
Newspaper reporter Yang Qian newspaper correspondent Zhang Yingying
Yesterday morning is Hangzhou First People's Hospital of Clinical Psychology master Ren Xiejian specialist clinic,http://billtran-moo.seesaa.net.
A high school girl from Fuyang to see a doctor: "Doctor, I want to die, that does not make sense to live, not happy." After listening to this, Xie Jian bow thought, and began his professional inquiry and progressive counseling.
If the average person, heard here will emerge in a cold sweat. In Xie Jian seems, is just an ordinary case, he has become accustomed.
End clinic, his long-boo breath, shake her head. "Now kids, really elusive. A lot of people are thinking about suicide, it has become the leading cause of unnatural deaths of young people. Parents, really good care of the child care."
So that he always wanted to share the story of two girls. One of them, now also periodically ask him to counseling. Girl is obsessed with death from the start of the game gradually Mistakes.
High school girls addicted "Game of Death"
A sleeping pills a wrist
In late December,http://books.boatdesign.net/bookstore/books.cgi, the hospital emergency room sent two young female students, have been in a coma. A large number of sleeping pills served, a keep deep marks on the wrist. Later I learned that two people are high school students, classmates, it is better.
Mexican girl named Little sleeping pills (a pseudonym), after gastric lavage and other rescue, finally saved the back. Granddaughter looked pale and lying in bed, 70-year-old distressed tears left.
Grandma said that the small ink very young, parents are separated,nike chaussure femme, and then follow her. "She usually well behaved, did very well. She is not dead school children, hobbies is relatively broad, calligraphy,nike air max tn requin, zither,http://itunes-how.seesaa.net, Go are good." Speaking of children, as a retired teacher's grandmother is a look of pride, but she how did not expect, granddaughter would come this far.
After the small ink sober, tells the truth. Her Internet, inadvertently into a paste, which people are discussing "Game of Death", it seems very exciting. She and friends together to experience a bit that really makes them an eye-opener. "That feels really as dead."
Maybe began his love of this "death" of pleasure, the two girls eventually embarked on this step. Also at this time, parents know that he most loved children seek death.
Her fascination with "death" because "bipolar depression"
Teenagers are more likely to suffer from this disease
Today, the small ink regularly to the hospital to find Xie health counseling.
Small ink obsession "death" because of suffering from a "bipolar depression."
Xie Jian explained, it is generally single phase, that is, in the traditional sense of depression, but also depression episodes. The two-phase, then there are two aspects of the performance, you can show to become depressed, it can also be expressed as emotional over-excited, very manic. Bipolar depression from the onset to diagnosis requires nine years.
"A lot of people mistakenly think that people will be frustrated depressive tendencies,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, they do not. Now a lot of very good, very smart people,bracciali tiffany, will suffer from bipolar depression." Xie Jian said, compared with patients excitement time,http://club.miyazaki-mu.ac.jp/gvolun/bbs/fbregi.cgi, will be particularly creative,http://237.newfine.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, there are many poets. So, like a small ink such excellent children suffering bipolar depression is not surprising.
Of course, the reason for the disease is also more complex, resulting in a comprehensive variety of factors. The reason in each case will be different. Take small ink it, because it is inter-generational band support, so the child's growth resulted in more serious impact.
According to foreign epidemiological statistics, the incidence of depression and bipolar depression is 1: 1, but bipolar depression younger than mere incidence of people with depression, the greater the harm caused to the high suicide rate. The prevalence of depression peak age was 25-30 years old, and bipolar depression is 15-19 years old, depression, suicide rate is about 10-15% of patients with bipolar depression 25-50% of people have committed suicide attempted suicide mortality rate is 11-19%.
"In recent years, bipolar depression has been among the forefront of adolescent deaths of unnatural death." Xie Jian had to say such a conclusion.
Restless youth, children face
The parents what to do
Xie Jian said,http://joseikinacchi.com, now the parents busy with work,http://www.88822.com/#87788/read.php?tid=980, to grasp the child's situation is not comprehensive enough.
Faced with child depression performance, always think it is an excuse to avoid learning, obsessed with the network, lazy, and some simply think this is the rebellious performance, normal.
It is not.
In fact, parents often neglect the child's manic period, mistakenly thought it was normal, but when the child begins to depression, parents think that children only need psychological counseling. Doctors can not observe all of the child's illness, it can easily be misdiagnosed.
"A lot of parents find child emotional problems,air jordan femme, it will automatically escape, because of mental illness is very resistant, reluctant to acknowledge the fact." Xie Jian believes that there is a problem when children, parents have not shirk responsibility.
"We must focus on the child's emotional changes, such as world-weary, reluctant to talk, do not want to eat,nike air jordan pas cher, the general mood appears more than two weeks so we should go to a doctor as soon as possible to Clinical Psychology. Adhere to medication, prevent timely diagnosis and treatment because they can not bring more damage. "Of course, he also said, parents can rest assured that as long as with the treatment, children are able to recover up.
(Original title: High school girls addicted "Game of Death" both into the suicide astray)
Edit: SN123