
9:00 yesterday morning around 10 minutes, the bus company 933 six-way driver SOUTHERN steam to drive the bus driving to near Zhongshan Road, at the junction of Canton Road, sudden stroke,http://www.kokotv.net/news/html/?79665.html, in the moment before the coma, he subconsciously hit the brakes, the steering wheel The car parked in the side fences. It was his "Threatened kick" so that more than 20 passengers safe and sound! By the morning press, SOUTHERN yet out of danger, Xinhua Hospital. This morning, the bus company party secretary Zhang Biwei to hospital for SOUTHERN sent "to protect the safety of passengers Award" 5000 yuan. Yesterday afternoon, the bus six steam company party and government leaders rushed to the hospital to visit, and expressed their full cooperation to hospital, the hospital hopes to save at all costs to thank the master's life.
New] [AM
SOUTHERN not yet out of danger
This morning,http://www.deepsweep.com/cgi-bin/jobs/classifieds.cgi, reporters rushed to the hospital to thank the master just had finished checking, Professor Pan Shuming, director of Xinhua Hospital emergency department, told reporters yesterday, the driver due to a sudden stroke to the Xinhua Hospital emergency room. After the emergency department diagnosis, the patient directly to the hospital immediately for further salvage neurosurgery and treatment. Up to now, the patient is still neurosurgical treatment, not yet completely out of danger. Reporters saw, in addition SOUTHERN relatives and friends also gathered a lot of outdoor emergency hospitalization of patients,nike air force one, everyone was touched by the sudden illness still remember when the driver of the safety of passengers, wells is a reverence. Everyone lamented,http://www.suma-yc.org, if more serious and responsible so good driver, and that public safety will be better protected.
To encourage more Shanghai bus workers to stand up for the safety of passengers, and to make public the hero anymore bloodshed and tears, Shanghai Bus Group to spend 1 million yuan this year, the country established the bus industry's first "passenger safety award", with to reward the strict compliance with the laws and regulations in the operation, adherence to professional ethics, to protect the safety of passengers come forward, courageous or injured and maimed for this violence by bus transit workers.
[Event playback]
His last effort with the brakes
Yesterday, 9:10 or so, has been running the third lap of the old Xie driving license plate for the Shanghai 933 bus AD2047 numbers, carrying more than 20 passengers transported Light Village exit the terminal, when the vehicle is traveling fast to Zhongshan Road, Canton Road when, SOUTHERN ride class conductor Yu Xian Xia was going to the front to remind him: "Just a right turn by a big margin," I saw the old Xie pale, sweating,chaussures nike air max pas cher, feeling old Xie Xian Xia Yu body problem,http://mp3oz.us/?post=yabb.cgi, on In her Jihan "quick stop!", the old Xie exhaustion of the last effort hit the brakes, the steering wheel will be docked to the side of the road vehicles, under the elevated roadside fences after a minor collision, the car firmly parked in Roadside. Subsequently, the whole body limp old Xie throwing himself on the steering wheel.
Near the intersection of two police officers on duty found abnormal, driving police motorcycles arrived at the front of the vehicle, to see the old Xie has been in a coma, loss of consciousness, the whole body limp, the situation is quite critical. Police on duty quickly call 120 emergency calls, the SOUTHERN to a nearby hospital construction workers, after go to the Xinhua Hospital.
9:20 or so,http://nuvoton-m0.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=40140, the old Xie was taken to hospital nearby construction workers, after CT examination confirmed that traffic on the way to thank the master sudden stroke, there is always danger. And SOUTHERN precisely at the moment before losing consciousness, depresses the brake, the bus parked on the roadside, a passenger car unscathed, crossing and passing pedestrians and vehicles safe. "It was not the old Xie if the emergency brake, the vehicle may careened rushed to hit the middle of the road or overhead concrete column under." Rushed to the scene of the Department of Church bus six soup steam lingering fear that Operations Manager .
Reporters from the bus six steam understand, SOUTHERN 54-year-old, originally from other units a transport company driver, unemployed wife and daughter in the senior year, his family was not well-off. In June 2003, he applied to the 933 road as the driver, working is 9 years. "Master Xie weekday show has always been steadfast, but also likes to help his colleagues." Branch manager, said Zhang Huafu, as the bus route 933 road brand driver, Xie master their vehicles always neat and tidy. Every morning appearance before departure, he always carefully check the vehicle to do routine maintenance, to ensure the safe and normal operation of the vehicle. 9 years, there has not been a traffic accident and misconduct, the company has not received any complaints about his service, the company was named for three consecutive years of safe driving model since 2009.
Chen Fang, general manager of the bus company six steam, said maintaining the safety of the passengers is an important duty transit bus drivers,air max nike, bus operation encounter unexpected situations, Sishourenyuan must give top priority to the safety of the passengers. "Old Xie take their own lives at stake regulatory measures on the brakes to avoid a serious traffic accident, to protect the lives of passengers and passers-by, is the pride of our bus!"
[Correspondent survey]
Forties bus driver is the main
A special survey of the bus industry, the current bus groups of 15 and Pudong bus driver bus company's existing 28,428; over 55 years to 2337, accounting for 8.22% of the total; 465 parts 55s sampling drivers Survey: suffering from various diseases accounted for 80.95%; adapt existing positions accounted for 65.24%; the requirements for early retirement accounted for 68.10%.
Often ride the bus to work on the public will find that line the bus driver positions in almost all older drivers. In this regard, where the six steam bus SOUTHERN company official Wu also admitted that indeed is the case, the company which most of the older "Ben five" people, four or five-year-old bus driver almost the entire team of the main high intensity of labor, long hours, tremendous mental pressure is always accompanied by the bus line drivers. Meanwhile, the bus driver of aging, vision loss, three high, the prevalence of cardiac disease.
City bus industry is very focused on the physical condition of the driver identification, driver requires dispatchers to observe his face and physical condition every day, if there is anything unusual, it will ask for a break out of the bus, to be arranged top class drivers. Wu said: "General Each bus will be equipped with 2-3 top class driver, the driver on duty to deal with physical discomfort or temporary leave of absence and so." At the same time, the bus driver examination is necessary projects, generally conducted every year the company arrange drivers medical examination report by the expert analysis, looking more focused issue, followed by targeted health lectures.
[Experts recommend]
The establishment of age criteria and exit mechanisms
For bus drivers serious aging problem, insiders pointed out that the bus line employees basic monthly salary of three or four thousand dollars, have to bear the high intensity of labor, long hours, tremendous mental pressure, many young people do not want to do this jobs. On the other hand, after a lot of drivers be older, willing to choose a relatively stable bus driver job until retirement.
In this regard, the bus industry raised as to whether to establish the aging drivers age criteria and exit mechanisms, and appropriate policy support, and the government will propose trades as special types of bus drivers, the 55-year-old bus driver as a statutory retirement age permitted.
Shanghai University of Political Sociology and Social Work Department, the Executive Director of the German chapter of Friends of urban safety and Development Research Center,nike air max pas cher, said the health of the relationship between the bus driver to public safety, responsibility, older probability of illness would certainly be higher. Considering the particularity of the bus industry, 35 -55 years age group, whether it is human psychology and technology are relatively mature stage, which suggested an increase in pay through other means to encourage young people to enter the bus ranks,http://www.dab.hi-ho.ne.jp/cgi-bin/user/tamanegi/apeboard.cgi/"/, encourage Drivers over the age of 35 to join the bus industry to inject new vitality into the industry.
[Health remind]
Fatigue driving accident-prone Zaiyu large cooling
Recently, the weather cool clear morning, reporters from Xinhua, Ruijin, east and other large hospital learned that the recent significant increase in seriously ill patients with various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular sudden and unexpected, especially after the sudden cold weather,basket jordan pas cher, sudden stroke of "serious illness "The patient had increased rather significantly.
According to the Xinhua Hospital emergency department only to incomplete statistics,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, the recent daily average hospital can receive 7-8 sudden cerebral hemorrhage patients. Especially the elderly, can not stand the cold weather of a cerebrovascular prone to "burst" and other accidents, some older around 50-60 years in the elderly, early in the morning just to go to work on stroke attack. At the same time, patients with acute myocardial infarction and other heart disease caused due to cooling, also increased over the previous two to three percent.
For drivers frequently sudden stroke and other accidents, Professor Pan Shuming, director of Xinhua Hospital emergency department analysts say, which may have many causes. On the one hand, the driver itself is characteristic of the profession determine their spirit at work is quite intense, and also long drive, people can easily fatigue; at the same time there are a lot of drivers themselves hypertension and other chronic diseases, especially a lot of drivers is middle-aged, have high blood pressure itself, "doing it",http://www.acoh-re.jp/post_mail/postmail.cgi, once long and high intensity work, long-term fatigue, it is likely to cause sudden illness; Another recent cold weather, often with air conditioning inside relatively warm, but the car would be quite cold outside, the car, the car and outdoor temperature difference is too large, coupled with the lack of flexibility on the middle-aged vessel itself, then cerebrovascular another cold, winter water vessel it is easy to like "burst" Like sudden stroke and other accidents.
However, medical experts also reminded, stroke tend to be threatened, such as: When the eyes to see things blurred, and the head was very heavy, limb numbness on one side of his face askew, and these are likely to be threatened Burst signs of stroke, then you need to be careful.
In addition, Professor Pan Shuming also remind the elderly to be particularly careful in the winter, stroke, drivers have to control the driving time, not too long, do not fatigue driving. Also note that while there is blood pressure control in patients with hypertension, Tianyi cold, it is easy to elevated blood pressure, to go to special care, usually pay attention to drugs to control blood pressure, the best time to add clothing, go out wearing a hat and scarf, to avoid accidents.
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