
Real estate development around the house into a slope treatment induced "House back down." Two Rivers forum users DragonSoft courtesy slope treatment site. Two Rivers forum users DragonSoft courtesy wall cracks intensified. Huang Jinhua She DragonSoft government circulars issued DragonSoft Liangjiang forum users for map
DragonSoft at 16:00 on November 19th hearing (Wanzhou station reporter TRAUMA) in governance slope construction process, due to improper construction, resulting in Chongqing Fengjie County Road 185 Yonganzhen bamboo Shima cement factory dormitories and 239 mechanized company wall and floor dormitory building occurred many cracks danger, threat 2 112 406 inhabitants dormitory life and property safety. Today, the reporter came to the scene to interview the ground, and was informed that Fengjie county government has taken measures to ensure the safety of life and property. & Nbsp;
Two companies into a dormitory "House back down" & nbsp;
"A few days ago to see the House crunchy reported online, I did not expect us to pour out of a building down! Safety concern." According to the cement factory dormitory living in Shima 3, Unit 2, 501 introduction Chow, 10 month, Chow and residents in the building found at the bottom of the whole building, roadways, bridges and other parts of the cracks began to appear,tiffany outlet, the people who have posted a note in the cracks of cracks were observed whether intensified. & Nbsp;
As of today, residents in danger of cracks were observed at the sticker up to 5 times the number. November 11, residents found that the occurrence of cracks is still increasing, the danger increased, inform the relevant departments. 12, Fengjie Yonganzhen government sent personnel to the site to see. On the 14th, the people's government at Each downstairs Yonganzhen posted announcement said: "Because Shima cement dormitory and mechanized company dormitory dangerous situation, according to the county government leaders held November 13 on Shima cement plant, mechanization The meeting decided that the company dormitory danger disposal, to ensure that the lives and property of all households in two buildings safety, two buildings of all tenants must follow the arrangements Yonganzhen working group,louboutin pas cher, be sure to November 16 14:00 pm before all moved to evacuate as 14:00 After not move out of the household, the town government working group will be organized before the forced evacuation of danger exclude any evacuation of residents will be allowed to enter the dangerous "& nbsp..;
Residents told reporters in March 2009, Chongqing Real Estate Development Co., shipped in from the dormitory Baokan about eight meters away down the slope, the construction of houses up to 16 real estate developers. Housing developers in digging the ground, the two houses hollowed ground, resulting in the occurrence of two buildings dangerous. It is reported that a total of seven units in two buildings,nike tn, 112 inhabitants. & Nbsp;
Overall cracking two buildings increased danger & nbsp;
Residents are provided on-site photo shows the danger of the emergence of two buildings walls, roadways, bridges, stairs, interior, balcony and other parts of multiple cracking, in which the bridge has been propped up steel scaffolding. & Nbsp;
An unnamed resident said, propped up by steel scaffolding bridge, Fengjie County departments residents after receiving the report, on the 12th after riding worthy sent staff to the scene, the requirements of real estate development business conducted cracking flyover reinforcement. & Nbsp;
Residents said Yun Real Estate Development Company from March this year began to approach real estate development, and immediately began to houses. & Nbsp;
Reporters at the photos to see residents,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=100&page=", some interior cracking at the palm of your hand can be inserted. Last week residents said,http://www.prco.jp/~shake/apeboard/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=viewres&target=102387/, as much as its maximum at about 8 cm crack, currently has two buildings appear to Baokan overall tilt, the danger is still increasing. & Nbsp;
Fengjie County People's Government, released today, said in early November,hogan scarpe,http://bbs.dhcxf.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=66550, due to the implementation of real estate development company Win slope treatment projects, resulting in Shima cement factory dormitories and mechanized company dormitory walls and floors of residential buildings in various cracks, threatening Shima cement plant and mechanized company employees two quarters, involving 406 residents of 112 people (of which: households in the 13 teachers, 11 households government cadres, doctors two households,http://www.cty-net.ne.jp/~maychan/apeboard_plus.cgi?msgnum=70&command=read_message/, 12 households enterprise workers,http://www.kazenoko-club.com/bbs/yyregi.cgi?mode=admin, and the rest for laid-off workers and other household ). & Nbsp;
This information Fengjie county government, said the department Slope Control Project by Kenji five lakes, Chongqing, following Hing Management Company supervision. Construction process, due to improper construction, resulting in the occurrence of slope deformation affecting safety around the house. After the County Construction Committee that information immediately to the building owner made a "hidden rectification notice", the building owners were instructed immediately for risk management. & Nbsp;
Resident relocation work has been in full swing & nbsp;
It is reported that, after the danger,http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/make-your-own-website-mobile-web-design-builder-digital-item-/181281492980?/shockwave/download/download.cgi, Fengjie County, went to the scene to see the principal leaders of the danger, and the organization of the Construction Committee, land, safety supervision, quality supervision,http://www13.plala.or.jp/gakuki3/cgi_bin/aska/aska.cgi, Economic Commission, Yonganzhen and construction units and other departments, in the 13th emergency survey commissioned by professional teams, according to Multi-day monitoring data show that the deformation of the body as a whole tends to be stable, its geological disasters as "blue alert" and launched an emergency plan developed, 24-hour day and night surveillance and patrol duty. & Nbsp;
Currently, Fengjie County has cracks on the bridge were reinforced and protected against septic tank leaks were repaired, the ground cracks were closed to prevent surface water infiltration and prevent further expansion of the danger. & Nbsp;
Fengjie county government said, in the context of uncertain danger, in order to ensure the safety of residents in the building, decided at all costs, to withdraw personnel and valuables after treatment and safe houses by the experts, and then return to live. At the same time, the timely development of the implementation of the residents Yonganzhen rent subsidy policy of relocation and moving expenses such as housing resettlement procedures. As of November 18, five residents have been evacuated,http://pogalgraph.px2.jp/cgi-bin/diary/diary.cgi, housing 16 by the immigration system, renting and relatives and friends about 50 risk aversion. But most people still do not have to evacuate. & Nbsp;
Accountability measures thorough investigation of the accident started responsibility & nbsp;
Today, reporters learned from Fengjie County, at present, has decided to take the lead from Fengjie County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau, the relevant authorities and building owners to investigate the existence of illegal violations. & Nbsp;
Fengjie County Land and Housing Bureau by the Group of Experts on the geological survey and design units review comments for review and assess the conclusions. Fengjie County, in conjunction with the Group of Experts sent innings, submit written comments on the responsibility of each unit should bear the danger, the draw should bear the responsibility of each unit. & Nbsp;
Fengjie County explicit requirements for new housing outside of strict floor control, does not allow to build high-rise buildings; of undeveloped land is prohibited redevelopment construction; after residents lost a conclusion to be identified, given reasonable compensation; for all security risks thorough governance,louboutin milano, ensure the safety of residents live.