
9 pm, Changli station someone rushing down the platform attempted suicide ,, results of the two trains were hit. Suicide deep coma, was dragged out of my colleagues when legs had been badly mutilated grinding mill, had to be amputated.

13, local news conference, said Li Boya series Lushan County, Henan Province Pingdingshan,http://tukipie.net/comono/index.cgi, 2011 entered directly under the Ministry of Public Security of Railway Police College learning, social practice incident at the station. Recently, users have on the microblogging forwarding, voice mail, bless this young man, and many called him "the most handsome Tiejing 90" for.

□ Event

Save suicidal man knocked both

13 pm, Railway Police College and the local railway police Changli, respectively on the matter held a press briefing to introduce the trouble situation.

It is understood that Zhengzhou Railway Police College 2011 Public Security Technology Information Network Security Supervision majors, 20 years old, Henan Pingdingshan Lushan County, before the incident,christian louboutin homme, the railway is Changli participate in social practice.

At 17:40 on the 9th, Li Boya Changli station is a train station maintenance 1547 passengers on the train order, a middle-aged man jumped off the platform, quickly ran Shido heart. At this point, the train is slowly stop, only a dozen meters away from the man. Li Boya immediately chase, struggling to pull the man out, trying to put him out of the mind of Tao. Although the driver to take the emergency brake, but Li Boya and the man was hit by a train fell. Li Boya bloody legs, middle-aged man head, abdominal injuries, the spot coma. Because of the enormous pressure and the impact of the train, legs legs separated left middle leg was crushed crushing, crushing his right foot was crushed, has been unable to find.

According to the Second People's Hospital of Qinhuangdao to the media briefing,chaussures louboutin hommes,http://suzumehamaguri.seesaa.net, said Changli local hospital after receiving the emergency call, immediately rushed to the scene to rescue, and the two rushed to Qinhuangdao City Second People's Hospital.

More than passenger vehicles involved in the rescue mistake

Incident, police station Pan Lijiang Changli station were at the scene. His side with a radio call colleagues, while Li Boya went around and found him bleeding legs, Pan Lijiang shouted, "quick to take the rope." I wonder who boasts a rope tied Li Boya legs Pan Lijiang immediately stop the bleeding and then wrapped with Lee's pants leg, hold on to their site. The whole process, visitors can also participate in the rescue, there are more than tourists miss the train.

Netizen "warm leaves 1983," recalled that when she and Li Boya talking, a man facing the incoming train ran down the platform, before she "ah" out,http://www.sosofs.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=154995, "small police rushed over, and the man knocked together, small police knocked bloody ...... "

Parents rushed to the hospital to visit

13 pm, Railway Police College Road Publicity Department Chunsheng introduced suicide to his head, abdomen was injured on the spot coma. "Right now, people are still in a coma, and died on the spot are not rumors."

It is understood that Li Boya home in Lushan County countryside, the family opened a small clinic. After the accident, parents arrived at the 13th People's Hospital of Qinhuangdao, enter the ICU visited still under anesthesia. "This child is really good, usually very obedient at home is very sensible, and often come to the clinic for help." Li Boya's mother emotional restraint as possible. She said that no matter how dirty the clinic to the patient, and Li Boya can despise the ground before the patient without help. "He is really a good kid, and my friends are very good at ......" They expressed their understanding of the behavior of the child to save.

Beijing railway police to send condolences to Kim

After happen, Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Railways leadership given instructions to rescue Li Boya. Their decisions in the school, teachers and students to call learning.

13, Beijing railway police said, in recognition of Li Boya students dutifully, heroic self-sacrifice, Beijing Railway Public Security Bureau Party Committee Li Boya given condolence payments 200,000 yuan and Beijing Railway Public Security Bureau decided to carry out the "learn to Li Boya, due diligence duties and serve the people,http://www.nikkankyo.org, loyal guards "activities. Li Boya after graduation, as willing to railway work, railway department can hire.

Suicide man,http://www.amy.hi-ho.ne.jp/cgi-bin/user/masuda/pcbbs_sub.cgi?mode=howto,christian louboutin homme, 41 years old, surnamed Liu, Harbin, suicide reasons are not clear, his family was en route to Changli.

□ treatment

Two surgeries to his left leg transplant

Incident a half hour or so, Li Boya and that suicide man was admitted to the intensive care unit have emergency treatment. Before the surgery, microsurgery and hand-foot-known surgical treatment expert Professor Zhang Xu, after discussions with a number of medical experts, to take the best treatment plan for implementation limb replantation surgery.

At 3:30 on the 10th Xu, the successful conclusion of limb replantation surgery. 12 evening, conducted a second surgery. Currently, Li Boya after various indicators were normal. By the 13th, the hospital will left foot on the right leg transplant, to keep his legs as much as possible, to restore its function. Zhang Xu also said that his left leg amputated from the calf, but also conducive to the future artificial limbs.

At 10:30 on the 13th, Sina micro-Bo @ peace Lushan said, did not know that he had been amputated Li Boya awareness has been sober, doing psychological counseling. It is understood that Li Boya wake up to see his left foot on the right leg,louboutin soldes, he was Dr. Zeng Qingqiu: "? Can you give me the change over your feet."

According to the Railway Police College Vice President Jiang Yihuai introduction, Li Boya is very strong,http://www.tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~sane/iSCSI, when the two are bust surgery anesthesia for surgery in the conscious of the situation. When to see him, he has been repeating the word: "give you trouble!" When school leaders went to see him, and he said he also wanted to stand up if the police wanted to duty, he again encountered this matter will do!

□ visit

Only 17 days on duty when the accident

Railway Police College Road Chunsheng Publicity Department said that the annual winter and summer school students will be arranged to frontline practice. The Beijing Railway Public Security Bureau contact with the school to accept 400 people went to practice, Li Boya initiative to enroll. June 23, Li Boya with another nine classmates, was assigned to the Changli station. As of July 9 Sunrise accident, Li Boya total of 17 days on duty in Changli Railway Station.

Classmate Zhang Ye confessed, after the accident, we are comforted Crown, did not think he said: "The situation at that time, if you in the field, you will not hesitate to rush to go." Jianxi Liu is where the Department of squadron leader He said the Crown during the school learning in school, is the district team training model. He is the group secretary, also deputy district captain, is the vice squad class local colleges,scarpe hogan donna, "Under his leadership, the school district was rated team."

Moreover, Li Boya also versatile. Li Boya like writing lyrics, adapted some songs for his alma mater after graduation to write a song. In addition, he loves to write poetry, was also appointed director of the China Federation of Students literature. Liu also said the captain, Li Boya also modify the choreography team wrote a song.

According to Yang Kun Li Boya students revealed that the team provides a weekly look at the news network, and then feedback, since we are a closed training from Monday to Friday, Saturday and Sunday only be able to see, in order to allow students to have more time to watch, This work is a voluntary commitment by down. He used the time to rest every Saturday, the cafe will be copied to the U-News Network back classes.

■ repercussions

Did not save a hero

On the 13th, this sparked heated debate on the network. Sina Weibo, the news has become the highest attention to the topic of the day, ending at 19:30 on the 13th, the matter concerns and comments of users up to 190 million. "Pay tribute to him, save man is a hero, a hero is not saved!" Millions of users to the "90 most beautiful Tiejing" salute,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, praying.

In addition, the admiration, praise, I feel bad, many netizens called: Please cherish life! Suicide impulse, may make others pay a painful price!

PBL also expressed concern that the disease after feelings of friends and future life, I hope he can be strong to live, but also hope the relevant departments to provide security for his future life. Sina microblogging @ Liu Qiang East, said: "Seeing the picture could not help but shed tears to pay tribute to heroes, including the holding of his comrades who contribute 100,000 although I personally could not save his legs, but he hopes to alleviate!!. that the burden of future life! "

■ controversy

Within or not a duty of the Samaritan

"This can not be identified as courageous." 13 am, the relevant person in charge of Shandong Province Samaritan Foundation, said that although the bravery indeed admirable and touching, but because he was on duty,http://www.tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~sane/iSCSI, then this is their area of responsibility things inside, so from the relevant legal provisions, it can not be regarded as courageous.

In response, many users believe that, even if the behavior really belongs to its mandate, but still hope that the relevant departments to give their courageous title.

Text edition newspaper reporter Yuan Guoli Wang Sheng, "Shandong Business Daily", "Zhengzhou Evening News"