
(Reporter Zhang Nan) yesterday afternoon, Changchun burn hospital ICU child came piercing cry, ward 29-month-old boy Ren Jian original elm lovely, but he fell to the porridge pot, burn area of 64%, of which 12% deep third-degree burns,http://tucchy.sakura.ne.jp/c/epad2/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=6775&res=1&page=0, deep second degree burns 48% ......

Watched his son fell into the porridge pot

Ren Jian, who lives in the town of Yushu Wukeshu 2 liberation of the village community, the Secretary Chang Yan mother gave birth to him at the age of 38. More than two years of any health lively, "special sweet child mouth, see the elders would shout uncle uncle, who met with like." Secretary Chang Yan talked every child, inflamed eyes overflow with tears in it.

March 31, father Ren Guozhi relatives to attend the wedding, leaving her and her mother Ren Jian. Afternoon, the Secretary Chang Yan early for cooking dinner ■ corn porridge, boiled a pot for a long time. Ren Jian kang playing a man, my mother in the kitchen juggle.

Secretary Chang Yan Chai to hold out, so she came back, the child was already standing on the stove.

Guotai only half a meter from the ground, next to the connection with a more than 30 cm high level radioactive iron pots bowl sets,http://www.homes4sale-saltlakecity.com,nike air max pas cher,http://www.moviequote.net/moviequote.cgi, small office Kin is stepping onto the stage of this iron stove in.

When my mother opened the door, he was standing on their feet are healthy iron lid play. At this time,http://www.vm-net.ne.jp, risk, and the lid being stepped on the turn, the child fell into the boiling porridge.

Children enter at the risk of infection

The children screamed,http://blog.dz-style.com, the Secretary Yan Chang flew past his son hold out.

When Ren Guozhi received the news, children are being sent to the burn hospital in Changchun, Changchun from home to have three hours away. To the hospital, the child lost consciousness, the doctor found that when the Sun Zhenyu open kids clothes, parts of the skin has been burned off.

Sun Zhenyu introduction: "The children burn area of 64%,http://doc-on-board.com/_training/index.php?option=com_content&id=17, of which 12% deep third-degree burns, deep second degree burns of 48%, which is this year admitted to our hospital burns heaviest child."

Ren Jian face and only one arm was not injured, and now he smoothly through the shock stage, has entered the stage of infection, Sun Zhenyu, said: "It's like a battle has only just started, in infection at any time, there will be life-threatening. "

Three days in hospital treatment costs 30,000 yuan

Dressing every day, any time it was healthy to go through the same pain, tearing, played repeatedly use the phone to listen to children on weekdays favorite song, "Who is my groom," Ren Jian crying every time, whenever they hear this The song will stop. But this time,http://www.taihe0558.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=198884, the song does not relieve his suffering,gucci outlet, he only used to tell the people around you cry more pain.

Too much exercise any wounds on each dressing,louboutin soldes, have more than one hour, he kept shouting, "Mom, mom ......" Every call is heard, the parents of a broken heart is like.

Three days, the family borrowed 30,000 yuan of money has been spent, Ren Guozhi four borrow, "both of us want to sell blood." Dad leaned against the wall outside the ward,ray ban italia, cried and kept head against the wall.

The doctor said the child late treatment costs $ 200,000 to the money for the rural families is unacceptable.

Now,cheap gucci handbags, a small office and health need help, for this poor child, please help. Donation hotline: 0431-96618

■ Further Reading

Children burns increase this year

Doctor Sun Zhenyu, this year's Children's Burn Hospital of burns more particularly, has accounted for one-third of hospitalized patients, from the fifteenth day after it entered the peak period, there are still more than 20 children in the hospital, April 2, The hospital treated 11 patients, there are six children. Burns in rural than urban children, years after the fall of the boiling water pot had three children, and these children are due to improper care.

"If a child accidentally burns,http://satodamai.com/bbs/honey/honey.cgi?pl=g0&, parents should take urgent aid measures, leaving the induced heat, cold water on the red, but not rub their hands to prevent the shedding of skin necrosis, if far away from hospital, should be close to the hospital transfusion sending governance. "Sun Zhenyu said.