
(Reporter Gu Xiaojuan) "In order to do niu second generation ID card, pictures are shot three times before they succeed, she is too small, the neck are also not stand up." Yesterday morning,louboutin, who lives in the south coast area of sky blue lake property owners Niu received their second generation ID card. It is reported that, niu born just 55 days,, it is estimated that a minimum of Chongqing identity owner.
Is the smallest ID owner
Yesterday, in the blue sky Lake area, the reporter saw Niu and her identity. Niu called SICENCES,hogan uomo,, is a little less than two months old baby.
Niu's mother WANG Jian-ling said she and dad are niu Xi'an, because working in Chongqing, the account moved to Chongqing, Chongqing also niu account. Taking into account the child will often back home, niu just one month, she took the children to the district police station to apply for a card.
Reporters learned from the police, because there is no such statistics, at present, it is estimated that the city's smallest niu identity owner.
Rush took three photos
May apply for identity cards to the little baby is not an easy thing. Wang found that,, because the child is too small,, can not afford to stand still niu neck, can not sit, always crooked picture, not the ear is blocked, is the shoulder tilt. "Took two photographs,, have been returned to her." Ms. Wang almost gave up, she finally found a Public Security Bureau designated studio, has finally succeeded. August 13 this year,, South Town police station identification niu finally run down.
With ID card is more convenient
Reporters learned that,, according to the "identity card Law" stipulates that citizens over 16 years of age must apply for identity cards and residents 16 years of age are to implement a voluntary handle. In the second generation ID card system, minors under the age of 16 can apply for the five-year second-generation ID card. However, parents are mostly unaware of, so go to apply for the second generation ID card minors rarely.
Without adults hold identity cards,scarpe nike air max, there are many easy: for example,louboutin soldes, on an airplane, you do not need to carry the booklet to show identification or attestation; to the bank for bank cards, such as the handling of the ID card,hogan uomo,, you can apply for their own travel and so on.