
WASHINGTON (CAO Yue Chong check Reporter) 13-year-old girl Yemou when chatting online met Ryu network called "Wolf love you",http://www.sonandersonartifacts.com, and the two quickly on the Internet about the love. After Liu tempted to see the girl's mood,http://www.auto-tsukamoto.com/hpgen/epad/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=555&res=1&page=10, from Chongzhou fight to find Yemou Yibin. Yemou be touched, followed by Liu returned chongzhou, I did not expect, "Wolf" show their true colors,tn requin femme, forced to have sexual relations Yemou. Reporters learned yesterday, Chong City Procuratorate on suspicion of rape Ryu prosecution.
In early July of this year,scarpe hogan outlet, Liu Chong City who lives in the "Wolf love you" for the net, chatting with friends at the "little dumb" to get to know,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/photos/jump.cgi, the two heats on the Internet. Ryu quickly learned that "little dumb," called Yemou, still in elementary school, who lives in Yibin City. During Yemou with his mother's mobile Internet chat and Liu was found,nike air max outlet, his mother immediately telephone warning Ryu,hogan sito ufficiale, his daughter also the age of fourteen, and Ryu can only make general friends, never fall in love.
August 7, Ryu Ryu tempted myself eager to see the mood,http://www.xinhelan.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, from Chongzhou fight to find Yemou Yibin City. Two telling Yemou family back chongzhou,http://www.88822.com/#03666/read.php?tid=980, but the way to fight the charges due to insufficient funds to pay dispute with the taxi driver was taken to the police station. At that time, Liu learned from the police that the mouth Yemou age really only thirteen years old.
After the two returned home chongzhou Liu, has been the Yemou stay home. August 12 evening,http://www.infrc.or.jp, Liu proposed to have sexual relations with Yemou in denial and resistance after being Yemou, Liu still forced sexual relations with Yemou occurred. Since then two nights,http://best-viral.sakura.ne.jp, Ryu again Yemou sexual relations occurred. August 15, after Yemou suffered another rape,hogan prezzi, fearful secretly carrying Ryu contact with a cell phone to his mother,http://www.telemuro.tv, the mother arrived to take him back to Yibin chongzhou home.
Yemou family after the alarm, Ryu on August 17 chongzhou was arrested by the police. Prosecutors on suspicion of rape indictment filed against Ryu.