
A young man's kidney health worth? Thirty-five thousand yuan is the underground black market for "donor" out of the unified offer. For some people, when the "desperate", they are willing to move the knife. Liu Sheng Chongqing guy is like that.

August 14, 2012, after the completion of the final match in Taiyuan detector, lying on the operating table about to Liu Sheng, hesitated and then called the police calls. He said he was afraid,woolrich cordura, I hope the police can save him. So far, together with the people involved in the organization to sell human organs case surfaced. March 26, Yingze District Prosecutor's Office for prosecution, the court hearing the case. In view of the case is still under trial, the trial date were not disclosed. Men's friends on money urgently can Maishen

Ready to sell their kidneys guy called Liu students,http://www.all-5.com/baby-gdetective/clinic/talk/talkbbs.cgi, Wanzhou people. Because the family suddenly unexpected, and other emergency money in June 2012, he met a man named by the network stuff man. Chat, stuff he told Liu Sheng ways that can help sell their Liusheng contact a kidney. As for the offer,prada vero cuoio, if Liu Sheng is willing to accept a series of physical examination, his kidney can sell a single price of 35,000 yuan. If you need to spend can not wait to check, the stuff you can arrange the transaction quickly, but the price can only give twenty thousand. After hesitation, Liu Sheng chose the former.

"He said Guanchiguanzhu, let me come to him,http://womamoneputl.seesaa.net, without considering other things." June 27, 2012, according to Liu raw stuff of requirements, from Wanzhou embarked on a train to Henan Luohe. After arriving in Luohe, Liu Sheng was arranged to live in the East within a rental.

"At that time they arranged for me to go to the hospital to do some basic checks, concrete can not worthy, have to do other examinations." Mrs Chan said, in the rental, there are many like him waiting for the sale of kidneys "for body. " And earlier media reports of "Maishen workshop", as those willing to "donor,offerta woolrich," the young man, medical clearance after living in rented room. Weekdays, they eat and sleep in the room playing cards, waiting for matching the success came the news. July 26, Liu Sheng stuff to bring "good news" that his blood type and Taiyuan, a "buyers" accompanied by.

"Matching the success of the message, so that stuff is very excited, he immediately bought me a ticket to Taiyuan." July 26 evening, Liu Sheng on the train to Taiyuan, but not with his inseparable, as well as the East East arrangements "take care" of his powerful man. Has been with the other "donor" for several days along Liu Sheng-known person's identity with the black market jargon, strong work called "documentary", acts like a broker. In Taiyuan, Liu Sheng responsible for all the activities arranged by the strong, but the most powerful role is to prevent the "donor" Liu Sheng suddenly go back to escape.

Feel like the goods are sold to escape the idea sprouted

"Liu Sheng and buyers if successful kidney transplant, responsible for the 'documentary' The strong profitable 2000 yuan, Liu Sheng can get 35,000. If you want to get the money, you must be on the operating table after Liu Sheng money to hit a bank card, "the prosecutor said, in order to quickly complete the deal, they all aspects of operational efficiency are very high, the reason is only one word - profits. To complete the kidney transplant as "receptor" buyers must be at least similar stuff such intermediary to pay more than 30 million, but finally fell into the hands of only a tenth of Liu Sheng.

Taiyuan, the first day of arrival, they contacted the powerful "Taiyuan intermediary", other arrangements Liu Sheng further medical examination in Taiyuan, on July 30 to begin.

July 30 at 8:00 am, "Taiyuan intermediary" with Liu Sheng and powerful came to a hospital, blood typing test. This time, "Taiyuan intermediary" to Liu Sheng's name was changed to "Li Wu," and pay the required matching detection fee of $ 1,800.

August 14, Liu Sheng's test results came out,http://aquas-html.com, "Taiyuan intermediary" Liu led the day they met with students in front of the hospital is ready to accept a kidney transplant in the "receptor" steel steel.

"They are a total of three people came, 'Taiyuan intermediary' pointed to me, is that he said something." Liu Sheng said, when the two sides meet for a short time, but the first meeting of the feelings he still can not forget. "I feel like the goods are sold, that is, since then,http://www.prco.jp/~shake/apeboard/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=viewres&target=166369/, I had the idea of bailing."

The day after the meeting, Liu Sheng was again arranged into the hospital, spent a total of more than 800 yuan, "receptor" Steel Steel pay, Liu Sheng's name was changed again, "Li Shangwu." Since then, Liu Sheng has been brought strong hospital, make an appointment with a vascular screening. 12:00, receive a "Taiyuan intermediary" all the test data to the powerful phone call, to the effect that all the test results qualified Liu Sheng,http://www.air.co.jp, immediately travel to Hebei transplant surgery. After hearing the news, had been in a hurry to sell their kidneys of Liu Sheng afraid, he was not looking to take advantage of the powerful, before leaving Taiyuan rang alarm calls.

Each year millions of patients do surgery only 10,000 cases

Liu Sheng alarm, as the bottom of the interests of the network, the first arrested was "with the single" powerful.

Let the prosecutor did not think that, even if such an entry near the small "with the single", was also in the hands of "business" continues. According to the information recorded strong player in tracking Liusheng complete kidney transplant surgery,http://bliss.gjpw.net, he had to wait for nine to meet with buyers "donor" in need of services. Why have so many people to become organ sale "donor"? Prosecutors handling the entire case in the course of discovery, the reason for this is a huge market demand.

"Every year, the kidney failure patients nationwide have millions relative to dialysis, organ transplantation is a more effective way to treat kidney failure, but the kidney shortage has become the biggest stumbling block. Many queued receptor have died waiting for 'kidney' a long process. "During the interview, the reporter found that doctors in the field of kidney transplants over the provincial capital when it comes to this issue, the words are mixed with a lot of frustration.

Currently, the major source of organs surgery medical institutions has two channels: in vivo and after cardiac death remains. Due to the shortage of organs, China can do a kidney transplant a year at most 10,000 cases, is the world's second largest after the United Nations organ transplants. 100: Behind an awkward dilemma of organ transplants are too many people eager kidneys, and "donor" has very little. At birth under the huge economic benefits, a "donor" "receptor", "intermediary", hospitals, doctors cooperate with each other, the division of labor in the illegal interests of the chain will be formed.

"People's Republic of China Criminal Law Amendment (eight)," in February 2011 by a clearly defined,http://www.nmrweb.biz, organizing others to sell human organs, five years imprisonment and fined; if the circumstances are serious, more than five years in prison,moncler yoox, and a fine or confiscation of property. However, the drive to make profits at the desperate criminal gangs. Ministry of Public Security announced last August that focused action in 18 provinces and cities nationwide,http://techon.nikkeibp.co.jp, the total of destroyed tissue sell human organs "black intermediary" 28 gangs and arrested 137 suspects, including 18 illegal practice staff .

Single kidney working at full capacity and the vulnerability of the body

In the interview, the reporter network to retrieve "revenue kidney" keyword, access to relevant information content 494 million, of which,moncler scontati, there are many various kinds of "kidney intermediary." QQ group retrieval and "kidney" related chat groups, hundreds of people frequently chat groups abound. To learn more about the "intermediary" how to do business, the reporter to "lack of money and want to sell their kidneys," on the grounds, and a donor "intermediary" made contact. The following is a reporter with the "intermediary" dialogue.

Reporter: What are the specific processes Maishen? Will not be dangerous?

Intermediary ": first check-ups, and then matched type matching finished, observation in the hospital for 2-3 days, three days after signing a contract, you have the money to get the surgery after surgery, we will arrange a good doctor. there will be no danger.

Reporter: If I really go on the left side of the kidney, will have a huge impact on my body?

"Intermediary": there is only one person left kidney kidneys work, after only 30 years of age will enable the right kidney, and left kidney is not used. You cut during surgery is used kidney, leaving your unused kidney. Maishen can solve the difficulties of life; three days after surgery to sell their kidneys can get out of bed, 10 days can be bouncing ......

"Intermediary" for the removal of a kidney would not affect the health of the statement is correct?

During the interview, the relevant areas of professional doctors told reporters, "intermediary" was totally fool people. Chinese medicine, the kidney is the Patron of congenital bone marrow, kidneys and less physical strength will decline, its own detoxification system will have an impact. Under normal circumstances, the body's two kidneys are working alternately, one working kidney, the other kidney will break. But if only one kidney, only the kidney that is working at full load condition, the body prone to problems. "Unless your kidneys out of the question, had removed, otherwise the doctor will never take off a kidney."