
9:35:07, the king of the old man with the last effort, the son pushed 9:35:08,nike air max femme, his son was pushed open, Wang old man was involved in the round bottom 9:35:09, pushed his son to safety area, his father rolled
Son carrying him into town to do some of the veterans of the relevant procedures, the way home,http://www.tukipie.net/comono/index.cgi, a large truck to turn right into the gas station, their electric car knocked down.
At this critical moment, 71-year-old villager Wang Nan Yang old man under the bridge officer with the last effort to launch his son that he was involved in the wheel end, was twice rolling died on the spot. Yesterday 9:35,http://www.healthcarehall.com/viewnews-53730.shtml, which is regrettable and moving scene, took place in 324 State Road Jinjiang Cizao Xin'an Village section.
After the incident, the driver of Henan Wang has been controlled. Reporters from the mouth of witnesses and surveillance video, learn about trouble the attack.
After the accident the father has been guarding the son
Wang old man was a veteran. Because they can receive certain veterans benefits, early yesterday morning, 46-year-old son would use electric car with him, to guanqiao township relevant procedures. Both men were wearing helmets. 9:35, Henan Wang driving large trucks to turn right to the incident in the oil gas station to refuel. King was the old man of the two electric cars drive on the right. It may be due to the electric car in the large truck blind eye, when Wang to the right,http://www.osake-ichiba.com, knocked down electric vehicles. Also, due to the large trucks faster speed, large trucks continue to tow the electric vehicle and two.
Gas station surveillance video display, 9:35:06, Wang old man dragged along in the process, in order to prevent his son injured his hand and hugged his son, foot cross to the son. After just a second, the king of the old man's right front leg was large trucks roll into, seeing their bodies should get involved, change positions on Wang horse, foot drop, exhaustion of the last effort, the son pushed out, Together with his son in case he caught under the wheels.
The driver panic reversing lead to secondary rolling
Is a second later, his son was pushed to a safe area, and Wang old man was caught under the wheels,http://total-depart2.seesaa.net, the body is subjected to the first rolling. In this case, the video can move the king of the old man's body.
Soon, the son of struggling to get up, immediately around the vehicle in front, the driver shouting "stop." However, according to the traffic control department of Jinjiang staff, driver arrested after Wang explained, he realized after running into people, that people were stuck under the second wheel and tried to reverse the car, good people out. I did not expect, because the next panic did not control the car and location,air max, and from the first wheel vehicles rolling past the king of the old man who also dragged a few meters,http://www.divorcesource.com, leading to Wang old man died on the spot.
Since his son's cell phone was damaged,air jordan homme pas cher, station staff immediately to help the police. "Too tragic, and we have a female colleague was scared to cry. The old man's son was unable to control, squatting on the ground crying for a long time." Gas station employee said, "When I saw the surveillance video,http://www.healthcarehall.com/viewnews-22013.shtml, the father can in that time The son pushed out,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=95&page=2, it is really so moved. "
The old man in his early years raising seven children to join the army
"In that moment of life and death, the nature of the parents, to my uncle in the unconscious or conscious of the situation, pushed my cousin." A nephew of the king of the old man rushed to the scene to understand the situation completely, she said with tears.
According to Wang introduced the old man's nephew, the old man had been in the early years of the military. After the war, he went to the village supply and marketing cooperatives had been a staff member. Later meager pension, their own kind of point,http://aws.keicode.com/aws/ses-dev-tool-scripts.php, the support a large family. Home a total of 4 women and 3 men seven children, the youngest daughter, 25 years old, not married. "Before the accident, his body has been very good."
Accident,louboutin scarpe, Wang old man's eldest son suffered multiple abrasions, currently in Quanzhou hospital for treatment. "Time of the incident, too urgent, I just heard 'bang' is heard, did not realize what happened,louboutin milano, do not know because he pushed me, I roll out." Eldest son recalls . After he got up and immediately went to the front of the driver to stop shouting, "I never thought, the driver actually has the reverse, I quickly shouted him to stop, but it was too late!" He said, saw his father after being run over by a second off the gas, he what was Lianku cry of grief.
Currently, the driver Henan Wang has been controlled, the suspicion has XingJu traffic accident. The accident is under investigation. (Reporter Lin naive text / Chart)
(Original title: father and son was pushed volume vehicle seventy father son was killed twice RCC)