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The streets of the most beautiful mother staged a brave flutter


Newspaper reported,chaussures louboutin hommes, "Dan mom" new feat by many people using a mobile phone freeze

The day before yesterday just won Wuhan "ten most beautiful mother" award, the award this morning to go to the newspaper. She said, "I did not think of myself as a woman."

Yesterday morning, on the road in front of the West River City School of Chinese Geology University Jiangxia Zhifanggou Street, when a weak policewoman arrested a thief meters in height, it was madness to resist, brave policewoman to be down to the ground scene, moved and inspired college students together around the thief, and ultimately, in assisting the Police Association and two students, the thief brought the crazy uniforms. And Dan, has just been named the city the day before yesterday, Civilization, Wuhan City Women's Federation and the newspaper "ten most beautiful mother."

Yesterday policewoman and thieves fight scenes are many people using a mobile phone freeze: this is not life policewoman not the most beautiful mother Dan Wuhan Evening News reported it?

Dan told this reporter, in March this year, the area often reflect public phone pickpocketing,nike tn pas cher, she had no clue extensive investigation, April 15 this year, along with a cafe back door motorcycle thefts took place, she through multi Mopai understand to 1.8 meters tall suspect,louboutin femme pas cher, surnamed Wang,http://www.dgco.jp/furima/b-parts25/bbs.cgi, 28-year-old suspected drug addicts.

He was very cunning, in order to prevent being recognized, he was wearing a wig and glasses disguise the crime,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/routes/jump.cgi, had been treated as a public security organ theft.

Dan kept an eye on the trail in this area looking for Wang.

Yesterday morning, weekend inspections to a clothing store with Chinese Geology University College of the West front of River City, Wang suddenly saw this opportunistic theft of a student's cell phone pocket.

Dan says she immediately took the Police Association of small Lu, Chen came away ready when Wang, Wang was desperate resistance. She and chasing out the Police Association, a diving down to the ground to Wang, Wang, and she fell to the ground after the fight, due to Wang tall,christian louboutin homme, they are desperate to resist, she sometimes uncontrollable Wang, but throughout her teeth Hold down the Wang,woolrich outlet, desperately do not relax.

Witnesses to reflect, in the fight, Wang suddenly pulled out a defibrillator from the pants pocket to female police raid, thanks to a Police Association Wang hand punch to knock down the defibrillator. At this point, pass here River City School of China University of Geosciences Wu, two junior male students, and the thief saw the policewoman courageously fought by the infection, immediately stepped forward to help police arrest.

Because the suspect is very violent revolt, Wu wearing a pair of glasses had been knocked out in a fight in the glasses, glasses dangling from his mouth to continue to assist the police arrest. After police and the community work together, Dan finally the revolt was empty and pulled out handcuffs handcuffed Wang, Wang stop this revolt.

Yesterday, at Zhifanggou police station, the suspect Wang explained, in order to get money drugs, repeatedly wearing a wig and glasses, pretending to look like students in the student gathering place for the implementation of theft.

Currently, Wang Zhifang Street on suspicion of theft by police criminal detention.

Text / reporter Wan Qin providers to Chilean correspondent Long Qing Li Pengcheng

Figure / Correspondent Long Qing photo

Dan dialogue

Reporter: Congratulations you just yesterday was rated the top ten most beautiful mother, and today thief meritorious.

Dan: nothing,http://din-timelines.com/cgi-bin/forums/x-forum.cgi, I did my own work, thanked the Police Association and the public to help us.

Reporter: Do you like a man looking for a thief, as a woman, think of the danger of it?

Dan: I also like when a soldier, my dictionary there is no danger of the word, there is no concept of police men and women, at work I never think of myself as a man.

Reporter: Are you a woman, can not catch him in case he ran blanket?

Dan: at the outset,http://www.sqitz.com, I took two Police Association,http://www.infrc.or.jp, Police Association is also very brave, in addition,http://jfy4ghtuertfy.bloguez.com/jfy4ghtuertfy/4856010/apeboard.cgi, I do my own, I believe that the public will not stand idly by, it turns out well.

Reporter: Do you so mad thief,http://www.lionbrand.com/cgi-bin/faq-search.cgi, regardless of danger, your child know?

Dan: He knew that when he (5 years and a half) is the side to play and see this scene, he was brave boast a good mother, said when the police have to grow up, he did not know the risk.