
Comics with pictures. Wang Yuntao / painting
Zhang commuted fraud for buying and bribes to their superiors

Panyu Yu Zhengke former prison chief jailed for two years, Liu Zhimin

Express reporter Guo Haiyan

Express News Zhang fled, to help manipulate false meritorious officials are one go. Reporters learned yesterday, involved in Panyu, Guangdong Yu Zhengke former prison chief Liu Zhimin, was identified several instructed subordinates to help Zhang deliberately falsified patents "major meritorious service" material, this material will ultimately get Zhang commuted sentence times day of his release.

And this was brought to court for Liu Zhimin, in addition to the Secretary of Kang Jie Zhang accepting benefits, but also by the provincial Justice Department, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee Wang Chengkui mistress, 500,000 yuan bribe to the king to seek deputy warden positions. Recently, Liu Zhimin Haizhu District Court of First Instance found guilty of accepting bribes, corruption commutation, bribery, sentenced to 2 years.

A guilt

1. Zhang personally formalities for transfer prison

Liu Zhimin, 50 years old, was originally Yu Zhengke Panyu prison chief, Henan Dengzhou people, college education. He had to wait for retirement, he was a criminal to pull into the prison.

By the end of 2008,air max pas cher homme,http://moriofan.sakura.ne.jp/petit/petit.cgi, due to economic crimes sentenced the former chairman of Jianlibao Zhang transferred from a prison in Foshan, Guangzhou Panyu prison. Liu Zhimin close to him, and Zhang became an important part of the false meritorious.

According to Liu Zhimin confession, in September 2009, Kang Jie Zhang's secretary to his statement, meritorious commutation harder, trying to Zhang Wu Jiang transferred to Shaoguan prison. Liu Zhimin hear, will apply for transfer procedures detailed supervisor told Kang Jie. Liu Zhimin themselves, as Zhang formalities.

"Material is incomplete." Liu Zhimin said, but quickly down the consent document, when it moved to Wu Jiang Zhang prison, taking a key step in false meritorious.

Zhang Wu Jiang after the transfer to prison, the prison has twice put forward suggestions for Zhang commuted. The first report on the basis of material provided by the detention center in Foshan Zhang, second Panyu Prison "patented invention" basis - front and rear dual endoscopic invention.

Statistics show that in fact the real designer of this patent is a former employee of Clement Jianlibao Group. Clement explained, this patented design idea was proposed by Zhang before the incident,http://karn.lib.kagoshima-u.ac.jp, its designed in 2004. Because that patent may also commuted in 2009 when Zhang met Autumn, it was agreed that in the name of Zhang's car before and after endoscopic double patenting.

After Clement with Kang Jie to Guangzhou, a patent agency, he dictated a car before and after endoscopic dual principles and ideas, and submitted himself drawn sketches. In Kang Jie operation, Zhang do so to obtain a patent.

Virtue, Wu Jiang Zhang prison started again on patents great merit reporting process.

2, then instruct subordinates to send forged material

Here, Liu Zhimin still plays an important role. Number of staff members from Panyu prison and Liu Zhimin I reached a basic fact: the Director of Prisons Department, Guangdong Provincial Prison Administration urging Guozai Chuan, Liu Zhimin Zhang supplementary materials related invention patents.

Liu Zhimin said, in August 2010, he told Lee to find someone to write subordinate proof. Two or three days,louboutin femme, police officers Lin, Liu and Zhang discipline offenders Joe, Ryu each submitted four materials. To evade responsibility, we do not want to sign an opinion or a signature, and finally decided to cover the official seal of the prison area. Later, under the arrangement Liu Zhimin, Lee wrote in the material "is true," and the cover of the official seal Yu Zhengke.

These forged evidence, became one of Zhang Wu Jiang prison for reporting on the basis of merit remission materials Zhang Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Prisons remember great merit, and in January 25, 2011 was commuted Shaoguan City Court ruled two years Zero 28 days a month, his sentence will be released the next day.

However, the authenticity of this material,http://237.newfine.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, and handling all parties are aware of. According to Liu Zhimin talk, Kang Jie Zhang patent application after the meeting, asking him to sign an opinion, they also backdating time to Yuan Huang. All this is because with Kang Jie is a fellow supervisor also repeatedly urged. He said: "He invented this is impossible, he is not to learn this profession."

Together with criminals serving prison area Dengmou think this obvious lie, except there is no hardware support for research outside the prison, "prison life is no secret, no private space, no personal disposable time."

Deng said: "Zhang has not seen the car rearview mirror reading books or painted sketches rearview mirror, he and I discussed are football, economic and Buddhism, have not talked about the topic of invention and creation, and I Zhang has not heard something inventions during the Panyu prison. "

B counts

1, to catch Zhang bribery HK $ 30,000

Liu Zhimin Zhang portrait for help, in addition to the higher pressure, a large component or "I wish you love" or "oblige." Statistics show that judgment, Zhang came to Panyu prison ever since, Kang Jie Yu Zhengke handle meets regularly to formalities, said Liu Zhimin is a fellow with the relationship between the two slowly conversational.

According to Kang Jie Liu Zhimin and statements described in Kang, Liu Zhimin son to Shenzhen, a media company. But this work is very satisfied with his son, that low wages, no promotion space, and soon resigned.

Kang Jie said, after repeatedly complaining Liu Zhimin help his son find a job is not ideal, but also a waste of more than 20,000 yuan to participate in animation courses. "See his belly full of grievances," Zhang's wife yellow heron they decided to give him HK $ 30,000 tuition reimbursement. During a dinner, the yellow heron and Kang Jie put it in a red envelope, along with a box of tea to give Liu Zhimin.

2, buying and not to recover the money leader

October 2009, Panyu Prison competition, Liu Zhimin, deputy department director level positions want competition, when the deputy warden. Kang Jie, after that,nike tn, will inform the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, former deputy secretary of the Department of Justice, Department of Justice when he Discipline Committee Yang Wang Chengkui mistress.

According to Yang confessed that she took Wang Chengkui, and Kang Jie, Liu Zhimin eat a meal. That night, Liu Zhimin sent to HK $ 30,000. But afterwards,http://student.santarosa.edu, Liu Zhimin Wang Chengkui feedback "mass base is not good, not necessarily out generally acclaimed" can not guarantee its host. Yang then offer $ 500,000 guaranteed competition. Liu Zhimin listen, has transferred 470,http://fr2.rpmfind.net,000 yuan to Yang.

After all, no matter accomplishing, Yang because cash flow, they could not refund. Liu Zhimin struggling to recover, even up to the Justice Department to find Wangcheng Kui. That, Wang Chengkui temper, rap Yang: "This will kill me, do not get things done, but received the people's money, and immediately put the money back to Liu Zhimin."

Exactly a year, Liu Zhimin only recover the 50 million.

鈻� judgment

There are instructed by their superiors not identified as an accomplice

During the bail,hogan uomo, Liu Zhimin investigators to inquire interference handling

October 2013, Haizhu District Procuratorate indictment filed to Liu Zhimin, that its acceptance of the yellow heron HK $ 30,000,http://luxiaoman.com/m/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2592439, to help Zhang meritorious data falsification, bribery also Wangcheng Kui HK $ 30,000, behavior constituted bribery,hogan outlet, favoritism commutation, bribery.

The trial, Liu Zhimin had no objection to the alleged facts. His defense counsel, the yellow heron has not brought to justice to make the relevant testimony, insufficient evidence of bribery. The bribery Wang Chengkui refund money already and does not constitute bribery. As for the case of dereliction of duty for functions involved in remission, Liu Zhimin instructed by itself, can not be said of its favoritism.

Haizhu Court of First Instance found the prosecution alleged, the defense views are not accepted. The court found that Liu Zhimin in the entire incident, though not with the decision, but also superiors asked him to take care of Zhang, but as judicial staff bears regulatory responsibility,http://guestbook.withlove.info/index.php, diligence and rigorous examination should check their behavior led to Zhang being wrong Merits and commutation important part, not identified as an accomplice.

Accordingly, the judgment of the Court of First Instance decided to Liu Zhimin bribes, sentenced to nine months; favoritism commuted guilty, sentenced to 1 year and 3 months; guilty of bribery and sentenced to six months. Decided to implement two years in prison.

In addition, according to material shows September 11, 2012, Liu Zhimin smell the wind, take the initiative to reflect its alleged favoritism Procuratorate Zhang commuted in criminal matter, and was later released on bail. But in the meantime, Liu Zhimin inquire into the merits of the case to investigators handling the case, such as the presence of interference. After the prosecution's Procuratorate transmitted from parent material found there is bribery Liu Zhimin, then the law to arrest Liu Zhimin proposal.

Zhang "Prison Break"

Three false meritorious once commuted commuted twice

September 1,2008, the Guangdong High Court upheld Zhang has found meritorious, commuted from 15 years in prison for 10 years. This post is to expose as false meritorious.

September 2,2010, in prison Zhang Wu Jiang, so the first detention center in Foshan material submitted another report was commuted Shaoguan City Court ruled two years.

3,2011 January 25, Zhang Panyu prison because of the successful development of the "utility model patents", was commuted Shaoguan City Court ruled two years and 28 days a month. Released from prison after sentencing next day fled abroad.

From 2008 to 2011, Zhang spent three prison. From November 2008, Zhang delivered Foshan prison execution of sentences, transferred Panyu prison Jibei month,, a year later, Wu Jiang was transferred to prison again (Shaoguan). In this prison for a year early, Zhang with the "ex-convict." Constantly changing regulatory supervisor accused of escape, convenient false meritorious, these care and the Guangdong Provincial Prison Administration of Prisons Department Director Guo Zaichuan, Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, former deputy secretary of the Department of Justice is quite relationship.
聽(Edit: SN182)