
Rule of law Weekend reporter Zhao Hongqi

From the bottom of Henan Dengzhou

"Real name can not say useless, but something does not understand." December 29, 2013,http://mmchemi.com/thread-165176-1-1.html, Chen Zhaoheng told reporters with a wry smile.

Chen Chaoheng Henan Province Dengzhou Chen took office Island Bay neighborhood residents. Neighborhood where he came from villages renamed, because close to Dengzhou area, the appreciation of land space, residents also doubly concerned about collective land transfer issues.

Compared with some anonymous reflect the transfer of the inhabitants of the land, according to Chen Zhaoheng recent years has been to build real name Lee insisted neighborhood branch secretary and village committee director of the illegal transfer of land use rights and other issues.

Let Chen Zhaoheng not understand is that residents who report under Dengzhou Commission for Discipline Inspection Li Zhao Jian although given the party a serious warning, public security organs on suspicion of illegal transfer of land use rights investigation,abercrombie france, but Li Zhao Jian still when his "meritorious secretary "Municipal Dengzhou also hired Fu Keji cadres and continue re Dengzhou deputies.

Merchants in the name of the land

"Merchants only nominal, in fact transferred to the individual." Chen Bay neighborhood former branch secretary Chen Ronghao real name Lee has built according to the investment Xingmu feed mill was built in the name of the illegal transfer of land in the neighborhood of collective problems.

Rule of law Weekend reporter in an interview that, Dengzhou Commission for Discipline Inspection in 2008 had sent an investigation group to investigate.

Investigation Team found that, in 2003, lived in Bay neighborhood Chen Hou Jianzhong individual housing developers, advocates in Dengzhou under investment background,louboutin, through friends and Hebei Xingmu feed contact, prepare Chen Bay neighborhood was built in the factory. By Li Zhao Jian agree,http://www.xmarks.com/s/site/www.tadayumi.sakura.ne.jp/apeboard_plus.cgi/ning,/, as investment projects, in the Old South Road south Deng on two groups of villagers' farmland site selection, to be 25.6 acres of land. June 28,http://28lu.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=369048&extra=, 2004,louboutin homme pas cher, in the Office of Li Zhao Jian, Xingmu feed company, Chan Chan Bay neighborhood and former head of the Bay neighborhood two groups Horse Health Asian land acquisition agreement was signed. Subsequently, Xingmu feed company to the city planning department for approval procedures when the land was told that the land planning for residential, not the plant, decided to cancel investment plans. After consultation, Xingmu feed company the right to use land for the transfer to the housing developers Hou Jianzhong.

Xingmu feed company in the process of land acquisition, according to Lee enlisted to build more than 7.8 acres to the individual builders foolproof Peng.

Rule of law Weekend reporter in Dengzhou Commission for Discipline Inspection issued under see file (2009) No. 204 like this: in 2004, according to Li Jian familiar with individual builders foolproof find Lee Peng, Chen Bay neighborhood levy would like a piece of land. Lee was found two horses born head of Asia, the Wan introduced to the horse. After consultation with the two groups of ten thousand, ten thousand on February 2, 2005 with the price of 29,000 yuan per acre to 7.8 acres of land two groups, start cleaning company.

The paper finds that the levy foolproof Peng land without any formalities, illegal land occupation.

November 16, 2009, to discuss Dengzhou Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Standing Committee believes that Li Zhao Jian constitutes abuse and negligent error error.

Secretary wife rented farmland in 600 yuan per mu

In the eyes of the residents of the high cost of land Chen Bay neighborhood, but his wife Li Zhao Jian Kai chairman Lee Building Materials Co., Ltd., the annual rent of the land leased only 600 yuan per mu.

Law spent the weekend reporter from Dengzhou Island office file number (2010) 38 see on August 14, 2004 signed a lease agreement with the two groups of former head of a horse born in Asia, 17.3 acres of arable land rent, land limit for five years, rental fee 600 yuan per mu. The program has not been rented land to the land department for approval, in violation of the relevant provisions of the Land Bureau Dengzhou City Branch of them characterized as a law covering the rents collected.

The documents also show that Chen Bay neighborhood on the sale of land there gallop Mall arrears and so on.

April 2003, Chen Bay neighborhood residents to apply for solving the housing problem, reported by the consent of the competent leadership, Nanyang municipal government approved the diversion of 5.6291 hectares of arable land, co 84.4365 acres. Chen Bay neighborhood was built on the mall gallop approved construction sites, in addition to an area of 33.4365 acres relocatees resettlement, the remaining 155 homestead land arrangements, accounts receivable 7,415,700 yuan, Waiqian 263,400 yuan, 167,000 yuan of which the book Not shown.

No results on file for three years

"Assignment so much arable land,http://yzcelue.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=85548, the money used in any place?" "Dengzhou leadership is not also here to buy a homestead?" From 2006 onwards, reported to the authorities, who repeatedly Li Zhao Jian illegal transfer of land use rights and other issues.

In 2009,boutique louboutin paris, according to Lee Dengzhou Commission for Discipline Inspection decided to give the party a serious warning was built. 2010, Chen Bay neighborhood Dengzhou Public Security Bureau on suspicion of illegal transfer of land use rights case on file for investigation, to be responsible for Chen Bay neighborhood was built according to Lee met with resistance when taking coercive measures under criminal detention.

December 4, 2013, during the rule of law Weekend reporter get Dengzhou Public Security Bureau confirmed the interview, the public security organs have indeed Chen Bay neighborhood alleged illegal transfer of land use rights case on file for investigation, at present, still under investigation.

When a reporter asked whether the relevant personnel be held criminally responsible, the Bureau Publicity Division Zhang police explained that the public security organs criminal coercive measures to be taken against the person in charge Chen Bay neighborhood was built according to Lee, but Lee is Dengzhou deputies need to be reported to the Standing Committee approval.

When the December 5, 2013, the rule of law Weekend reporter interviewed Lee Dengzhou election committee, deputy director of the Standing Committee was told that Li Zhao Jian is two consecutive People's Congress, is still perform duties on behalf of, the public security organs clear its intention to take criminal coercive measures to consult.

Reporters saw a document from Dengzhou Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Li Zhao Jian resume,abercrombie pas cher, October 2000 any branch secretary Chen Bay neighborhood, in March 2003 served as director of the neighborhood,http://www.trekbbs.com/forumdisplay.cgi, in November 2008 no longer serve as director of the neighborhood, 2008 7 May be hired Dengzhou Municipal Fu Keji cadres.

From this resume is not difficult to find,http://fashion-news.doorblog.jp, Chen Bay neighborhood residents to report illegal transfer of land use rights and other issues,http://bbs.hhysvip.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=14687, according to Li Jian occurred in any neighborhood branch secretary and director of the period. In the report from the masses during Li Zhao Jian was "outstanding performance."

Dengzhou municipal public information, beginning in 2004, the city resolved to build incentives and village cadres "way out", "treatment" and focus combine to carry out the "Red Branch", "Meritorious secretary" striving activities. Clearly defined in the "three joint creation" event for three consecutive years was named the "five good village Party branch" can be eligible,http://www.renmo.cc/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=2095, "Red Branch"; three consecutive years was named "Red Branch", the branch secretary You can PARTICIPATING "meritorious secretary"; three consecutive years as "meritorious secretary" and enjoy the township Fu Keji cadres treatment.

And Dengzhou is the birthplace of the "four proposed two open" work method. Dengzhou Municipal publicized data show that the so-called "four proposed two open" work method specific content is: villages where major issues have to be in the Village Party leadership by "four meetings", "two open" procedures. "Four discussion" that branch would suggest, "two committees" will negotiate membership meeting to consider resolutions villager congress; "two public" that the resolution public, implement the results made public.

Dengzhou Municipal publicly stated that "four proposed two open" method to major infrastructure work in the village, it is important to handle the situation livelihood issues, land acquisition and compensation distribution, distribution of family planning targets, homestead approval, and other village affairs are included in the democratic decision-making content is changed by an individual or a few people have the final say of the phenomenon.

Chen Bay neighborhood and whether the "four proposed two open" fell at Work Act is worth pondering.