklace1.blog.shinobi.jp, though sometimes still sore, but postoperative recovery nor how trouble.

Recovery from surgery, the finger should say save up. Zhuang Zhuang's father is a lingering fear: "Many of these wires at home,http://eye.catfood.jp/kousin5/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_/;/, kids idle boredom, often playing, really did not expect out of this thing."

Let the doctor's surprise,http://kimsoku.com, then within a week, in addition to Zhuangzhuang, the hospital has received 1 patient finger, 7-year-old ocean, playing at home kitchen knife, the left thumb slashed by half.

Doctors advise immediately the New Year holidays and winter to come, we must look after their own children, avoid sharp objects wounding. After a finger, seek medical attention.

(Original title: 9-year-old boy to the wire when the "Rings" sudden and unexpected play, finger Jiaoduan)

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