
■ intern reporter Xiao Yanhui Su Jia / reports
News newspaper Jilin City seven years ago, because of an extramarital affair caused emotional conflicts, Yang Shulan's lover Han sneak home by night, after sleeping Han and her husband fled to the high of a hacked to death with a sickle provinces. Recently, Shulan City Public Security Bureau police in Hulunbeir suspect Yang captured.
August 20, 2002 at dawn,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=101&, the neighbors to drop in for a high, high of a couple found dead in their home. Then,louboutin outlet, call the police. Shulan City Public Security Bureau Criminal Brigade police rushed to confirm that high of a Han and his wife, two have died. Through the social relations of the deceased police investigation, Yang entered the police's attention. In tracing their whereabouts, found Yang Shulan has left an unknown destination.
In July, police Shulan vintage backlog expand the Centralized investigation, the accident was a clue, Yang is likely to have fled the area,hogan milano, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia. The police investigation team immediately,http://www.tokyotales.com/mt_admin/mt-search.cgi, rushed to Inner Mongolia investigation. July 14, in Inner Mongolia Hulunbeier suspect Yang captured. Yesterday morning,http://bassreview.co.uk/partner/profile.php?id=748, the police escorted back to Shulan.
Under questioning, the 33-year-old Yang for his murder confessed to the crime. Originally, back in 2001, at the age of 25-year-old Yang met a great 10 years older than him, and has a wife and a neighbor Mr. Han. Soon, they have feelings,http://www13.plala.or.jp/white_roots/gwbbs/gwbbs.cgi, without telling her husband Han Yang Ko and contacts. After a year can,nike tn pas cher,http://www.cveg.ca/bbs/read.php?tid=2103753&ds=1, Han Yang began to alienate. When Yang aware, Mr. Han home on several occasions to make trouble. Accidental exposure of extramarital affairs,http://marvelous21.sakura.ne.jp/enkaijoh/light.cgi?res=297, Mr. Han initiative to admit to her husband, the future and promise not to meet with Yang. After the incident,http://pogalgraph.px2.jp/cgi-bin/diary/diary.cgi?mode=entry&ym=201005&no=438, a number of contacts Han Yang,abercrombie outlet online, Han was not rejected, is to be the high of a block. Therefore, Yang Shulan left to Changchun to work.
August 19,chaussures tn pas cher, 2002 21 am, Yang Shulan ride quietly back to, by night along the windows to jump into the Han family. See Han and her husband was asleep, that he was deceived by Mr. Han feelings, then,http://www.vaswim.org/cgi-bin/rcalc.cgi, Yang sickle picked up the kitchen, the first Kanxiang high of a neck. Then again sickle waving to the Han ...... Currently, Yang XingJu.