
Zhai peak around the world is the biggest dream. Photo newspaper reporter newspaper reporter Li Yansong Ji Yue Jessica brilliance
Resignation, sellers selling cars,tiffany outlet, the 8-year-old daughter dropped out of formalities ...... Spring Festival this year, 35-year-old Wang Yan Zhai Feng and his wife made an incomprehensible act. October 9, Zhai Feng will rush to the port city of Malaysia - Langkawi purchase of a second-hand sailboat, and learning to drive and marine technology with a year's time. In March next year, he will sail with his wife and daughter travel around the world take the first step.
Couples are travel enthusiasts
Thin and tall, elegant dovetail hair burgundy myopia frame ...... 8 am,http://www.lionbrandyarnstudio.com/cgi-bin/faq-search.cgi, Yanzhou nine in a hospital room a bit old, will travel Zhai Feng orderly supplies packed into a 35-year-old big shoulder bag. Travel magazines, large and small map, you can see pictures of tourism, these colorful items and rented room in stark contrast to the old furniture. "Something almost ready, on the 9th morning train to Beijing,scarpe louboutin prezzi, to fly to Kuala Lumpur,louboutin prezzi, then transfer to Langkawi, the 10th should be able to reach their destinations." Zhai Feng smiles on their journey full of expectations.
For the first time to go to Malaysia, Zhai Feng to complete a specific task. "This year in August, I saw from the World Sailing trading platform used sailing boat,http://www.acoh-re.jp/post_mail/postmail.cgi, the price of 300,chaussures louboutin pas cher,000 yuan or so, take this time to buy it." Zhai Feng is Jinan Railway Jinan electricity department Yanzhou plant a workers, from a young age is a travel enthusiast. Thailand where more than traveling by car, motorcycle and went to Nepal ALICE ...... Over the years, he and his wife Wang Yan with their own actions to achieve one after another dream.
"We have become accustomed to feeling on the road, to reach a totally new environment and to adapt to it, let us recognize that the original journey landscape so beautiful, so spacious, the path of life." Ten years, Zhai Feng and his wife almost All savings were being spent on travel, "relative happiness harvest along the way, we think it is worth it." journey again, let Zhai Feng and his wife no longer the status quo. "The small size of the city, mediocrity life,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, so we feel like a real black hole." Wang Yan said she and her husband more and more eager to live a simple life and achieve colorful dream.
Sellers resignation selling cars for the trip
The summer of 2009, a chance to watch the peak Zhai had "no power yacht sail around the world first person in China," said Zhai held a photo exhibition in the exhibition, he suddenly realized, "So poor people can travel around the world . "" After returning home, I looked at a lot of online car navigation information, learn a lot of foreign people have realized the dream of sailing. "Since then,http://kutarr.lib.kochi-tech.ac.jp, Zhai Feng also sprouted the idea of sailing. The idea to tell the same wife love to travel, the two views is surprisingly consistent. However, some practical problems are placed in front of them: Navigation to pay a lot of time,, both of whom are railway workers, could not make time; sailing high-tech products, frequently to hundreds of million of funds from the purchase of the ship where come from?
By Zhai Feng's words, more than a year's time,http://www.leon-works.com, he and his wife were headache these issues. "Once I thought of giving up, but never puts this dream." After much consideration,http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=651, Zhai Feng made a series of startling move. In September this year, he decided to resign,louboutin uomo, all day at home, online learning seamanship. After deliberations with his wife,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=85&page=1, he called 120 square meters of houses and private cars to sell, to scrape together a total of 40 million. Sailing through the international trading platform, they eventually used a fancy sailboat, and the owner will negotiate the price repeatedly identified in about 300,000 yuan. They are moving the goal line before the original, it keeps close to the dream.
What should be done next, Zhai Feng has developed a thorough plan. He will use the six months to learn seamanship in Malaysia, and for the relevant maritime certificates. Next year in March, car sailboat return Shandong, followed by his wife and daughter travel around the world take the first step.
(Original title: Yanzhou a family of three to be "boat" tour of the world)