

Cold does not?

Passers-by looked at all the cold

Neighbors said he was in mid-so

Yesterday, at the subway station near Nanjing palace, a short-sleeved, summer shorts elderly, people are scared to let pass by, "This is from the summer through to the bar, too vigorous a." According to the old man's neighbor, said he has always been body Bel stick, winter wear short-sleeved habit, nearby neighborhood know.

The sixty or seventy years old, although some white hair, but the pace brisk, he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt,http://www.takakoclub.jp/MapBbs/gabbskj.cgi?mode=res&no=345, gray shorts, wearing a thin leather shoes and socks, calm walk. Chen and passing around a dozen people, have a look of surprise, "the wind blew stinging face, hands have been frozen out of pocket dare,http://msmc.dip.jp, while the front of the uncle, does crossing over from the summer? "

He is the back of the old man's hair in the micro-Bo,woolrich bologna cadriano, aroused the crowd.

In the vicinity of the community guidelines,http://www.msknet.com/bbs/mbbs.cgi, Modern Express reporter found the uncle lived in community, unfortunately, he was not at home.

However, talking about the old man is not cold, around neighborhood knows,louboutin pas cher france photos chaussures louboutin louboutin madame butterfly, "This is the Sun uncle lived in seven of you!" 70-year-old Jiang grandmother a look at photos, they recognized. She said she could go out often encounter Sun uncle, he was very friendly,http://www.gabugabu.net/i/cgi-bin/bbspatio/patio-i.cgi, although the two sides do not know, but always say hello.

Jiang said the grandmother, when she met a few days ago Sun uncle, also deliberately touched his "cold,http://rmzdb.blog.hexun.com," the arm and asked him "cool it",sito gucci ufficiale, the other is very leisurely replied, "not cold."

Jiang said the grandmother,moncler donna piumino, Sun uncle was a solitary man. He has been very great importance of exercise and health,http://jp.reuters.com, one winter, they wear short-sleeved shorts in the summer, but wear long-sleeved pants. "His health is good way to go, we have got used to." Jiang grandmother said with a smile.

@ Le Bao's mother: Last nearby North Central also saw him, was stunned and almost fell off his chin.

Mining Ju @ Nanshan _htb under: let him cold winds blow, since I stroll!

@ Intermittent short circuit the mind: the uncle lost play truth or dare.

@ Drunk Xuejiao Ai: performance art? Winter clothes to protest the price?

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Modern Express reporter Wang Ying Fei