
"The doctor soon see, my son is not being pinpoint it?" Yesterday, a middle-aged couple with a young boy frantically rushed to the provincial hospital for help. It turned out that 12-year-old Gou Qiang (pseudonym) yesterday morning on his way to school, was a strange man touched the neck, not even the normal rotation of the head!
Reporter (hereinafter referred to as "mind"): "and point" in the morning is, what is the feeling?
Gou Qiang (hereinafter referred to as "Gou"): cervical neck where the icy cold, and like a round iron tablets 'point' a little hole, I feel a little sting, a little inflation.
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Gou: a middle-aged man,http://www.51yam.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, smiling to me that the 'sorry' went away,tn air max pas cher, he was about 6 about 1 meter.
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Gou: salute to the school gate when he felt his neck 'solidification', and can not be transferred, and painful.
Note: It is not like watching martial arts, hallucinating?
Gou: I do not like to watch martial arts.
Incident & nbsp; stranger touches on stiff neck
Yesterday 7:45, Gou strong as usual, riding a bike to school. Bayi passing the entrance to a construction site,http://www.denpark.net/apro-da/index.cgi, a large truck to withdraw the right, behind a large truck along with two vans. Gou Qiang had to brake to avoid, at this moment, he suddenly felt a chill neck, like being a round iron sheet Ice "points" for a moment. He instinctively touched the neck seems a little tingling, but feeling a little bloated. He turned his head and saw an approximately one meter 6 middle-aged man from behind him through,nike tn air, middle-aged man also smiled on him and said "sorry" and left. Gou Qiang not recovered, the people behind it kept urging: "! Little doll, take the Well" Gou strong car ride away, the way did not feel any discomfort.
8:10, Gou Qiang rushed to the school, on duty at the gate and the students respect each other team ceremony,http://taroato-hokuto.sakura.ne.jp/joyful/joyful.cgi?mode=res&no=12475, he suddenly found himself neck pain. He tried rolled his neck seems to "freeze", and are not able to rotate properly. He insisted on complete Section math, to the infirmary to be examined, the school doctor to give him a point of Yunnan Baiyao spray, then let him immediately to the hospital.
Medical & nbsp; multi-diagnosis can not be a clear cause
Class teacher had immediately phoned his parents, Gou Qiang's parents rushed to the school sent him to the provincial hospital. Doctors take into account the large amount of juvenile activities, the cervical easy dislocation, its film and CT examination, but did not find his cervical spine abnormalities.
The doctor explained that if due to stress caused by muscle tension, can cause neck pain. Doctors and hand touched his neck, but the neck muscles are soft,abercrombie france, not like a muscle problem.
Subsequently,http://www.astro.com/cgi/aq.cgi, Traditional Chinese Medicine, chief physician painted teachers rush over, it can not determine the specific cause. Taking all factors, doctors initially diagnosed Gou strong neck suspected of being hit by a heavy object, there is this "acute cervical soft tissue contusion." Gou is currently strong provincial hospital for traction therapy to relieve symptoms of pain.
Confused & nbsp; Previously the law of life & nbsp; health
Reporters saw at the provincial hospital, when Gou Qiang try rotating the neck, always gently resting his chin. Even so, only slightly tilted his head, unable to fully rotate the neck.
Gou strong parents are worried about his son, his mother suspected his son was a strange man to "pinpoint", and she even asked the doctor can Jiexue. "My son is a very good body never! Up to a little cold and other ailments." She said that family for several generations have checked, and no genetic history. Gou Qiang said, before his family was Dan Mianhua are generally bronchitis and other respiratory diseases,http://www.ccoia.net/404.html, his father suffered from pneumonia,http://www.365xinxi.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=7141, bronchitis myself have won three. In addition, no other disease.
Gou Qiang also said his life is very regular, often go for sports with his father, a former table tennis, skating is now in wide areas. "Never fall over, the body has been very healthy."
Reporters & nbsp; Gong Xueyan & nbsp; intern & nbsp; Chi Min & nbsp;