
"Slash fiction network"
But with the beautiful name "color"
Writer "main" mostly 20-year-old girl
□ Evening News reporter Lu Yan
26-year-old Wang Mingyuan (a pseudonym) built a called "slash" fiction website traffic to your site a short time jumped from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of times a second.
Slash fiction novel network so nice in the end what,
Universities family member courtyard hidden pornographic novel site
January 5 this year,, 17 am,, then the masses of anonymous reports, the police take away hiding in one fell swoop a university in the city of yellow family member courtyard building site - slash fiction network, creator and webmaster Wang Mingyuan site control.
Earlier,, police found the site in a short jump from tens of thousands of hits to the hundreds of thousands of times a second. Website content Only paid some sections VIP members have the right to read.
"This site is basically to pornographic novels mainly to promote homosexuality, violence,tiffany outlet, gore." Police investigators said.
Police statistics, slash fiction novels have seven or eight million online articles related to pornography has 1500.
Erqi Procuratorate Wang Mingyuan allegedly spread pornographic materials to the court the indictment.
20-year-old girl into writing "main force"
According to Wang Mingyuan account, he purchased a US Internet company's space,, there are currently more than 60,000 registered members.
There are general fiction on the website, there are novels involving obscene content, "want to be online recharge." Wang Mingyuan,, said the court.
He founded the site in order to profit, but since the site launched in December 2008, he was only the actual profit more than 10,000 yuan.
Let the police unexpectedly, "These novel group of girls, 20-year-old. They located in Shanghai,hogan milano, Guangzhou, Sichuan and other places,, the youngest only 17 years old." Police investigators said.
In early March of this year, more than the signing of appearing in court after another. Novelty,interactive hogan, trendy, monasteries became affected their writing prompt "source of power."
These contracted authors say they pay little writing, sometimes only a few dozen yuan income, some people still do not get the money.
The pursuit of individuality can not ignore the legal bottom line
Contractor case Erqi Procuratorate Liu Pei said, according to the law, as the founder and manager Wang Mingyuan site for the purpose of making profits, knowing others is spread obscene materials, while allowing others to propagate or laissez-faire on its website , to disseminate pornographic materials should be convicted and punished.
Psychological experts say, "slash" gives an intuitive feeling is more stylish, trendy, this is precisely to meet the girls inexperienced psychological individuality, and thus subject to their favor, so that in the pursuit of individuality,hogan interactive, while ignoring the law bottom line.
After the trial,,gucci outlet, the court did not in court for sentencing.
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