
The boy users upload pictures to the microblogging Miss Chang has been at the police station to accompany the security of a dollar, until his father (left) to access.
Southeast Network - Strait Metropolis Taiwanese edition August 22 (Reporter Shi Guoliang Xu Xiaoting trainee reporter Subi Rong Liao Haixia text / Chart) Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what will get the box open to. Similarly, the seemingly ordinary day, it is hard to guess, how many things happen simultaneously. August 18, 2012, Saturday, there is a warm story to tell you.
That day, 5:00, on a bar Quanzhou Street corridor, curled up a sleeping boy. He looks just like eleven or twelve, covered with sludge. A kindly woman passing by, he will be home to take care of, and report to the police. Police began tracing to help him.
That is, more than 19:00, an enthusiastic friends in the street to see that the boy was the woman with a "return visit" compassion from the heart, the "suspected tracing abducted children, oral birth Jinjiang spiritual water" Messages sent on microblogging. The subsequent 37 hours, has been enthusiastic users forwarded 1351 times, we are also helping him tracing.
A child's way back home, so unexpectedly warm generated two parallel lines ......
At 5:00 on August 18
Enthusiastic woman curled up outside the bar early in the morning to help
The very fact: Yes, the boys and I found the alarm. Oh, I'm 18 years old, Yunnan,, now working in Quanzhou. I saw this kid, is 5:00, I was just a bar and a champion street friends drinking wine out. I saw him lying on the bed bar corridor, especially the poor,Louboutin Talon Compensé, hurried to wake him up, back to his own house. First, to help him bathed, changed clothes also. This child and I am very close. Been with me, do not want to leave, but I consider myself to go to work, can not always take care of him, he thought of the police.
August 18 at 7 pm
Children find it very strange to say a silent father
Wang Lizhong police officers: around 19 o'clock, I received a Zhang Xing Nvzai alarm call, she said she picked up a child and wanted the police to help, look for the child's family. Subsequently, the small children to the very fact that we took the police station. This child wary of heavy, has refused to communicate with our police. Talk to him for a long time, we know, he called Ann into dollars.
Carp yellow police officers: This child is very insecure when I first came refused to say a word. Later, thanks to the help of small or very fact that this child was finally tell his father's name. But strangely,, the child heard the police to help him find his father, he immediately becomes silent. We look through the multi-in-line to find the child when his father left for temporary residence permit information and contact immediately the father to pick up their kids.
The evening of August 18 from 7:49
Three days microblogging tracing relay thousand enthusiastic users
Friends "around the sun and moon.": 18 evening 7:49, I made a micro-Bo said, I saw a boy in Quanzhou Street (Fu Road). The child told me that he lived in Jinjiang spirit of water (sound), they are being sold for $ 500, he ran out. I think he is very poor,, they issued a call to "hope that the child and family reunion as soon as possible." Then I @ others through continuous way, tried to ask the child's whereabouts.
(Voiceover: As of 9:00 yesterday, just 37 hours, users "about the sun and moon," this microblogging 1351 enthusiastic users have reproduced many people commented on the microblogging offer advice, suggestions police collect child. DNA for comparison, the boys and their parents to help friends who are very concerned about the whereabouts of the boy now: how is the progress of the case, is to what traffickers abducted, still not Quanzhou)
Ministry of Public Security crackdown to do the main Renchen Shi Drainage forward microblogging: Make a thorough investigation of the public security organs involved.
Netizen "Li spider goo": too cheap it, the birth of a child are more than 500 yuan, these nasty traffickers, should be shot!
Netizen "baby home": I want ideas for kids: give us a look at the specific circumstances of the child's right, we can help children find their loved ones in many ways.
August 18 at 9 am
Sons final reunion of the original "abducted" is a lie
(Voice-over: The police contact,Louboutin Bottines, 18 at 9 am, the boy's father came to the police station to pick up his son Jinjiang original, so-called "abducted" guess, not really put this oolong children themselves, only. for runaways.)
Boy AN Cheng Yuan: My name is Ann Cheng Yuan, 12 years old, Yunnan, now lives in Jinjiang. In fact, I was not abducted by others, but their own away from home. In fact, I've run away from home more than a month. July 14, I rode a bike, stop and go all the way, it took seven hours, alone in a ride from Jinjiang, Quanzhou, pants are worn. This is more than a month away, and once I was well-intentioned people sent to rescue shelter, but soon ran himself out. Because I do not want to go to the relief stations,Louboutin Sandales, where the child is not fun.
Father Ki: kids away the evening, after work, I discovered that he was not at home, on the Jinjiang City of Hope source of the police station. Our home,, to our Yeliang children living in single-parent families, his mother shortly after he was born, followed by the others ran away. I am a man raising his big long. I am a food factory workers in Jinjiang, usually busy,, no time to take care of him. The relationship between us, cough, lukewarm it.
Expert Comments
National secondary counselors Lian Li double: single-parent families, the biggest reason is caused by rebellious children leave home. The boy, long-term neglect of exchange with his father, and the lack of family care, will lack a sense of security, it is prone to escape family psychology. Such children,, self-protection awareness and capacity is relatively strong, but often full of distrust and hostility when faced with the people around them, even in the presence of fear. I would like to remind parents of the child such psychological problems appear to be promptly corrected, to give him more attention and care to create a warm, family atmosphere, so as to eliminate the children have psychological shadow.
Claiming stolen car gang brought Quanzhou network transmission escape after being sold
After a month in case of good intentions wandering sister lost alarm parents do not hurry to recognize people
Post reporter Xu Yi Mei Zhang Jinhua correspondent Cai Xiaofang text / Chart
Online crazy pass,, he was sold to 500 yuan after the escape; in reality, he was wandering month in Quanzhou city, and later met a kindly sister cared alarm to help him find his family. Yesterday, reporters learned from the carp in the police station, this is called the security of a 12-year-old boy yuan has been brought back to their families.
Yesterday, the boy said in an interview with reporters, he stolen car a month ago from a gang load Quanzhou, Jinjiang, 17, was sneaking out. Currently, police are still investigating the circumstances.
Kindly big sister to take care of "wandering" fellow
August 18 at 7 pm,Louboutin Pas cher, police received a report of carp in the phone, the call Miss Chang said she was champion in the urban street shelter a little boy, I hope the police station to help find his family.
Subsequently, the police in the East a door to see the Miss Chang restaurants and "lost" boy. Miss Chang said, on the 18th at 5:00 pm, she saw in a bar at the entrance of a champion street sleeping boy lying on the ground, dirty clothes, put the boys wake up, after asking to know, boys and people like her are in Yunnan. After that, Miss Chang put the boy back to his residence, to help him clean, gave him clothes and put on a clean, cook for him.
Miss Chang asked the boy's case, the boy except to say that he is Yunnan, the other cases mentioned. Seeing one day soon be over, anxious Miss Chang had an alarm, the police want to be able to help the boy find his family, let them a reunion.
"In the police station, the boy is silent, and asked to say nothing." Carp police officer said Cai, Miss Zhang has been very patient and communicate with the boy,Louboutin Mariage, after a long time, the boy was telling her that he Mingjiao a dollar this year, 12 years old, July 14 due to some reason, he was riding a bicycle from the town of Jinjiang Ling Hai water out of the house and, after more than seven hours came to Quanzhou, after it has been wandering in the city.
Parents do not hurry to recognize the missing child alert
Communication, the security of a dollar has been reluctant to provide information about the family, the police can only look through his name. At 9 pm, police finally found a dollar a whole father Ann Ann, who work in a food factory Anhai, July 14 afternoon, the security of a full police station told Hoi Ling said his son lost water.
The police then contacted the security of a whole, what is surprising is to hear the news of his son, the security of a whole seemed very calm, said the next day come back to the children.
Under police persuaded to 23:00 and more, a whole and children's aunt Ann came to the police station carp access.
Family reunion scene did not appear warm, but the security of a dollar to see his father ran to the side after disregarded safety is unclear why a whole, also said his son would come Quanzhou. An aunt of a Yuan told the police,, the security of a meta born after his mother ran away from home, may be the reason the growth in single-parent families, children on weekdays somewhat rebellious. That night, the security of a dollar being loved to take home.
Why leave the boy claiming to be brought car theft
, Correspondent telephone contact yesterday the security of a dollar, he said, in fact, not before cycling to himself, but was forced to use a motorcycle carrier to Quanzhou.
On a dollar recalled that on July 14, after his father went to work, he is not happy to go out for a walk alone at home, but was caught by two men on a motorcycle. "The car drove off immediately, after a long time came to a halt, and then I was taken to a house." On a dollar, said he did not know started to Quanzhou, just know that the house is in East Lake a vegetable market near the edge of the house there are several people. After getting along, he learned from their conversation, these people are dedicated to steal a motorcycle. "Every night they would go to sleep and then go out of vehicle theft, stolen after three people in there have to call someone to buy, there is a special person in the janitor." Ann says a dollar.
Reporters asked him about his life away from home a month, the boys do not want to say any more. He told reporters on the 17th at noon, while he was taking a nap when others secretly went to the door, and found the door did not lock and opens the door to run out on the streets after their own random walk, tired lying on the ground to rest, met behind to the kind of big sister.
It is understood that, for the security of a dollar away from the argument, the police is still under investigation.
Source: Dongnanzaobao