
The picture shows the fire brigade rescue man remains in the hillside,http://mm.linkk.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=798. The picture shows the scene of the tragedy Songlin Wen camera,http://onigdesign.com/error.html. The picture shows the scene Songlin Wen camera. photo
BEIJING, December 8,http://champion-fukuoka.com/bbs/bbs.cgi, Chongqing Electric (with Shaw ) Chongqing Wuxi County, heartbreaking tragedy: a young as 20-year-old wife both jumping, three-month pregnant woman died on the spot,louboutin homme pas cher, The man was hanging on the hillside of trees killed. Fire officers rescued the man remains on the 8th.
Wuxi County Fire Brigade Dec. 7 afternoon received a report that the county under the Town gorge entrance, a young couple jumping from the hillside, the woman fall on the mountain road were killed man was hanging on a cliff The tree missing. Local related departments to the scene to organize rescue Alarm.
Jumping scene, from the top of the cliffs of the road more than 100 meters high, at the top of the cliff can not see a man trapped in a tree and trapped position is steep, vertical and horizontal rocks,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=91&page=", overgrown with weeds,louboutin homme, the terrain is very advantageous. Fire brigade use hydraulic platform trucks, lift and close trapped. After investigation, the fire brigade found trapped men head injuries, has died. As night fell,louboutin femme pas cher, rescue deadlocked,hollister france, multisectoral decided until dawn the next day after the rescue.
At 7:00 on the 8th, four fire officers and soldiers to carry mountain rescue tool,http://echew.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=169617, climb the cliff on the branches cut off, slowly approaching the man remains, the ultimate use of hydraulic platform vehicle remains will be transported to the ground.
The investigation, jumping couple locals, husband Yang 25 years old, his wife Lee, 22 years old, and already three months pregnant. Allegedly because the couple quarreled with his mother, similar to the gorge entrance jumping.
According to Yang brother, said the incident that afternoon he received a telephone his brother, his brother said to go jumping into a river gorge entrance and told him to go to the corpses,http://corpus.leeds.ac.uk, and then hang up the phone and could not get through. Yang then invited along on a motorcycle arrived cousin gorge entrance. Brother, sister-in-law when he was looking at the river, suddenly saw the stone rolled down the hill there, looked up and saw his brother and sister-in-law in hand standing on top of more than 100 meters high,http://www.cap.ne.jp,hogan milano, together shouted "jump", they will jump, First landed halfway up a tree, his brother was hanging in a tree, sister-in-law but then fell on the road bounce under the cliff.
At present,http://www.all-5.com/baby-gdetective/clinic/talk/talkbbs.cgi, the reasons for the tragedy under investigation.
(Original title: Chongqing, a couple both died jumping woman has been pregnant three months (Figure))