
According to US media reports,http://www.moon.sannet.ne.jp/y_miwa/gwbbs/gwbbs.cgi,cheap red bottom, recently, Alaska 9-year-old boy in the Arctic Paul personally hunted a body length of nearly 10 meters of whales,louboutin femme pas cher,http://okstiga.com/g/displayimage.php?pid=1418&page=11, a sensation throughout Alaska.

According to reports, Paul is the name of the fourth grade students. According to the father, Ellis introduction, Paul was a shy introverted playing small child, in addition to playing snowmobiles, most of the time like a man playing a man named "Rock Band" computer game at home. This spring,http://www.msknet.com/bbs/mbbs.cgi, Paul Liu Kui ride uncle Rick Bray whaling faction, first follow the big people go whaling. Although offshore operations that everyone empty-handed, but Paul has proved his extraordinary courage and fishing innate ability.

October 6, Paul followed his uncle to send mine to take a 7.3 m long fishing boat out to sea again. When the ship sailed into the harbor about 30 kilometers from the ballot when the captain sent mine found a body length of 10 meters of bowhead whales, then ordered them to track more than 20 minutes. Another uncle Paul Brouwer took the lead with a shot in the whale whaling. The failure to hit the site, the first shot did not kill whales. So, Brouwer followed by shoulder-fired rifle fired a second shot, but this time did not explode dynamite.

Critical moment,http://www.antweb.org/cgi-bin/mt/mt-search.cgi, Bradley sent a prompt decision to let the young nephew of Paul to give the other end tenacious whale "fatal blow." I saw Paul calm and experienced lift a whaling gun,cheap red bottom, then calmly start targeting action. This gun is about 2.44 meters, a full 13 kg ammunition loaded, while dressed in winter clothes, but Paul was 34 kg body weight. With a gunshot, hit a whale harpoon accurately neck to harm,http://www.cacenglish.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, heard a loud explosion followed. After the carnage splash front of the head monster finally swallowed air.

Bradley sent heartfelt praise: "Do not look at that shot hit him just right small in stature, but it has not a good fit with his age his every move strong,http://www.wareportal.co.jp,louboutin pas cher,http://www.xiyatour.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, looks like Lao Bashi worked for many years.." While entire whale hunting lasted just 10 minutes of action, but the slaughter head of the monster it took three or four hours. As a "shot tuning" the number one hero,louboutin homme pas cher, Paul and his family assigned to the hundreds of pounds of whale meat.

According to the school introduced Bray,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/routes/jump.cgi, Paul is older he knows the world's smallest whalers, before that, the record is a cousin of mine from school at age 15 to create. Paul's father, Ellis proudly said: "Only a few people grasp the whaling skills, innate in him seemed to teens, he will be able to become a good hunter.."

Wu Wen