
BEIJING, Taizhou January 16 (Reporter Xie Hunters intern correspondent Wu Yuchen Zhang Ruying) original Taizhou, Zhejiang Xianju I cross town village secretary Jiang,, by the collective land adjustment of the machine,, the use of false engineering contracting approach illegally accepting buyer "commission." On the 16th, due to non-national staff Jiangmou bribes,louboutin femme pas cher,, was sentenced to Xianju County People's Court to three years imprisonment.

Jiang, 48,louboutin homme pas cher, from 2011 to 2013 served as director of the cross-town over the village, in 2013 began to any branch secretary.

The first half of 2011, the cross-town XIANJU Kemou director Ke Ka villagers to grow vegetables in order to solve the land problem, find the village when he was director of Jiang Yu, negotiated over the village paid to the land swap. The two sides agreed to Ko Ka acre to more than 31,000 yuan price of 19.55 acres of village land swap, totaling 606,000 yuan. Meanwhile, in order to help thank Jiang,boutique louboutin paris, Ke Ka additional price of 15,000 yuan per mu to pay 276,000 yuan Jiang, as I village cadres to "commission."

August 2011, Ke home village committee and village representatives agree on matters of land swap, I will give the village cadres,moncler sito ufficiale, "commission" to 5 parts of the project contract to cash fake. This 276,000 yuan, "commission", in addition to some points related to the I village village cadres and villagers representatives, as well as for reconstruction and dam formation channels, pay fees for young crops,, the remaining 86,000 yuan Jiang both for home and personal expenses.

The second half of 2013, rumors about the existence of economic problems Jiangmou of rampant land swap. In order to deceive the public, survey response, Jiang quickly raised 40,000 yuan for projects, at the edge of the land swap pouring cement road.

However, the final paper is smoke there's fire, Jiang accepting the "commission" thing was brought to light. After appearing in court, Jiang truthfully confessed his crime,, and return the stolen money to pay 55,000 yuan.

Court held that the cross-town over the village for the swap of land belonging to the village collective land, the land between the village and the village paid Ke swap two villages belonging to the collective affairs, does not belong to the government affairs. Jiang defendant engaged in village affairs collective process, using as the director of the village committee office,, bribes 86,,000 yuan, seek benefits for others,air jordan discount, his behavior constituted the crime of bribery of non-national staff. Given their ill-gotten gains have been partially,, appropriate sentences, then made the decision. (End)

(Original title: by land swap income "commission" a party secretary of Zhejiang jailed for three years)

Edit: SN123