
Black clinics trying to evade law enforcement authorities to close examination
Huangfeng Lian Gong Liang Fei Sun reporter Wang Songqing text /
To remind patients, law enforcement departments in the door sprayed with black clinics "illegal practice", did not think the black clinics do not even sign the money saved, directly inside the opening. Yesterday,http://zuihuaibei.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1413, the health supervision department of Hefei part villages centralized investigation. But in the investigation process,http://www.bonjourdefrance.com, what is surprising is that many patients said they were not welcome, even black clinic owner plead. The reason is helpless: because in these black clinics,http://www.rastafarispeaks.com/repatriation/index.cgi, doctor convenient, the price is very cheap.
"Illegal practice" turned into a black clinic signs
Yesterday morning,air max outlet italia, the reporters follow Hefei Shushan Health Authority, law enforcement officers came Yuexi road, but close to the black clinics could "smell" into the wind, are closed.
Immediately,christian louboutin homme, the reporter accompanied law enforcement officers arrived at the stream path Ying large stone villages, observed that in just 200 meters, the three small clinics open for business.
The first is being investigated as "public health clinic", this "black clinic" of three beds already full to the brim. Supervision and inspection by the health workers, the clinic did not have "medical institution."
And just opposite the clinic, and the other a black clinic even the signs are not,http://www.trianglelacrosse.com/cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi, impressively large letters "illegal practice" on the door, but there are several children in the hanging water. It is reported that the clinic had already been banned enforcement agencies, in order to alert the patient, sprayed on the door "illegal practice", did not expect the boss actually just put this as a sign.
Then, in another small clinic, and these two similar cases are not "medical institution",http://www.samtpfoten.at, typical of the black clinics. Health Authority staff on the spot were confiscated illegal medical practitioners medical equipment and medicines, and banned.
Patients plead only for doctor convenience, cheaper
In many law enforcement agencies to combat illegal place of business when, under normal circumstances, people around, and consumers will be applauded. But yesterday banned black clinics in the process, a lot of people and patients, but the black clinics plea.
In public health clinics,mbt scarpe outlet, law enforcement officers in the preparation of law enforcement,http://bbs.xingtugame.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=51102, several patients said: "Doctor, although no evidence, but as long as you can see a good disease." Reporters interviewed several onlookers nearby residents. They said such small problems fever, go to a regular hospital,chaussure nike tn pas cher, and medical treatment, drug prices high,http://me.ujn.edu.cn/article/Review.asp?NewsID=1571, not as a small clinic is convenient and cheap.
"It is because some people are so-called low-cost clinics fooled by these illegal clinics, further contributed to the existence of these clinics." Law enforcement officials said, in fact,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1,air max femme pas cher, these clinics do not have the legal practice qualification, plus drugs, medical devices Sources unknown, inadequate disinfection facilities, it is easy to bring harm to public health. Some clinics, patients were not even using penicillin skin test, extremely dangerous.
Law enforcement officials to remind the public: "illegal practice seriously endangering the safety of a doctor who, for their own safety, or choose to go to a regular doctor's clinics and hospitals."