
BEIJING,hogan outlet,http://meguru.jp/cgi-bin/joyful/./joyful.cgi, September 14 Quzhou Electric (Wangen Min Huang Zheng Shengfeng) Quzhou State a cashier in a company just over a year's time,nike tn prezzo, used his position to facilitate the misappropriation of more than 500 million units of the funds for the purchase of lottery tickets. Quzhou Kecheng Procuratorate recently on suspicion of embezzlement on a State approved the arrest.
"Every day I have to live in fear, but riding a tiger, although that will one day be an accident that could not stop." This year 29-year-old man Yongzhou State a regret in the detention center. State in September 2006 for a candidate to work in an enterprise Quzhou, around the beginning of October as a corporate treasury. Because of errors in the work done in less than a month to lead eight thousand dollars less on the company account. In order to compensate for the loss, unauthorized use of his office in a State opened the cash checks,http://www.californiagreensolutions.com,louis vuitton bauletto, removed the forty thousand dollars from the company's account, which is used to fill the deficit eight thousand yuan, and the rest thirty-two thousand yuan were used to purchase a lottery ticket . But I did not expect to buy a lottery ticket, not only did not make money, but the more the greater the loss.
However, a State and not give up,http://afriandi.net16.net,hogan milano, he thought the company's bank accounts, cash checks and legal chapter by him alone to manage, and to do business in the name can easily get financial seal,http://fatema.co.jp/bbs/clip.cgi, when in need of money, fill out their own checks cover chapter to the bank to withdraw money on the line. In this way, a State from company accounts take more and more money,http://sukibara.seesaa.net, more and more generous lottery, from the beginning of the hundreds of thousands and then tens of thousands,http://www.axiabridge.com/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=13&page=Lastseasonw, hundreds of thousands. In 2007 alone, the company went from a State bank account withdrawals 2.04 million, which was all the money he used to buy lottery tickets. Beginning in January 2008, Emily felt a little amount of each cash withdrawals by check, and he used his ex-girlfriend's identity to do the bank card,http://www.axiabridge.com/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=1&page=, then transfer to send money from the company account. Perhaps too easy money, a growing appetite of State,http://www.sofmap.com, from January to May 2008, he has repeatedly turn away from the company's more than 300 million accounts for the purchase of lottery tickets, the results down the drain.
In May 2008,nike air max 90 outlet, saw the hole bigger and bigger, fear of getting caught in a State, he quietly left the company, south of Guangdong to work. Emily left a unit new to the cashier and bank reconciliations, find a lender to lend $ 3 million is not recorded in the company's accounts. At this time, the company realized an accident, then to the police.
"Unsound financial system is a curse." According Kecheng Procuratorate Inspection Branch hosted the case prosecutor, the modus operandi of a State is not wise, the company has been able to embezzle large sums of money in such a short period of time, the key lies in the financial system is not perfect to the State a opportunity. (End)