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Nanchuan 7000 inhabitants guarding drinking water reservoir
Boss contracting reservoir dumping fish fertilizer,http://www.massazon.com, causing water pollution, support Fengyan nanchuan Procuratorate sued the township government, in favor of First Instance
Township government food group can only use water yellow vegetables.
Have bottomed leap between reservoirs and there is a high Chichiawan reservoir drains,http://jsuva.com/cgi-bin/bbs/light.cgi.
Yesterday, nanchuan Fengyan Township High Bay reservoir, district deputy procurator-general Zhang Quan intention villagers understand the situation in the past reservoir fish fertilizer.
Yesterday, the 64-year-old Yang Jin stood before Nanchuan Fengyan Township High Bay reservoir, looking at a water reservoir and shook his head. Can not try to eat, water to local residents is a kind of torture. Contracting reservoir bosses fertilizers and manure dumped into the water fish, resulting in high total nitrogen content of 2.55 Bay Reservoir mg / l, but also to close the high Chichiawan reservoir leap reservoir TN local drinking water sources reached 1.4 mg / liter. And the state of drinking water should be less than or equal to 0.5 mg TN / liter. TN exceeded, has resulted in contamination of drinking water sources.
Under the support of Nanchuan Procuratorate, the local township government contracting reservoir boss to court. Last December 7,http://www.prco.jp/~shake/apeboard/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=viewres&target=166364/, the local court of first instance verdict, the reservoir contracting bosses signed a contract with the local government, the agreement lifted. But local residents are still talking about the issue of water with a straight face. They heard that the owner filed an appeal, the hearing will be held in March.
"They fell into the water chicken"
Yang Jin's home is on a slope next to the high reservoir Bay High Bay reservoir was "Y" shape, two boats parked shore. From six months ago, angry local residents reported so far, the reservoir had been no restocking fertilizer and manure. However, the water was still an unnatural dark blue, the water from time to time emerge in a string of blisters. Has worked in the environmental protection department had nanchuan deputy procurator-general Zhang Quan intended introduction, except for some blisters fish spit, others are emerging because the eutrophication of blisters. Yang Jin came to the reservoir side, pointing to a road near the shore and told us that he repeatedly saw farm truck pulling a truck of manure and fertilizers, poured into the reservoir. Sometimes, those two will be shipped to the reservoir with which to pour.
High Bay reservoir is located in the highest point of the mountain, the mountain is a leap in the reservoir,louboutin homme pas cher, which is the market town Fengyan village, nearly 7,000 people in five villages of drinking water sources. High Bay reservoir between the reservoir and along canals can leap through the water,http://lady-tina.com/cgi/livbb/apeboard_plus.cgi/, this canal is dry, water the locals did not dare High Bay Reservoir drink. Yang Jin said,mulberry sale, pointing to the high Bay reservoir,hogan outlet, the water inside can only be used to irrigate land and livestock to drink.
Chongqing Morning News reporters Cong Feng and Yan Xiangde on Water Tian Shifu learned, Yuejin reservoir can store 27 Articles of water to drink now bottomed out. Yuejin reservoir water has been treated water plant, reaching the health standards for drinking water,http://lophoc24h.com/home/Default.asp?MenuID=4&ProgID=40&JapGrammarID=105, but the leap reservoir has bottomed out, God or no sign of rain. Gao Articles 31.2 reservoir can store water, not drink.
Residents reported contracting boss
Nanchuan Procuratorate civil litigation supervision bureau chief of the Manifestations Bank said that last year, local residents around to find water to the mayor publicly reporting mailbox. Last June 30,http://tabilog25n.com, the local township government Fengyan to the prosecutor for help, ask for assistance reservoir operation contract termination. After receiving help,http://n-step.jp/cgi-def/admin/C-002/nihon_step/visit/main.pl, after Procuratorate studies suggest that high Chichiawan extensive reservoir and Yuejin reservoir water pollution victims, the local township government has administrative rights on the reservoir. So you can support prosecution of the way to help local residents.
Subsequently, the prosecution began to conduct a full investigation. From there,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, local residents will soon have a great deal of testimony, could prove contracting bosses in the country after the reservoir is expressly forbidden fish fertilizer, still pouring into the reservoir of fertilizers, manure. High Bay reservoir and reservoir pollution and contamination Yuejin a direct causal relationship.
Yesterday, out of the water conservancy members year contract signed with the contractor bosses. Tian Shifu tells us that the two sides signed a contract which stipulates that to ensure that the local irrigation, drinking water. When the first trial,hogan donna, the court considers the contractor fish fertilizer, there is a direct causal relationship with Yuejin reservoir water pollution, the support of local government to cancel the contract with the contractor.
Yesterday, the Chongqing Morning News reporters Zai Xianchang and Cai Fangshi found a wooden building in the reservoir, said to be one of the contracting owner's residence. But the call for a long time and no one answered. Reporters learned from the Procuratorate, the boss had contracted an appeal and will be hearing in March.
It takes time to tackle pollution
Yesterday, prosecutors visit found that to solve the pollution also takes time. From the end of last year, have not been to a soaker local reservoirs can not build up the water. Around a lot of dry paddy is played.
One pair of riding a motorcycle to the foot of the mountain to play a couple of new hoes tell us, now is not raining, we all know are starting to panic, looking around water. Going to their house at a pond mountainside to fetch water. Water often stop, and a stop is several days.
Zhang Quan meaning that the current local government is working to solve the problem of water pollution in the reservoir, but it takes time.
Edition text / Chongqing Morning News reporter Feng Chao
Excerpts Map / Chongqing Morning News reporter Li Bin
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