
Magsaysay spot with 400 ml blood, as a wedding anniversary. Reporter Shi a correspondent Tony Lee photo
(Reporter Yin Qin soldiers) National Day in more than happy event! Yesterday morning,http://club.85383838.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=/home.php, Xuzhou small together for the event and Guigang girl Jiwei Juan tied the knot. To commemorate the donation point at the River City met, their wedding is in the Wuchang in the South a blood donation vehicle.
Said the groom,hogan sito ufficiale, 2008 at Cunxin appeal, his first for the earthquake to donate blood. Since then, he almost every half,http://ususio1.s25.xrea.com/cgi-bin/img/joyful.cgi?p=I023&, should offer a blood.
May 8,tiffany milano,http://hernia8.umin.jp, 2010,http://www.isofans.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, is destined to be with Magsaysay lucky day: "That day,http://kubikino.ne.jp/cgi-def/admin/C-002/sekikawa/visit/main.pl?PAGE_N, I saw a pure,abercrombie milano,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=97&page=, good girl donation point after busy preparing ...... Later I learned that, although she was one year younger than me, but for the first time two years earlier donation ...... "Although in the past three years than I, as the smile, then eternity.
Wedding scene, the groom with Magsaysay 67th blood donation,http://www.healthcarehall.com/viewnews-48060.shtml, blood donation ambassador Wuhan, Hubei Economic TV presenter Jiang Tao also rushed to the scene, the two witnesses. City blood center staff, volunteers, a total of 30 people attended the wedding.
"This is the blood center, the first time a witness to the wedding of blood donors." Yesterday, Yuan Ming, deputy director of Wuhan Blood Center Super confirmed,http://www.vaswim.org/cgi-bin/rcalc.cgi,hogan outlet, so far, the groom has to donate blood more than 30,louboutin homme pas cher,000 ml, 2100 ml blood bride. "The same amount of blood Magsaysay five years, equivalent to human blood for a few times."
(Original title: 5 years 30 l blood donation car a bride)
 (Edit: SN098)