
Entrance just ended, beginning in 2004, Jiangsu has implemented autonomous proposition. How a college entrance examination papers released, college entrance examination conducted in the end is how? Many teachers have been involved in the proposition to the Yangtze Evening News correspondent Secret. Also yesterday, the Provincial Education Examination Yuan also invited the history, politics, geography, physics, chemistry,woolrich bambino, biology 6 election test subjects Experts Group this year marking the entrance examination paper, and make a prompt from the influence of the high school paper guide teaching.

Jiangsu college entrance examination teacher Secret "closed life"

Due to the highly confidential papers entrance proposition has been known. Yesterday, the Yangzi Evening News reporter interviewed a number of teachers who participated in the college entrance examination, listening to their Secret Life proposition that closed more than a month.

Yangzi Evening News reporter Wang Jing Zhang

Proposition "build": a mysterious phone "disappeared"

One had participated in Jiangsu entrance mathematical proposition secondary grade teacher, recalled that one day of the year by the end of April, he suddenly received a phone call,http://suqianqq.com/thread-283042-1-1.html, was consulted provincial hospital examination, can participate year college entrance mathematical proposition, can respond within two days after the request to report to the designated place, and strictly confidential. "We have to report back after spending a night, then the proposition team members have all been pulled airport security, not even to bring the book." The anonymity math teacher, told reporters after passing security, only then all members of the group pulled proposition resort to a similar place,http://www.doi.org/cgi-bin/search.cgi, about two hours away from Nanjing drive. "At the time I do not know specifically where, but the resort is the package down, easy closure, accommodation conditions in general."

After I received the notice to attend the proposition, but went away in a hurry with love and unit leaders said loudly. Once inside the phone shut down, so many people think that 'disappeared'. Who had participated in Jiangsu English teacher told reporters marking. This disappearance is more than a month. Jiangsu college entrance examination each year group members usually in late April or early May to focus, and then began to retire day.

Proposition life: no network no phone, nervous and boring

"Proposition life" nervous and boring. "There is no cell phone, not the Internet, TV room only. Meals are buffet collective, there are attendant to help clean the room. Even the waiters are not allowed to go out during the proposition, kitchen staff also had to have armed police accompanied grocery shopping, very strict confidentiality. "math teacher who participated in scoring, said teachers of various subjects, although both propositions occupies a building, but can not communicate with each other, when the dinner was also arranged in a different table. If you need to use the network, usually by discipline secretary go online to check.

Phone confiscated phone can play it? Yes, but you must call in Mandarin, but also to be monitored. "There are important things are generally just to call home, a few words about it in a hurry. Up to play twice for a week." Propositions have been involved in a university language teacher said. "We will sign a confidentiality agreement and propositions groups, including: 5 years, I can not write a book about the contents of the entrance, you can not open talks about the college entrance examination, but also can not be disclosed himself served as the identity of the college entrance examination, and so on." The teacher told reporters that the papers about life system is completed in mid-May, because a very large amount of printing paper, printing must be given sufficient time. "Until the 9th, after all subjects all over the entrance in order to return to freedom."

In addition to the daily stressful proposition, Proposition teachers who have little spare time. "Internally, will organize a number of activities, such as academic research forum,http://www.michieki.jp, and sometimes university professors will conduct seminars on a particular study." Who participate scoring English teacher said. More than a month, just to see a few familiar faces every day, "9 pm 'liberation', and return to normal life at the moment,indirizzo outlet woolrich bologna, the first impression is how so many people on the street ah!"

Proposition process: different opinions, "struggle" everywhere

Proposition group members are usually composed by university teachers and secondary school teachers, university teacher dominant. "We're not even a year mathematics group secretary a total of eight individual disciplines, seven individuals who are the main proposition, with a discipline secretary Proposition group has a leader, a deputy leader, is a university professor." Participation Proposition Math grade teacher recalls. In this regard, a university teacher, said: "Although the ground gas secondary school teachers, taking into account the needs of students, but often forget the needs of college selection,peuterey uomo prezzi, and college entrance examination as a baton, should play a guiding role in the teaching of high school."

"After people settle down, everyone will have the opposite division, responsible for such a reading problem, and the essay questions. The process is very difficult questions, questions must be original, after so many years of college entrance examination, including a variety of analog, almost all of the material are After the test, each out of a question, the secretary will be subject to search to see if there've used a variety of exams, including college entrance examination in the past. "proposition has been involved in language teacher said. "Our mission is to out a mathematical papers, namely A volume, and then roll out a spare that is B-roll. In the course of the volume, in general, will be out several kinds of questions a problem, we will discuss in the hope of The most appropriate title on A volume. In the case of opinion can not be unified, to be finalized by the head. Paper prepared after a good life, but also specially invited teachers to do the degree of difficulty questions, test papers, tightness and the accuracy of the answers. "They particularly picky, made all kinds of loopholes,woolrich outlet brescia, raise some details tight enough place, and then you will repeatedly be adjusted. "Math grade teacher who told reporters.

Proposition time also a little more than two weeks. In this process,http://www.aaeafrica.org/cgi-bin/home/index.cgi, "struggle" is everywhere, each with its own ideas between teachers proposition, especially the most controversial essay. In 2007, Jiangsu essay is "pays homage to the sky", the proposition is Dean of Nanjing Normal University MING. "There was a teacher worried about this subject too 'Gone with the Wind', say the sky is not in there yet, why nostalgia? I explained to him, the sky is in, but you think you lose the sky it? Think of this, the students began thinking, perhaps think of "War and Peace" in that scene, the face of the sky, human life is so humble ah! the sky not only makes our hearts depth, there are specific dimensions. "MING recalled, in order to enhance convincing, he also personally wrote twenty-three essay by essay showing the whole concept and the link, and finally persuaded the crew. "Masterpiece of the year particularly, whether it is a combination of their own lives nostalgia sky, there are still mysterious Smart sky full of nostalgia philosophizing,http://www.0453fdc.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=596268, are very good."

6 election test subjects Comments

Focus on physical and life closely

Jiangsu college entrance examination papers in 2014 and continued the physical Jiangsu independent proposition these features, the higher knowledge on the basis of maintaining coverage, adhere physical test students thinking ability, highlighting the backbone of discipline content of the test,moncler giubbotti donna, focusing on the production and life, modern technology close contact. Full Volume impartial strange, steady new difficulty properly, is a hierarchical, distinguished student understanding, flexibility, the ability to use mathematical quality papers.

First, multiple-choice test focused on understanding and reasoning ability, reflecting the fundamental

In addition to individual choice questions, the general is not difficult, the vast majority of questions in order to qualitative judgments based, examines the students the basic concepts, understanding, and understanding the basic law, reasoning ability.

Second, the experimental test questions focus on operational details and experimental principle, embodied inquiry

Experiments were two questions from the syllabus will start to experiment, test questions to measure the electrical resistivity of the conductor, in addition to examining screw micrometer readings, but also examines the micrometer screw rotation to avoid reading, the reading will be in front Tighten the knob of the operational details. In addition,giacchetti woolrich, the measurement circuit applications within the conductor resistance ammeter or external access, how to reduce measurement error conductor resistance and so is the question that must be considered experimental. Mechanics experiment verification force in parallel quadrilateral rule on an experimental basis, the relationship between changes in the elastic rubber band experiments with the stretch between the number made further inquiry is limited to paper and pencil test conditions, students should be able to understand principle experiments described in the title, read the physical meaning of the experimental image given in the title implied, to make the right answers to the questions. The perspective of two experimental test questions have focused on teaching high school physics allow students to experiment with a real hands-on brain active role in guiding.

Third, pay attention to the election do question situation creation, moderate difficulty, reflecting fairness

Optional modules three questions are very focused on the creation of situational questions, 3-3 wave generator to the work process chamber as the background, examines the understanding of the ideal gas, first law of thermodynamics, use Avogadro Estimation of magnitude etc. molecule; 3-4 except test measurement module pendulum vibration cycle of operation, but also the use of a micro-structure of butterfly wings, through which the light propagation path, and examines the reflected light refraction of the core content; 3-5 modules around the nuclear reaction equation,http://www.mt-plan.com/index.php?option=com_contact&Itemid=3, half-life,moncler milan, etc., but also the use of Newton's "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" on the glass ball collision phenomenon, examined the conservation of momentum. Optional Problem wider coverage, moderate difficulty, there is a good distinction.

Fourth, the math stratified asked the question, gradually deepened, reflecting the level of

Three year calculation problems were an important part of the electromagnetic induction around, movement of charged particles in a magnetic field, force and motion and energy, etc., the layout of previous years. However, this year with mechanics questions for the finale title, which is far beyond the candidates accidents. Each channel calculation problems are provided with three small ask questions from easy to difficult, gradient distribution, is conducive to distinguish between different levels of students. It is particularly worth mentioning is the last one the questions, it should be part of the problem. Vertical conveyor movement direction of the object on the slide after analysis of the movement of the conveyor belt, if the candidates can convert more flexible frame of reference, that reference to a conveyor belt for analysis, the problem is relatively simple and easy to understand.

Chemical highlight the basic content of the test

Chemical volume this year as in previous years, the paper structure, knowledge coverage, distribution, and item difficulty and other kinds of questions are relatively stable, with no tricky question, and particularly difficult problem.

Questions weight basis this year, highlighting the basic content of the test chemical to guide teachers and students to pay attention to the core and foundation of experimental chemistry learning skills. Questions close to the production and real life, in close connection with the current energy saving and environmental protection of this strategic task, to guide students to learn chemistry knowledge with practical problems, apply their knowledge. 16 questions for example, the coal waste - fly ash after chemical treatment for the removal of sulfur dioxide from flue gas to reduce acid gas emissions, too; 18 questions about plastic flame retardants chemical composition and flame principle, grasp this basic knowledge,http://taf5686.269g.net, it is easy to identify fake flame retardant products. Another cure rheumatoid arthritis drug test preparation, composition and structure, the recovery of iodine from the iodine-containing waste, and toxic hydrogen sulfide gas conversion and utilization, etc., are derived from the production and real life, the service of humanity conducive to environmental questions, the students looked at such questions will not be unfamiliar, but which can understand the important role of charm and Chemistry in scientific research, production and life played.

Questions have some difficulty gradient, some questions contain some difficulty, to reflect a certain degree of differentiation, so that the various levels of students can give full play to their actual level, but also conducive to college talented people.

Than the major biological experiments and experimental background theme title

2014 college entrance examination paper with particular emphasis on the ability to examine biological, reflecting the characteristics of grade exams, questions have levels of difficulty increased. Embodied subject characteristics, highlighting the experiment of the test, experiment title and theme of a larger proportion of the experimental background. Compared with last year, more questions concern life embodies, highlighting the use of biological knowledge test in real life; outstanding test experiment, highlighting examine the candidates for a particular problem analysis and interpretation, in terms of questions to answer, asked to explain the reasons for the principle The analysis shows that the title more. Questions novel material, close to real life, such as the ecological problems of the first 26 questions airport, both examine the basics of ecology, food chain, information transfer, succession, the specific method to use ecological knowledge fieldwork another test. In the experiment the ability to examine, test and strengthened the experimental methods of experimental operation skills test, reflecting the characteristics of science, focusing on thinking and practical test. Non-choice full volume, the basic background is experimental, examine the contents of the trunk novel perspective, interspersed among the experimental test. The first 30 questions such as β- carotene pigment screening and yeast extract, several comprehensive knowledge, to examine the culture of microorganisms, screening, sterilization, pigment extraction, especially autoclave test structure, requiring a safety valve according to figure identified exhaust valve and pressure gauge position, reflecting the migration of the application of knowledge, reflecting the importance of textbooks and new experimental test, candidates usually answer reflects the seriousness of hands-on experiments for teaching guide.

Political commentary first appeared Newsletter

2014 college entrance examination papers insist ability Jiangsu political conception, in recent years, while maintaining the characteristics of Jiangsu college entrance examination, there are breakthroughs and innovations. Papers focus on reality, rich flavor of the times, focusing on the value of the lead, highlighting the humane care. Overall, the following characteristics:

First, highlight the value of lead. Selected papers from the rich fields of social life proposition material economic, political, cultural, scientific test of the candidates with the right values and ways of thinking analysis, the ability to solve practical problems, as well as proper values and norms of behavior. Question 8 as cheap drug supply problems from the start, the government should require candidates to think about how to perform their duties; 34 questions require candidates to analyze the differences between men of letters of the inscription poem and visitors "a visit" type graffiti subtly guide Candidates introspective awareness of social civilization, paragraph (2) is to guide the candidates to ask the right sort,negozio moncler torino, treat the relationship between citizens and the state, highlighting the civic responsibility of shaping. From this point, a good paper highlights the value of ideological and political discipline lies.

Second, the ability to adhere to conception. Full papers only focus on basic knowledge test, examine the basic ideas, but also to achieve a good student disciplinary thinking, graphic conversion, such as the ability to solve practical problems, the entire volume of moderate difficulty, with high distinction, in line with the entrance of the selection of the function. As the first 10 questions require candidates to judge based on the advantages of cross-border e-commerce illustration, the first 35 questions require candidates to choose stimulate international food prices and the same mechanism of factors,http://www.thiefmissions.com, and can be used as graph representation of the change. Candidates must have a solid foundation of knowledge and accurate information extraction capabilities and the ability to convert text images to complete the questions to answer.

Third, highlighting contemporary. Full papers presented characteristics of political science disciplines, select the theme from real social life, involving a number of major current hot topics or social life: as a socialist core values, "haze alone," the supply of low-cost drugs, the registered capital of the registration system reform Party's mass line educational practice, the data stored in an era of big data, population policy adjustments, such as internet banking, many of the hot topics carrying disciplines examine the incision and the wisdom of the proposition, but also gives a strong flavor of the times papers .

Four, moderate innovation and change. Relatively stable on the whole paper, and also the innovation, in line with the Jiangsu college entrance examination steady change style. This year's novelty lies in the largest papers first appeared in news commentary. 37 questions (3) requires candidates to ask a small combination of economic, political life knowledge, to "promote the healthy and orderly development of Internet banking," which wrote a news commentary. This change of the candidates ability to build evidence around the argument, a comprehensive analysis of the problem of argumentation put forward higher request. Teaching and learning for the future, it must make current affairs, political life into the classroom, learn to use the academic knowledge, test materials and real life analysis, evaluation and solve specific problems.

Historical importance of the creation of new materials

2014 college entrance examination in Jiangsu history volumes out of 120 points, including multiple choice and non-choice 60 points each. The volume adhering to the unique style of the Jiangsu volume, test difficulty properly test sites covering a comprehensive, long selected materials, reading large and small obstacles. Thus, with particular emphasis in this volume examine students basic skills, especially the ability to read and understand the history of the material and the ability to obtain and interpret information from the material; both visits to grasp the history of student knowledge, but also reflects the reality of the humanities care. Specifically, show the following distinctive features:

1. The paper is based on materials,moncler outlet firenze, based on the syllabus, emphasis double base. 2. The entire papers inherited since the new college entrance examination consistent feature,spaccio woolrich milano, new materials and special attention to the creation of situations,peuterey abbigliamento, concerns the ability of the test and reach a comprehensive three-dimensional object. 3. Examination of the sense of history is very strong emphasis on student understanding and application of basic view of history. Question 22 as discussed in the text containing a small article, after the first occurrence of the previous year, the candidates responded well to continue to implement this year, and the scores from last year's 8 points to 10 points. 4. reflect learning from history, historical, history and reality combined with a strong flavor. The third question asked if 24D and so on. 5. Full Volume knowledge coverage, unbiased questions, problems,woolrich boulder, strange title, track and focus on hot issues, such as the US hegemony, economic globalization, social reform has reflected.

Geographic analysis is slightly more difficult

This year geography papers reflect the new curriculum, competency-based conception, graphics-rich, diverse, focusing on the basics of geography and basic skills test, by examining student data analysis and interpretation capabilities, reflecting the students the basic principles and laws of geography interpretation and application levels. Overall, slightly higher than the proportion of natural geography geography. Questions focused on issues related to population policy, the environment, food security, urban development, industrial restructuring, regional planning, community development, closely geography characteristics, focus on sustainable development, to guide students to analyze some of the hot issues of geography, such as the impact of climate on the ecological environment, the impact of soil pollution on agricultural production and so on. Thinking whole large amount of paper, asked the question more flexible, require a thorough analysis of student materials, flexible and apply the knowledge of geography, compared to last year, the paper examines the amount of information and points richer, more basic scoring, analysis is slightly more difficult increase, there is a good distinction. Vision test Yangzi Evening News correspondent correspondent Shen Lin Zhang

(Original title: Proposition college entrance examination papers how teachers Secret released after a phone disappeared)