
(Reporter Jenny Liu Junjie Wang Jianing intern) the day before yesterday, one is called the "Northeast Kings" man by a Beijing media invited to Beijing to make its anti-gambling programs. Meanwhile, the man wanted to set up anti-gambling club in Beijing, advising people to stop gambling.
Show thousands of patients
Fang Jian Chuan said, "Northeast Kings" who called Ma Honggang, Panjin people.
At the scene,http://www.ogallerie.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi, no matter how reporters wash, cut card, Ma Honggang special cards can be issued to a specified person. He said, in fact, has been a special card in their own hands, mainly using fast licensing, the license issued to a person designated.
Subsequently, Ma Honggang and shows one hand to steal thousands of patients,http://nvs.jji.co.jp, such as licensing. "Thousands of patients is that fast chips," he said, and sometimes even from the camera can not be seen.
To bet almost killed
In the interview with this reporter, the say, when his 13-years of age, and friends play poker, inadvertently took more than one card, and won. This gave him great inspiration,http://cowoco.net,louboutin homme, and since then,http://c4mzwth5.seesaa.net, every time when he tried to steal cards are cards.
At that time, Chow Yun-Fat's "God of Gamblers" being hit, Ma Honggang saw hundreds of times, learn one-handed flop. With fame grows louder, attracted some big boss asked him to help win money, then cents.
However,http://www.homespyvideo.com, once in the South of gambling, "the old thousand" were seen, were dozens of people chase. In Taizhou, because "the old thousand" of being locked up in a cage house, dig up 80,000 dollars to save his life. Several experiences, his great touch, culminating in 2005, "wash your hands."
Trip to Beijing, Ma Honggang in addition to doing the program, is also preparing to set up anti-gambling club, he knows thousands of patients 11 show, hoping to help more people gambling.
Local police did not know "Kings"
When reporters yesterday Panjin City Public Security Bureau and other departments to ask Ma Honggang individual cases,http://www.kyoto-oasc.jp, mostly sure. Panjin local one insider said, thousands of patients who, a few years ago in Panjin famous gambling circle, then do it again, turned into anti-gambling crusader.
■ dialogue
Anti-gambling: I Atonement
Beijing News: "Kings," the title how come?
Ma Honggang (hereinafter referred to as "horse"): 16-year-old debut, to help people earn a lot of money. My circle was dubbed as "epic."
Beijing News: Now to see how,air max outlet italia?
Ma: uncomfortable! I do not like to introduce me as "epic", but want to call my name.
Beijing News: by gambling,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=125&page=1, won tens of millions or even billions, credible?
Ma: That is bragging! Mainland casinos are underground, a can bet tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of very good. In Macao, the United States, you can not use the "thousands of patients", it is easy to see through.
Beijing News: Why not continue to bet?
Ma: There is a saying --- casino gambling is not a good end,hogan outlet 2015, no matter what kind of expert, I do not know what fate then go gambling.
Beijing News: Why start the anti-gambling?
Ma: I killed some people, a kind of guilt,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=56&page=2, and now anti-gambling is a sin. Also, I have a 4-year-old son,air max pas cher, I do not want his son to grow up later, someone asked him, "Your father is doing?" The son said my father was "epic." I looked up and hopes that he can walk in the sun.
Beijing News: How did you hear of anti-gambling,scarpe air max outlet uomo?
Ma: I will announce the anti-gambling hotline to receive anti-gambling counseling. I do not want to tell you how to win money, just want to tell you is how losing money.
Beijing News: You have helped many people gambling?
MA: There are about 100 people. Watching someone else sent me a thank you notes, I am very happy.
Beijing News: Some people say you are to hype yourself?
Ma: No. Most of the media looking for me. I also want to thousands of patients into a "magic show." Free, money, I do not refuse.