
Gold Reporter correspondent Wei Jin Lipi
Time: at 9:30 on May 31
Location: Shaoxing County Courthouse
Prosecution objects: original Shaoxing "rings spandex" chairman Hanqiu Hua
Sue Subject: Illegal absorb public deposits crime
It would seem to be a time-consuming for the hearing,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/photos/search.cgi.
Hanqiu Hua defendant, former Group Ltd. Shaoxing rings Spandex cause legal representative, known as "special silk king," said.
7 months ago, with the leader of the textile industry in Shaoxing rings Spandex in Shaoxing after Hualian Sunshine, Martial Law Holdings announced insolvent, was forced to stop production.
This was considered to be affected by the financial crisis, Shaoxing landmark event. "Five spandex" legal representative Hanqiu Hua therefore the prosecution alleged illegal fund-raising nearly 200 million yuan.
But in fact the trial lasted less than two hours, in addition to both parties on the facts of the case itself is not controversial,scarpe hogan, but also because "rings spandex" and Martial Law Holdings as successful reorganization has resumed production, and the majority of creditors and the settlement agreement.
180 million loan within six months
Maximum monthly interest rate of 13%
From the beginning to the end of the trial, 61-year-old backs are endure until the confession of the accused aspect when it comes to how the company finally discontinued, the sixtieth old finally could not hold back the tears.
"Five spandex" was founded in 1981, the most glorious time with annual sales exceeding 500 million yuan. Hanqiu Hua is also the founder of the company's legal representative, the industry had "special silk king," said.
recalled in court, twenty years before 2003, not to mention private lending, "rings spandex" Even the loans do not,http://www.alzbrain.org/prevention.cgi, your money is used up.
"Five spandex" Once the website,http://forum.ixbt.com, from 1998 to 2003, the company for five consecutive years was named Shaoxing advanced private enterprise.
say,http://www.serenadedoll.com/bbs/read.php?tid=49,louboutin prezzi, 2003, in order to make way for new roads to the local one,hogan interactive 2013, the company moved to New, but after the completion of the plant so far failed Nadaofangchanzheng, "If you can come up with a real estate license,http://www.cveg.ca/bbs/read.php?tid=1981794&ds=1&page=e#a], at least be able to get more than one billion in loans."
Then the financial crisis broke out, crushed raw material prices, this nearly 30-year history of the industry leader.
According to the indictment found, only in March 2008 to September, in the name of the individual or the company, 29 to 15 units and individuals to borrow 180 million yuan, a monthly interest rate of up to 4% -13%.
To be sued when, already has a 120 million yuan, the total interest paid over 1300 million.
The company resumed production
"Special silk king" court bowed thanks
no objection to the facts of the case, just as long as the company can successfully run a real estate license, can be used to return the loan through a bank loan.
Procuratorate Hanqiu Hua plot repayment will have no objection. According to Prosecutor's Office found that after the incident, "rings spandex" met with nine units and individuals reached a settlement agreement in order to offset interest on the principal creditors agreed to give up half of the debt,http://www.cacenglish.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, pay off the remaining debt in three phases. "Five spandex" has been the first phase of the debt repayment.
According Hanqiu Hua's lawyer, at present, "rings spandex" has resumed production after the reorganization, and start generating profits, have the ability to repay the remaining debt.
In court statements stage, once the "special silk king" deep bow to the judge, he said,tiffany roma, before the accident,http://www.kitsoft.ru, in order to allow the company to survive the storm,hogan uomo,http://www.afirmfwc.org/cgi-bin/index.cgi, his daily work from 6:30 am to 19:30, and now he most wanted thanks is ultimately saved by restructuring "rings spandex" all departments and enterprises.
Around 11:00, the trial ended. Shaoxing County Court declare that the judgment day.