
Taiwan News Online November 9 hearing,http://www.shohin.net,tiffany outlet, according to Taiwan's "News Today" reported that Taiwan a man entrusted by friends, he attended junior high school to help take care of all the daily life of her daughter, but, two people have a relationship soon fell in love, teenage pregnancies and therefore. After school teacher found quickly informed. Girl was a minor, the man with the law and therefore suffer divisions. But that two teenage father who love each other, but also generous fulfill two people; the judge could not bear to break up the marriage two people, two people inside law also blessed Shi Ren, May 8th man lenient sentence,http://kaede.cc3.org, suspended for two years.
This from the man to take care of her friend, two people but soon fell in love, friends still fulfill each other's cases occurred in Changhua County, Taiwan. Surnamed Xu (31 years old) and friend surnamed Lin (28 years old) recognized 10 years, 2 of whom are small to large playmates and friends. Lin and minors at the age of 13 because his girlfriend relationship,hogan scarpe,http://foolsandheroes.org, after his girlfriend gave birth to daughter has disappeared in the coming year, and had to take care of her father and motherhood. Xu hard to see a friend to take care of her daughter,louboutin, who lived three proposals,http://jfy4ghtuertfy.bloguez.com/jfy4ghtuertfy/4856010/clever.cgi, not only the cost of living, the rent is paid by engaged porters Xu,http://www.blogharbor.com/cgi-bin/page.cgi, Xu also pay tuition and even girls.
Last July Lin, Lin make new girlfriend home and his girlfriend live together, leaving only one to leave, "to help me take care of her!" Xu already because of teenage love with Canada, girls and therefore quite a good impression on Xu 2 people in a room long, soon fell in love after sex,hollister soldes, last September, up on the first two days of teenage pregnancy,http://www.athtech.co.jp, morning sickness phenomenon frequently appears in school is perceived teacher, through the local police department immediately by the Council and the community questioning after .
Local prosecutors and police investigation found Xu Lin understanding afterwards get ready to marry the girl as his wife, but the under 16 year-old girl to have sex with, commit at 7 years in prison for "the crime of obstruction of sexual autonomy." Xu Lin consider 10 years to take care of their families,http://directorblog.jp, and daughter fall in love,http://bizboard.nikkeibp.co.jp, then agreed to marry two people. Judges could not bear to break up two people, the Xu men sentenced to five months,hogan outlet, suspended for two years.
(Original title: Men's 15-year-old daughter, pregnancy-induced friend friends fulfill the judge for mercy)