
Beijing Times (Reporter Pei Xiaolan) Commitment 1000 yuan per month alimony to his son,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, Mr. Zhang dragged eight months later, he was 1-year-old son to court divorce. Recently,http://www.e-okinet.biz,Louboutin Baskets Femme, the Miyun court hearing the case.
In September 2013, Mr. Zhang and Ms. Wang's son was born. As the child's legal representative, the mother Ms. Wang said she and Mr. Zhang in February 2014 agreed to a divorce,http://mbng.hantasy.com,Louboutin Talon Compensé,http://www.desc-online.de, agreed to raise a child by her,Louboutin Sandales, Mr. Zhang to pay 1,http://www.matsue-yado.com/otoku/clip.cgi,000 yuan per month alimony to the child to live independently so far. However,Louboutin Soirée, since the couple divorced, Mr. Zhang has not paid child support. She is represented children sued Mr. Zhang 5th of each month to pay alimony 1000.
Court, Zhang said "agree to perform," but said he had no money. He said that before working,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, but not how to go to work,http://www.netoff.co.jp, so there is no income, their lives very difficult. About a month ago, he found a driver's job in a restaurant, Xicheng District, 2400 yuan per month. He said their monthly wages on the 12th, Ms. Wang requested before the 5th monthly pay, he can not give.
The judge asked him what time to give already owed 8,000 yuan, he said, "how have a year later." Wang does not agree,Louboutin Plates-forme, requires payment within six months. Mr. Zhang replied: "I eat or drink,http://www.saltlakecityutahhomesforsale.com, not half a year on to."
"Children can not eat or drink waiting for you?" Wang angry geological asked her ex-husband.
After court mediation, Mr. Zhang promised to pay 8000 yuan twice alimony arrears before the end of April 2015 to pay 4000 yuan, the balance to be paid before the end of October 2015. Ms. Wang also had to agree.
In addition, the two sides also reached an agreement, since November 2014, the son of Mr. Zhang monthly alimony payment of 1,000 yuan, before the 15th of the month to pay, to the time the child reaches 18 years of age only.
(Original title: 1-year-old son to prosecute his father to discuss alimony)