
WASHINGTON February 25, Dahl asked volunteers to reflect the natural knowledge society, found Qin Chang An Grand Hotel Le Palais domesticated seal Huanhuan sick, I want to organize experts for consultation. The day before yesterday morning, Huan Huan was found dead. Qin Yue Gong said, Huanhuan last night has been sent to the relevant units to do an autopsy.

Volunteers invited experts view Huanhuan

Dahl asked the natural knowledge society (hereinafter referred to as Dahl asked) Institute Liu Huili reflect, February 25, volunteers at Chang An Grand Hotel Le Palais Qin Huan Huan found significant eye, one can not swim fins, who have smearing. February 29, Dahl asked the invited experts to visit.

Le Palace Restaurant manager Qin Lin said, because the seal is at molting period, more anxious,http://mydo.dream-c.com, fin rub injury, illness eye into the hair, has aquariums for help and drug treatment. After watching the experts said, will be March 2 portable instrument for Huanhuan tests.

Yesterday,https://fis.encs.concordia.ca/helpdesk-cgi/quota.cgi, Qin Le Palace hotel lobby,woolrich outlet, the pool is no longer domesticated seal Huanhuan figure.

Forest Management, said the day before 7 o'clock in the morning, domesticated member Huanhuan found floating in the water,scarpe hogan, the view is no longer alive. Hotel party immediately reported to the fishery and other departments to monitor and notify Dahl asked. On that day, the fishery sector and animal pathologists arrived. Subsequently, Huan Huan was sent to autopsy.

"Huanhuan nine years in the hotel,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/routes/search.cgi, and it is our deep feelings,http://pogalgraph.px2.jp/cgi-bin/diary/diary.cgi?mode=entry&ym=201003&no=390, it is too difficult for us to death. Death is waiting for the report." Forest Management said. It is understood that Huanhuan about ten years old, nearly two meters tall.

Seals Huanhuan not yet identified the cause of death

Yesterday, the Beijing station fishery supervision Wildlife Division law enforcement officials said, the day before yesterday afternoon has been rushed to the Qin Le Palace view, call for basic information such as seals domesticated written materials. Currently seals temporarily unable to determine the cause of death.

Whether Qin Le Palace would make a deal and other issues, law enforcement officials said the inspection report came out, such as the need to determine.

Department of Fisheries staff Beijing Agriculture Bureau, said Qin Le Palace seals on how to deal with death, law enforcement agencies need to understand the specific situation and then fixed.

■ response

If the hotel had mistakenly punished domestication

Beijing Agricultural Bureau, said the domestic breeding conditions for seals no mandatory standards

Spotted seals for the national animal protection, harbor seals breeding hotel must apply "aquatic wildlife business use permit" in the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Department, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Agriculture website news shows, Chang hotel has handled the card.

Yesterday, on the hotel how to handle licensing issues, the staff of Beijing Agriculture and Fisheries Bureau, said first aspect of the hotel need to apply the Bureau of Agriculture,http://bbs.155.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Bureau of Agriculture will have a wild animal origin, domestication and domesticated environment and staff skill levels to do the assessment, environmental main assessment of water quality, water depth, but in this area at present there is no mandatory national standards.

The staff said, in the hotel during the domestication of seals, law enforcement officers do occasionally checks the status of the seals,hogan outlet, and record their health status. The seal Huanhuan death, if human factors have been determined,christian louboutin homme, the hotel will be an administrative penalty, while the hotel at the time of application for a permit in the future,http://www.nmbang.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1078282, it will raise its assessment criteria.

■ Interrupted

Chang hotel had been dead seals

According to information provided by Dahl asked, July 27, 2006, Chang An Grand Hotel had occurred harbor seal deaths, died because of nutritional anemia. Information on, "harbor seal wild environment can be freely ingested a variety of fish and shellfish, so less nutritional anemia; but in captivity feeding fish relatively simple ...... If you can not replenish the vitamins and minerals that will cause some metabolic diseases,christian louboutin homme, such as certain nutrients or the occurrence of nutritional deficiency anemia. "

In this regard, there were seals Forest Management confirmed dead issue, but without the knowledge of the specific cause of death.

Forest Management said that when the hotel was founded, the owners kept two seals, Huanhuan is one of them, the other died in 2006, "Over the years the owners have changed, the previous owners of the seals are left." Lin manager, said the hotel will not be raised in the future seals.

■ Sound

"Dahl asked": Seals are not suitable for breeding Hotels

Appeal to the competent authorities suspended license rearing

"Not that Qin Le Palace abuse seals, in fact, we learned that the hotel is very important for seals, harbor seals,http://www.iloveap.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=78597, but as a wild animal, the hotel itself is not suitable for farming." Liu Huili introduced a long time, Dahl asked in appeal to save the hotel harbor seals, and this discovery Huanhuan sick seals, Dahl also want to ask the coalition government, hotel, through the treatment of Huanhuan, for further talks,http://www.ko-mens.tv/news/search.cgi, so as to promote saving hotel harbor seals, harbor seals protect wildlife-related work, "Unfortunately, Huan Huan did not quite go."

Liu Huili, said yesterday that she had been at the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries and fishery supervision and management station to submit two letters, including the "prohibition of the hotel's five reasons harbor seals" and "harbor seal nutritional anemia diagnosis and treatment," "hope the government can Hotels seals brought attention to the problem of feeding, also called agricultural departments to stop issuing or renewing a license to do hotel harbor seals feeding on seals have been spotted animal welfare hotel thorough investigation, timely heal injured animals, animal welfare have handed professional aid agencies, and to consider appropriate, correct and reintroduction of wild. "

This series of articles written / reporter Lu Man

This series of articles photography / reporter Han Meng