
State expressly prohibits the rental or sale of illegal grave, but it was driven by the interests and reselling "living tomb" and openly in the online sale, the price of 5,000 yuan a 12,000 yuan. 18, the reporter linked to the purchase of the tomb in the name of the Internet and make unannounced visits to the tomb of traffickers. Civil affairs department on the matter is under investigation.
Tomb dealers online selling graves
18 am, reporters landed Yantai certain information site, a sale of cemetery posts impressively in the head, "Existing Fushan (Kim Sun-il Park) British Hill Cemetery sell out multiple graves,hogan uomo, located in a prime location of the project, the number of feng shui Master Collection, good location, low price. "stated the sale last post human contact.
Reporters in the name of the purchaser's phone rang seller Chen, Chen said he a few years ago in the British Kim Sun Park Hill Cemetery "bought" a hundred graves, and now there are nearly 100 graves at the two, good 12,louboutin pas cher,000 yuan each, as well as 5000 yuan each, can go to the site to see.
12:30 pm, the reporter in Chen led down to the Kim Sun Park Hill Cemetery British reporter saw Chen purchased the cemetery are located Kim Sun Park British Hill Cemetery District Area A and B1, A Bit take the east area of the tomb, the price of Each tomb bit 5000 yuan, B1 zone the tomb faces south, as a good location, there are generations of Italy on behalf of the official price of each tomb bit for 12,000 yuan.
According to Chen introduced his 2004 British pension Shan Park Hill Cemetery just developed, the trust relationship bought. "Now the tomb has sold half, and there are more than 80 graves are selected through feng shui expert, feng shui is certainly good." Chen also urged reporters to choose from several good feng shui east tomb bits.
Six graves price tripled
When a reporter on his way up to buy more than 100 graves at once skeptical,tiffany gioielli outlet, Chen told reporters produced his two purchase details and tomb-bit buy a single subscription.
Reporters on Chen's purchase details to see all of the above stated tomb tomb bit bit number Chen purchase, indicate below the total payment, invoice codes. In another pile of subscription list, and there were a purchaser's name, ID number,http://www.aginghipsters.com, address,http://www.fushun8.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=462801, and other information the tomb.
Reporters found that in more than one subscription list of the names are different. "At that time, each ID can only handle four graves, I borrowed a friend's ID card of multiple." Chen said,http://sori.org/hangul/conv2kr.cgi, if you want to buy, just go to the office of the British Hill Cemetery transfer procedures can be.
Reporters noted that in the tomb also marked on the subscription price of a single bit of the tomb. 2004 graves Chen purchase price is 1500 yuan B1 district each, and now the selling price is 12,http://www.erikatokyo.jp,000 yuan, six-year-bit value tripled tomb.
Way back, Chen told reporters that the price of the tomb can appreciate 2000 yuan per year,http://www.jocurios.eu,louboutin, the festival is generally appreciated once again before the Lunar appreciation October 1 Halloween. He said that although the appreciation of the tomb bit faster, but the risk of "speculation tomb" is also great.
Reporter survey
Cemetery aspects: to increase publicity has multiple sale
It is understood that Kim Sun Ying Park Hill Cemetery is the city government designated indiscriminate buried in mass graves, public cemetery Qianfen resettlement. In 2004, Kim Sun-il by the company responsible for developing the park. He is the one on the purchase details, sealed units for Kim Sun-British Hill Park Cemetery Administration.
According to Jin Ying Shan Park Hill Cemetery Sales Section Sharon presented, if you want to buy the tomb, each ID can only buy two,abercrombie milano, the price ranging from 13,800 yuan to 30,http://bbs.51bonjour.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=2757,000 yuan. In the case of bulk purchase of Chen, Liu said in 2004 when the British Mountain Park just developed, in order to increase publicity to raise awareness, there are multiple cases sold to associations or individuals. "If people think a reasonable price,http://www.middleeast.org/read.cgi, you can buy individual need only to procedures for transfer to the cemetery office." Liu said.
Civil affairs department: if true will be processed
"If true, the cemetery side and hype individuals suspected of 'fried Tomb', civil affairs departments to verify this, and properly deal with." Yantai Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau of Social Affairs Division staff said.
According to reports, the provisions of Articles 15 and clearly Seventeen "Shandong funeral regulations": ban illegal rental or sale of graves; ashes buried in the cemetery, the parties shall sign an agreement with the cemetery ashes buried organizer, and a one-time payment related costs. The State Council announced the "Funeral Management Ordinance (Revised Draft draft)" Article 21, cemetery management units shall, by a death certificate issued by the user to provide burial sites or depositing cremains, the issuer shall no relatives to death certificates provide burial sites or depositing cremains.
Then contact the reporter phone Social Services Branch Director Wang Fushan District Civil Affairs Bureau, according to its introduction, the matter is currently being implemented Fushan District Civil Affairs Bureau,http://www.uu600.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=12347, under investigation.