
Look at this man who has deceived.
WASHINGTON actually posing as an illiterate, associate professor of the hospital, orthopedic surgery surgeon doctor, get money Pianse. The victim reports, this liar was eventually arrested by public security police station Metro West Branch Rd.
This year 36-year-old Ms. Wang in a unit as manager, in February of this year,Louboutin Botte, when she was dancing in the park Revolution, met a middle-aged man,http://sori.org/hangul/conv2kr.cgi, the other said he was an associate professor at a hospital in Xi'an, bone surgery surgeon doctor, and warmly invited the king Ms. dinner. As the "associate professor" claiming singles, combined with "identity", and soon defrauded trust Ms. Wang soon live together. Since then, "associate professor" various excuses to her money, which caused Ms. Wang suspicion. She quietly to "associate professor" said the hospital to inquire about the results to her surprise,http://www.uberiku.com/yybbs/yybbs.cgi, the hospital does not have this person.
And so when she came back to find the "associate professor", the other party has already disappeared, the phone can not get through. December 8 at 5 pm,http://bbs.llbtv.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=579416, when she again came to the revolution Park, found that "associate professor" wandering in the park, she immediately called the police station west Rd police, "associate professor" was immediately arrested.
Under questioning, the suspect Lu Mou, 34 years old this year, Hanzhong Chenggu County, in 2002 but had robbery was sentenced to 8 years. Because no schooling, he was arrested after the victim's name will not even recognize it.
According Lumou account in February last year after he came out of prison in Xi'an. Earlier this year,Louboutin Pas cher,http://www.british1.co.uk/cgi-bin/search.cgi, he helped people doing odd jobs in the labor market. During this period, he met regularly park in the revolution in this dance Wang, will produce a bad idea, then made up for his own hospital, Associate Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery surgeon doctor's identity, defrauded Wang trust, he has cheated the king Ms. 2,000 yuan. 8 pm,Louboutin Homme,http://www.kyoto-oasc.jp, when he again sneaked into the park to find the target revolution, was arrested by the police.
West Rd police station,Louboutin Souliers Plat,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=105&page=1, police investigators surpassed Dong told reporters recently they received a police station several similar report. Police advise looking through case dating female friends vigilant,http://www.ebay.com/itm/aw-cgi-/180631681385?clk_rvr_id=399999103299, to prevent fraud,Louboutin Plates-forme,http://www.sx5197.net/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=6119, but also hope that the victim identified the suspect. Tel: 87273949.
Text / Chart reporter intern Yang Xiaoming Lvwei