
Andre Kuluoqinke (left) and Victor Komarov (right) was rescued, the rest in a helicopter.
WASHINGTON According to foreign media reports, the two Russian fishermen in the Far East Siberian coniferous forest wilderness lost four months after the November rescued. Thrilling,http://www.saitama-chosashi.or.jp/topics/news_detail.php?news_id=162, the two men in order to survive,http://www.xiyatour.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, they had to eat one of the partner's body. Such things evoking the recent Hollywood movie aggressively "Young Crusoe fantasy camp" inside the plot - the hero in order to survive after a shipwreck eat two passengers had to kill and eat his mother's body.
Lost expedition arctic region
It reported missing four Russian expedition fisherman on August 8, 2012 to the Far East region of Yakutia,http://84835.vhost90.cloudvhost.net/news/html/?345644.html, where there is one of the world's most remote and most inhospitable places. But after a few days,nike free run, because of their light trucks fell into a river, they had a remote coniferous Lin Lizha camp. Unexpectedly, this time the day it began to snow, hindering their plans to return home.
To November 29, a helicopter found one of the two men were aged 37, Alexander Abdullayev and now 35-year-old Alex Grew even families. They told rescuers,http://www.zhuzhou.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, when they find my way home and two companions got lost. Abdullayev Shihai to search and rescue personnel rescued, he said: "We have nothing to eat, no strength to move around."
Campgrounds were mutilated corpses found
Helicopter timely disheveled,http://www.vaswim.org/cgi-bin/rcalc.cgi, hungry for two to the hospital for emergency treatment, but after the two left the hospital in stable condition in private. Surprisingly, the rescuers then found a mutilated human corpses in two campgrounds.
An investigator told local reporters that they found some minced bones and skull,http://www.wwwns1111.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=3898,jordan pas cher, as well as freezing of blood clots. They concluded that the deceased died of serious violence, and some even doubt that the deceased was two survivors eat.
Russian authorities immediately launched the murder investigation. They sent the body of the wreckage of genetic testing to determine if the deceased was not missing two other fishermen. The two fishermen were 44 years old, Andre Kuluoqinke and 47-year-old Viktor Komarov.
Police later searched the Kuluoqinke and Komarov, but not arrest them,escarpin louboutin, but murder them as witnesses. But investigators now almost certain, cannibalism incident did occur. Investigators said: "During the acceptance of inquiries, a witness confirmed that cannibalism incident does occur it is not murder, when they eat companion, companion because they can not adapt to the environment have died.."
The fisherman called Abdullayev admitted to police that he and Turkoglu lianke eaten companion Kuluoqinke body. Kuluoqinke is frozen to death,scarpe nike running,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=86&page=2, the two rely on his meat to survive for a few weeks.
Russian Investigation Committee said last week they led the search expedition Abdullayev fourth member of Komarov's whereabouts. They found four people riding light trucks,http://my.5754.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,air jordan pas cher, but did not find Komarov's body. (Han Chen)
(Original title: Russian Han staged reality "Junior School" by Cannibal Corpse lost wilderness survival)