
BEIJING, June 14 (Reporter Wu Yang) Recently,louis vuitton outlet italia, Xinyang two migrant workers told reporters that they have armed Court ruling in favor of the requirements of Xinyang City Pingqiao District People's Court to recover as soon as possible when their salaries,http://hyougosoap.s102.xrea.com/cgi/j/j.cgi, but was Judges in every possible way to the hospital quibble. The reporter asked a hospital vice president in charge of the implementation of how the case should be executed,chanel borse sito ufficiale, vice president actually said this: he does not understand the implementation of the relevant provisions,timberland scarpe,http://www.ad.cyberhome.ne.jp/~k-morita/clip/papalani.cgi, and do not know how to perform.

10 years ago, Xinyang both farmers and Chang Ching-Mei Yang Chaoming led more than 80 migrant workers borne by Poly Construction and Development Corporation (hereinafter referred to as: Poly company) is responsible for the construction of high-speed Beijing-Zhuhai section of Xinyang section of earthwork. Let these two migrant workers did not expect that, after the completion of the company Poly part of the project money was owed to the delay, resulting in the lives of these migrant workers move day was hard. In desperation,http://by.qee.jp/cgi_kuyo/bbsk20/joyful.cgi, two years ago, the two migrant workers Poly company will borrow money to court. After Xinyang City Pingqiao District People's Court of First Instance, Xinyang City Intermediate People's Court of Final Appeal,http://zassi-backnumber.seesaa.net, Henan Province Higher People's Court ruled that the retrial and the retrial of Xinyang City People's Court of Final Appeal,http://www.mattiseidel.de, took two years,http://www.winedin.com/cajun chicken/images/pair_food_wine.php?food=register.cgi, the two migrant workers in March this year,christian louboutin homme, finally got the retrial Final judgment in favor.

Two migrant workers said that when they took the joy of victory, holding a verdict in favor of the hard-earned requirements pingqiao District People's Court, the District Court pingqiao but not executed as soon as possible to find a variety of reasons, one would say that the case file to the City Intermediate People's Court, said the High Court for a transfer to roll away, and even the staff said,http://www.kuronowish.com/~hitotsudake/bbs/apeboard_plus.cgi/, lost the first trial of Final win, the case is certainly a problem.

What are the reasons to make a judgment in favor of two migrant workers are not enforced?

May 24, the reporter found pingqiao District People's Court vice president in charge of the implementation of Wang Shen interview with the implementation of the case. Wang, vice president told reporters that they have executed the case of an application report submitted to the Court of Henan Province Higher People's Court, there are no results.

When a reporter asked,louboutin uomo, enforcement cases under what circumstances need the approval of the Provincial Higher People's Court,http://119110.seesaa.net, and under what circumstances need to delegate the implementation of other courts, and under what circumstances this level court can be executed directly, commissioned What formalities need? Wang, vice president replied that he did not know.

Wang Shen, vice president further explained that he took over as executive vice president of the competent court office only three months, have had no specific enforcement cases, they (subordinates) did not consult me before, how many of the specific implementation method I kind of do not know. Wang Kokoshin, many aspects of the implementation of the provisions to the present he has not learned, does not understand. Read the book in front of something, back again forget the case.