
A 14-year-old American brother carrying his younger brother to walk within two days of 7-year-old with cerebral palsy 40 miles (about 64 km),gucci outlet italia, to arouse awareness of cerebral palsy.

Brothers 7 am from Michigan City Tanpolunsi brother's school starting and finish at the University of Michigan. In the crowd cheer and school orchestra accompaniment, the brother Hunter? Gandy brother Braden carrying on a journey. Their families and friends to accompany all the way; some people driving a car, others walk, also joined the team.

8 pm,burberry outlet online italia, they successfully reach the end. The Braden Hunt lifted, let him touch the end of the flag, the scene burst into applause and cheers.

Talk about feelings, Hunter threw a word: "tired."

Hunter weighs about 70 kg,nike air max,, brother Braden weighs about 23 kg. "To be honest, we almost gave up halfway,," Hunter said. It was about 48 kilometers,hogan outlet 2015, "Braden legs friction (pain) badly. We did not expect to give up."

Hunt to call a friend, be encouraged. The brothers take a break and continue on the road to adjust the carrying position,, and finally completed the course. "I have never been so tired," Hunter said, "legs hurt, but we survive. We went to."

Braden born with cerebral palsy, childhood movement difficulties. Very loving brother brother Hunter, carrying him around,, became a favorite brother "transport."

Before departure, Hunter told ABC reporter: "If he (Braden) encounter any problems,, I will immediately appear in his side."

Hunt is the school wrestling team captain,, Braden was his number one "fans." Every wrestling match,, he always sat in the front and a prominent position,,borse hermes outlet, cheer for his brother.

To prepare for this long walk, Hunt strengthening exercises, lifting weights, attention to the weather. In fine weather the day of departure, but the next day the temperature decreased and rain.

Hunter, a hope to attract public attention to people with cerebral palsy event and to develop new technologies and products to help them walk. (Xinhua News Agency)