
Text / reporter Weng Xiaobo intern Luo Jiajia map / He Xiaogang

Laid-off workers Huanggui Qin years, did the hotel executives, "full-time wife." However, she was most interested in the most willing to do, or current job: Community Free State school head.

To run this Sinology classes, yellow aunt every month to spend at least 6,000 yuan. Many people do not understand: She is not crazy?

Do "country school" teaching "Students"

This year 54-year-old is a native of Wuhan ,, after graduating from junior high school to enter the Wuhan City 707 factory workers and administrative cadres did work. In the early 1990s, she laid off back home and find a job in a hotel, and later was promoted to vice president of the hotel.

1996, Huanggui Qin resigned from the hotel to go home, start a "full-time wife." However, these chores to take care of the family is not a major part of her life, read every day, "Students", written reading experience, is her "compulsory."

Why learn "Rules"? said that for years she was often seen media reports about the deterioration of juvenile delinquency, child relationship message, will feel uneasy. "We have a good tradition of Chinese culture,," Rules "is one of them. Why do kids always like to contradict parents and teachers, and some even took to the road of crime is that they have not been brought up in the tradition of good education. So, I use their meager forces, instill traditional culture to the children. "

In May 2008, located in Wusheng home, opened the first phase of the free Sinology classes, from the beginning, "child king" of life.

Huanggui Qin kingdom school lectures is "Rules" reading. Over the years their understanding of the content, or let the kids recite directly or compiled to teach children to sing songs. Students not on the community kindergarten ya.

More and more students, can not accommodate the family gradually. June 28, she rented a facade in the autonomous community, the school moved to the country here. July 21, she was in the Lake Gardens "good and goes home" district to do the second. In March 2009, she focused on the first two school resources, Hanyang organized a "Wing Hall" ...... within just two years, the country has 6 school relocation, and finally "capital" Lake Gardens.

With the increasing scale,chaussures louboutin hommes, school lectures country is also increasing. The first is the "parent-child early education day", a day focused on the children read "Rules" sing "filial song" etc; followed by "holiday Zhongxiao school", school age children learn Zhongxiao centralized organizational aspects, to provide them with a centralized learning spaces; and finally "Parents adult school" twice a week, organize parents to carry out "Book Club" to discuss how to educate their children, how to handle and family relationships.

It took four years more than 20 million

Huanggui Qin own calculations, over the years the school's rent, utilities, materials printing costs,chaussure nike pas cher femme,, as well as college students ask the teacher's labor costs, expenses add up to $ 6,000 per month required. From 2008 to the present, all her expenses have more than 200,000.

10 years did not work, these costs come from? said: "I laid off buyouts, plus in revenue hotel a few years, as well as in recent years, there Hankou rent at the house, all of Da came."

State run schools,, she has an iron principle: completely free. During the Lake Gardens opened, many students use the summer time the obligation to teach,tn pas cher, one of the students advice:. "Huang, you can receive a dollar a day per student, at least you can look at the tariff subsidies" Huanggui Qin listened to his advice, Parents receive a dollar heard, but also very happy. However, a few days later, Huanggui Qin think it is wrong, and put all the money back to all the parents.

Parents buy student Renzhang

Huanggui Qin touched many people move to the peak is one of them. The 30-year-olds, is a state-owned enterprise employees. A few years ago, he often took the children in the vicinity of the country school play, and slowly recognize her. "Huang is a very great man." Feng said to people is the most difficult to achieve without pay to pay, but Huang is a special case. "She is really free education."

Interview with reporters yesterday, ran into a man named mother. Mrs. Chang before more mischievous son, my mother sent Huang here to learn, "Students",, a summer off, the child has undergone great changes. "I understand the concern, but also know that a lot had not learned the etiquette." Zhangcheng Ru said.

Because there is no work, they often go to the country after Zhangcheng Ru school, the obligation to help work. Every year, she also money to burn "Rules" CD-ROM, free to Huang's students.

"Learning for Students, is to make children develop good habits from an early age to respect their parents and teachers." said that many children after school, there is a greater change. Bing Bing (pseudonym) is one of them.

Huanggui Qin introduced Ranger used to be a smart kid, the second grade, when a teacher suddenly changed. Bingbing think this teacher likes to pick his own shortcomings, and it seems that he "make life difficult", so they do not want to go to school.

Mom had no choice but to send their children to the Huang here. After listening to her mother talk, Huanggui Qin Bingbing asked: "Is there anything you can share with me about it?" Ranger said: "I always like to criticize my teacher." Huanggui Qin kindly said to him: "Come, let's learn about "Rules" inside, "heard of anger, Wen Yu music, bad friends,, the good friends but, smell reputation fear,, heard of Yan,, direct understanding disabilities,Nike air max pas cher, becoming blind. 'When people say your problem, You have to humbly accept is the good boy ah. "

One morning,hogan outlet 2015, Huanggui Qin Bingbing repeatedly to explain the meaning of these words. Finally, Bingbing said: "Huang, the afternoon I went to school."