
Bat covered with a dense mass of the bat flew into the night under the eaves of the temple
There are staff said:? "Bat too much, to make people a little scared,, they will not bite ah transmission of the virus or not to mention it is schools, students to attend classes."
8:30 last night, in the Dujiangyan shiyangzhen Miaozi a hundred years old, and suddenly blink sound one after another, like a dark cloud cover shadows, flying from the pane, just a few minutes, large black bat in Miaozi crazy quilt hanging under the eaves.
Shiyangzhen in Dujiangyan City, a seat very old child called Matsu Temple temple,Louboutin Botte, it stands does not fall in the earthquake,, now besieged vocational school in Dujiangyan City Park into every new middle school building. A few days ago, Huai Zhi see the building materials to the school a site, a place to sleep right next to the temple, 20:00 for a long time, he stumbled, lived here tens of thousands of bats. Last night, reporters at the time, witnessed the large bat hanging under the eaves of the scene.
Witness the spectacle: full bat hanging under the eaves
20:00, the reporter went to the vocational school,, Huai Chi approached the Matsu Temple, confidently he said:. "Again in half an hour, the bat will be hanging over the roof."
In the middle of the floor, wrapped in several new Matsu Temple looks dilapidated, mostly windows wide open, which filled with discarded furniture, rotten out to be rusty lock the doors. The temple was a square son, Master Wang in a circle, from time to time in the doorway ears stick with,Louboutin Plates-forme, "heard 'chirp' sound yet? Dark, they want to come out."
Evening 8:30, under Miaozi wide eaves, rafters and beams are "black spots" occupy, and the temple a large number of large bats fly out continuously, bat hanging under the eaves dense, they begin to fly, fly group after hanging perched on the roof, after a while by another group of "off."
Under the eaves of a sudden chirp endless, countless shadows open enough to have twenty centimeters of winged, under the eaves or spiral or stays, there is the shit hits the ground the air from time to time. In this temple eaves child, so many bats suddenly dispatched to the scene to bring an eerie feeling of gloom.
Reporters saw bats hanging over the roof of the three directions,, toward the southwest to that side of the roof, but no bats fly out, but also rare on the roof hanging. Huai-chi said that a new building opposite direction, "the bat is not intrusive, I observed a few days, they do not put an towards this."
Residents said: bat too little timid
Huai-chi said that after several days of observation, he found tens of thousands of bats lived here at least, bigger than a common sparrow to be large,
Expand winged wide. Basically 20:30 mobilized almost twenty minutes to fly a light, early to 9:00, when the bat flew back to the old house after another.
The school, a 70-year-old retired uncle, said he did not notice before there are so many bats, listen to Master Wang said, he watched the night before, was crowded bat startled.
Wang said, he slept only a few meters away from the place where,Louboutin Homme, before the roof of his house had bats,, bats go out during the day and sleep at night, not intrusive, it will not hurt people, but in the words bat, house mosquitoes, moths are gone . However,Louboutin Talon Compensé, because bats Miaozi home, standing at the window, you can smell the strong odor of feces, which piled up on things, it has become almost black stool.
However, there are after school staff informed several people have reported that: "There can be dozens, but too much, to make people a little scared, they will not bite ah transmission of the virus or not to mention it is schools, students to attend classes? . "There are a female family member said she felt very wicked bat this animal, make her feel gloomy," before watching foreign movies,Louboutin Pas cher, vampire bats are feeling very terror. "
Animal researchers: Bats are not evil
Old temple house tens of thousands of bats inhabit, which is why, nearby residents will not be affected?
Reporter consulted are Sichuan Institute of Zoology Wawushan wild animal aspect of researchers Zhu Lei.
Zhu Lei said that if the head is significantly higher than the sparrow large, may be a common mountain south bat, the bat itself is social in nature, will focus on habitat selection roof, like the Matsu temple eaves of this old house is very large, and high roof off the ground not easily disturbed, it will naturally become bat gregarious choice.
Although numerous mountain bat, but they are rarely hurt humans, before occasional bat bite situation, that is caused by disturbed.
Previous studies showed that the bat will carry the virus, such as rabies virus, there was a study that was first bat-transmitted, but bats are nocturnal residents generally do not fly into the house, as long as the direct contact did not occur on the right people without any injury, so these bats the school, teachers and students do not fear, it is best not to disturb.
Zhu Lei told reporters that many people are afraid of bats, mainly because it is nocturnal, image abomination, and Western culture, bats and evil together. But in Chinese culture,, the bat is actually a very lucky animal, bat home, five "bat" Blessings, ancient coins often, woodcarving and others have bats image, a symbol of good luck.
Moreover, he said the bat was very helpful from the zoological animals, have a good balance in the food chain. "Bats eat insects, and now the weather is hot when they catch mosquitoes,, flies, moths,, bats where insects are rarely."
If the demolition of the old temple bat would lose "home"
Wang said that he sleep at night when mosquitoes are rarely bites himself, "perhaps the bats ate it." Wang said with a smile.
Reporters in front of the temple to see a prompt card, this temple was fenced child is already dangerous, currently under construction, Wang said, the construction side, said he heard that Miaozi some history, repairs may be retained, these days Also find out a lot of stones engraved with the words, all the Qing Dynasty. But one employee said that the temple may soon be demolished son, because it is too old and do not have much value.
If you want to dismantle, these bats gone home, may have to find another place inhabit.
Lifeng Chun Hou Tingting photography intern reporter Liu Chenping