
All "donor" are concentrated arrange a suite house to live in, while in charge of hiring a nanny to their grocery shopping, cooking. "According to our field observations, they are also good meal to eat the food, but live on a bit weak point, all hard floors, looks a bit like a pyramid scheme dens." Police investigators told the "Legal Daily" reporters.

August 8, Jiangxi Poyang County, Shangrao City, police destroyed a long-term activity in Poyang county organization to sell human organs criminal gang,hogan outlet, arresting six "black intermediary" gang members, successfully rescued 10 "captive" of organ donors Body staff.

It is understood that the Poyang police cracked the case is part of a national focus to combat operations. Recently, the Ministry of Public Security under the command of harmonization, including 18 in Jiangxi provinces and cities nationwide, including public security organs to carry out a unified action to crack down on organized crime to sell human organs. Currently,, the country has destroyed tissue sell human organs "black intermediary" gang 28, arrested 137 suspects, rescued live organ providers 127, organ transplant eradicate "black dens" 13.

Internet as the sale of human organs carrier

In April this year, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province Public Security Bureau in the investigation in order to find some that sell human organs organization led by criminal gangs, the gang and Beijing, Shandong, Anhui, Henan, Jiangxi and other places to sell human organs tissues "black intermediary" liaising closely involved in the formation of a number of provinces, municipalities and criminal networks.

Public Security, the organization of criminal networks sell human organs involved in the country's 18 provinces,, municipalities and keep each other gangs "black intermediary" contact, sharing of criminal information. Often with a false identity, provided via the Internet to recruit living organ,christian louboutin homme, and its centralized closed management, and then in the hospital, the Internet looking for a patient in need of transplant organs, and then arranges providers examination, and patients with type, and finally contact the hospital in vivo organ transplants, profiteering.

In identifying criminal networks,, locking base "black intermediary" gang and its members, the Ministry of Public Security at the end of July formally involved in the deployment of public security organs to take unified action, arresting suspects locked all rescued a group of concentrated closed living organ management provider.

According to police investigators, told reporters that the need for confidentiality of action when the situation involved in conducting an investigation, did not know his own investigation of the object involved in what case.

"In addition to the relevant leaders,abercrombie pas cher, but until the arrest to the suspect, and after his trial, all of us involved in the arrest of the police to arrest the suspects did not know today who is suspected of selling human organs, tissue case." Poyang County Public Security Bureau of Interpol brigade police investigators said.

The main suspect was a gang "donor"

Surprising that the Poyang County police destroy tissue sell human organs in criminal gangs, the two main people responsible for and actually have been the "donor."

According to police investigators, was born in Poyang countryside, only 25 years old, after graduating from high school has been working in Changsha, Hunan, during a drug habit. The first half of 2009 in order to raise drug money, Li Mouchang through a Maishen "intermediary" to twenty thousand yuan price of sold one of his kidneys.

In the meantime, Li Mouchang met a similar one for the money and sell their kidneys Dengmou Jun. This year 30-year-old Deng Moujun, Hunan Huaihua people.

Two gang responsible brought to justice after the confession, they inspired, began to change to provide a kidney tissue Maishen "intermediary." According to the police investigation, as early as June 6, 2009,air jordan homme pas cher,, began with the name of "intermediary" in the online publication may be introduced to provide a source of information kidneys.

The remaining four suspects are 26-year-old Lee and 35-year-old Zhang hair red, the two are Dengmou Jun relatives, was taken to the Jiangxi responsible for "captive" "donor" home management ; 43 years of age accounted for a forest is Poyang County native, originally opened the "black car" soliciting, after being hired as a full-time driver of the gang; Yang was among six suspects only female, Jiujiang Xunyang man, Li Mouchang relatives. The first half of this year to join the gang, the main source of news in the kidney is responsible for publishing on the Internet.

Each kidney "intermediary" to earn a minimum of 250,000 yuan

Police freed the 10 cases were "captive" organ donor staff, surprising enough.

According to information provided by the police revealed that the 10 "donor" who are all outside the province, mostly concentrated in the age of about 20 years old, the youngest only 18 years old, the oldest is also only 27 years old. They were from Hubei, Sichuan, Shanxi,chaussures louboutin hommes, Hunan, Henan, Anhui, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Guangxi.

"This one has two or even a renowned Normal college students, they just put the summer time ago." Police investigators told reporters that 10 people have come from rural areas, but also from the city. Them through other "intermediary" came Poyang,, after they were Limou Chang, Dengmou Jun, who unified arrangement in Poyang town Huangjia Zhou Village centralized "captive."

In addition to go to the hospital for donor matching, the rest of the time, these "donor" is not a "safe havens." They are in the "dens" The entertainment is mainly watching television and the Internet. These 10 persons, from Sichuan have been in the "dens" was "captive" more than a year and a half.

Police also learned that all the "donor" to the freedom of choice to leave, but "will be asked to pay for meals and the return of the dens of intermediaries to introduce them to one another intermediary 3000 yuan intermediary fees."

Police handling the case said that the 10 "donor" is centralized in Poyang county police arrange hotel. After talking to the police education,, and 10 mo and remorse are identified and Deng Moujun Limou Chang et al wrongdoing.

July 27, Poyang County Public Security Bureau for 10 people bought a return ticket home, and distributed food to each person and 200 yuan in cash, will embark on their safe return to the Nanchang Railway Station train.

Currently, 6 "black intermediary" gang members involved in Poyang County Public Security Bureau has been under criminal detention, the case is under further digging in.

Police investigators told reporters, "donor" each sold a kidney usually only get 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, while the "intermediary" needs to find the families have to buy kidney uremic patients, but at the price of 280,000 yuan or more.

In this case the police learned Poyang this gang, has organized this 10 "donor" in Nanchang, a hospital for three matching, in Zhejiang, a hospital for a matching, a hospital in Hefei Just contact ready to do a matching.

"Every matching the success of a patient, the patient's family must first 'intermediary' pay from 50,000 to 120,000 yuan deposit." Police investigators said the organization in addition to the online publication "Maishen" information, but also specifically targeted manner uremic patients to hospitals to collect information, and then take the initiative to find family members of patients' marketing business. "


February 17, 2011, the Beijing Xicheng District People's Court on the case together with the sale of human organs for sentencing, the Court of First Instance sentenced the crime of illegal business Liu Yun Lu seven years in prison and fined 100,000 yuan, Bing Dong Gang 2 years in prison , suspended for two years and fined 30,000 yuan.

The prosecution alleged: Liu Yun Lu in January 21, 2009, in Beijing's Xicheng District,, Capital Medical University, Beijing Friendship Hospital within or intermediary "donor" Bing Dong Liu Gang and the patient had kidney transplants, illegal business amounted to 150,000 yuan. In addition, Liu Yun Lu Bing Dong Gang organization, Liguo Gang (handled separately) and others in between March 2009 to May, in Beijing and Shijiazhuang, Hebei rental housing, living over the Internet to recruit "donor" because he wanted middleman conduct illegal trade in human organs.

We say "law" to curb the sale of human organs should intensify the crackdown

Human Organ Transplant serious supply and demand, is the main cause of rampant illegal trade in human organs. Although the Criminal Law Amendment (eight) has made it clear to the illegal trade in human organs incrimination, but the legal profession that provides a maximum sentence of life imprisonment should be the penalty in order to achieve the most powerful blow to the crime of trafficking in organs.

At the same time, the illegal trade in human organs in the process, the network plays a very important role,, which is also contrary to the behavior of human relations should be included in the scope of a network attack.