
A child lost his father cerebellar atrophy, a doctor in order to give the child the mother of three jobs a day. After his father died of liver cancer, they had each other to live with his mother every day 3:00 to get up delivering newspapers, the son of three-year leave of absence to continue the treatment is still in school. Minister Li community called the hotline, said it is really hard for widows and orphans, I hope you can help the community.
9:30 yesterday, the reporter and the Yangzi Evening News reporter small - Nanjing Foreign Language School started (1) Ban Dong Fu heart bridge came thick Kong community, saw the mother of Miss Wang Lan. In fact, the time to visit Miss Wang Lan is a community special emphasis must be on time to 9:30, or to see her. Because of her three jobs a day to fight, be tight on time.
Her husband died from overwork
Wang Lan's son was once a cute kid in elementary school day, school teacher informed the king's aunt said the child to go to school grades suddenly drop, gym class is not a good sport, may have mental problems. Wang aunt bring the child to the Children's Hospital, diagnosed the child's IQ is no problem, but cerebellar atrophy. Wang aunt told reporters that she felt that day had fallen down, she is not stupid kids would rather wish he was cerebellar atrophy. There is not much time at home deposit, in order to give the child to see a doctor, husband and wife both buyout seniority. Although there are 80,000 yuan buyouts, but then took the child to see a doctor every month to 5,000 yuan, will soon run out of money.
Shortly afterwards, in 2000, when, Wang Lan's husband was diagnosed sudden liver cancer, detected in the 25 days after the death of. Minister Li told reporters,http://www.foss.lk/comment/profile.php?uid=46, in fact, his illness is completely tired out, he had done in the unit is the designer, after buyouts, to the people outside during the day to work,http://www.fixupblog.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=84060, go home at night but also to draw the design to make money, sometimes a painting on the painting to the middle of the night. Want to make more money is to give the child to see a doctor. Wang said the aunt,Louboutin Pas cher, father of the baby take the time said nothing, because he believed that I will be able to take good care of the child.
She gets up every morning three
In order to pay off the debt as soon as possible so that children can feel at ease and cure diseases, Wang Lan three jobs every day. The first is the delivery of newspapers, three o'clock, when it is necessary, to the newspaper took the newspaper and then distributed to more than 300 households, and so every family must complete payment to about 9:00. So will let reporters must arrive before 9:30 because 9:30 after the king's aunt wanted to go to the people to do part-time. Her day to do two people, give the first burn a good meal, wash clothes, go home and rest less than an hour to have to go to another work. Minister Li told reporters, Wang Lan either there is a need to take care of her son,Louboutin Sandales, nine years she did not insist on down, her day sleeping less than five hours, the iron man did she so desperately. Wang Lan said with a boy is her duty, had her husband is,http://www.istdzone.com/aussie/bbs_exif/spam-uzai-hontouni-shine-hontouni-shine-1000okukai-shine-shine.cgi, I believe I will go so reassuring.
Sensible son so happy mother
Wang aunt also told reporters the small,http://www.xigejiaju.com/app/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3533644&fromuid=4239, even if they are so busy every day, so hard,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, but they are worth it. Not only is the year to pay off the money owed, the son was also particularly sensible. Although the son cerebellar atrophy, not cure, the left ear has not hear, but every day she came home from work, my son always good to burn the rice she ate, every time you buy a rice and oil, heavy stuff will help her move on the 7th floor. Moreover, the child's love of learning in particular, had to give him medical treatment because, let him leave of absence for three years, the average child may feel off so many courses you do not want to go back to school, but he did not, he is now on the secondary, tertiary also intend to test.
When the reporter learned that the king's aunt one day in advance to fight the three hours of work, not only prepared for oil, rice,http://bbs520.3vjia.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1652287, clothing and other necessities in the vein of pain, the young reporter Dong heart bridge also specially prepared a box of ginseng tablets. Wang aunt took a small reporter's hand excitedly speechless, she said nine years, in addition to the neighborhood from time to time to help her, like a warm today was the first time she felt.
Yao Yuxin Wu Jun
Small reporter's notes
The world's most powerful mother
Yesterday,http://www.actipages.net, I attended as a young reporter Yangtze Campaign warm winter,Louboutin Plates-forme, I learned that the king of pre-aunt had a son in poor health,Louboutin Soirée,http://hasehiro.info/ticket/ticket.cgi, and also lost her husband, and I imagine she must be a woman vicissitudes and silent, but Hastening the bike did not expect was a look healthiness and optimistic aunt.
When my sister to bring in the New Year Reporter Wang aunt gave her look particularly happy. She and I did not talk for a few minutes, she's headed for a phone call to tell her what to buy food, listen to her skillfully reported out of the vegetable. She sheepishly told us that she knew because today we are going to come to the head of the household was specially invited for an hour or false, or else she should now headed home cooking at it, one would have to drive past.
Wang aunt told me to make a living playing her three jobs. Get up at three o'clock, organized into a stack of newspapers and newspaper delivered on time every household. I asked the aunt, and now the weather is so cold, got up at three o'clock every morning, how you stick with it, "Oh, that is under the snow last year, I did not delay one day, not to mention a little cold. Two other workers That is cooking, laundry, housework confused what. "Wang aunt said very clear sky. I looked at her eyes, rough hands have been born from the frostbite, messy hair is also mixed with gray hairs. Years of sun and rain, making the forties, she seemed to have over fifty years. An old worn gloves off her hands have been covered with thick folds, still life and life shone pink. The middle two jobs vacated by that time she had to get home for his sick son to cook, take care of him. Wang aunt also sheepishly explained, is not that they do not want to invite us to dinner,Louboutin Baskets Femme, but because his son did not want to feel any different with others.
Wang aunt left, on the way back I kept thinking, Wang aunt really is the greatest mother I've ever seen.
Nanjing Foreign Language School started (1) Ban Dong heart Bridge