
China Ningbo Reuters the day before yesterday,, Mr. Tang went to a primary school in Beilun new cotton,Louboutin Baskets Femme,, 602 school classes find Luoliang Nan,, Shenlian Jie two classmates. Mr. Tang lost money for two teenagers repeatedly praised the noble character.
Afternoon the day before,, when Luo Liangnan home from school,,Louboutin Pas cher, a sports lottery in the door station found a wallet on the ground. He picked up a look, there are 5,000 yuan in cash, a cell phone and three bank cards. Luo Liangnan sometimes do not know how to find the owner, they recruited students Shenlian Jie discuss. They think: "Looking for the lost so much money, must be very anxious to find ways to find him!" So the two students on waiting for the owner in place. Soon, the wallet phone rang,Louboutin Homme,, it was a call from the owner. When the owner know that two classmates are still waiting for him when the roadside,,Louboutin Escarpins, immediately rush over. Get recovered wallet,, Mr. Tang repeatedly asked two children's names,Louboutin Soirée, but refused to say Luoliang Nan and Shenlian Jie. Fortunately, Mr. Tang know they are wearing uniforms, because his children are the new cotton primary schools. Thanks for these two students came to school the next day Mr. Tang specifically to thank the two children. It is reported that Luo Liangnan Taizhou three students who Shenlian Jie from Guizhou.
SOUTHERN Ningbo Daily Reporter correspondent Wen Lin Dong Xiaoming
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