
● hostess was the incidence of death light
● strong hold men sentenced to bear responsibility for one percent
Sensual place, cuddly about nothing? Wrong!
One night in February 2013,http://www.balibali.com/cgi-bin/bbs/petit.cgi?, the Xiaoliao and three friends went to a hotel in Guangzhou Panyu ktv rooms play. See four men very boring, foreman of the hostess Mary brought to add to the fun.
After friends have left the private room on the left and Mary Xiaoliao two. Xiaoliao persuade Mary to drink, pulled chat, emotional place I want to hold her hand ......
Waiter rushed to stop, get out of Mary sad sad to cry out: "He bullied me,scarpe nike, trying to take advantage of me ......"
Mary placed elsewhere rest. I do not want, in the early hours,, her black lips,http://sauce-oyster-extract.ya-china.com, unconscious,nike air force one, after first aid or killed.
Identification Display, Mary because of heart disease. And that heart disease was nine years old then checked out,http://jiaxinliy.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=86733, the doctor told her not to participate in strenuous exercise,http://www.foss.lk/comment/profile.php?uid=100, not to mention the emotional or alcohol fueled.
Mary's parents think this matter hotels, foremen and Xiaoliao a pedestrian has a responsibility on the court for compensation.
After the court investigation found that Mary actually under 16 years old! Parents explained that Mary and relatives living in Guangzhou a few months, they had no idea she went to the hotel. The court then sentenced them to three percent should own responsibility. The hotel and the foreman,chaussure nike air max 90, employ underage girls drinking Peiqia, also bears responsibility for three percent.
As Xiaoliao et al., The court held that they are not only drinking and Mary, even stronger hold Mary,http://bbs.v5yw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3902260, Mary by alcohol stimuli also lead to emotional biggest fault,http://www.uco.es, should bear 40 percent responsibility.
I do not know who called innocent, Xiaoliao wronged, who represented the moment: spend money to buy happy,http://www.zuitaian.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=444594, who knows run minors also provoke any death come? Moreover,christian louboutin pas cher, some of them did not even touched a finger Mary! They appealed the revision is sought.
Location: Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court
Results: commuted hotel and foreman bear 60% of the responsibility, should be compensated a total of 130,000 yuan. Xiaoliao bear 10 percent responsibility, compensation for more than 20,louboutin france,000 yuan, and the remaining three men without compensation.
By: Xiaoliao others to hotel entertainment, is foreman initiative to Mary into the room hostess. As a customer, who do not know Mary Xiaoliao minors consistent with common sense, period did not force Mary to drink, so no need to be responsible.
 (Edit: SN067)